Compare commits


No commits in common. "5baabae99d9ca9e83dd1336b963223a8fcc95eed" and "a78dcd6f99786dbfdf94cb53f4084e29e4bd9b10" have entirely different histories.

9 changed files with 74 additions and 314 deletions

View File

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
from datetime import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
from PIL import Image
from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS
import os
names = []
dates = []
for fileName in sorted(os.listdir()):
image =
imageExif = image.getexif()
dateTimeKey = list(TAGS.keys())[list(TAGS.values()).index('DateTime')]
dateTime = imageExif[dateTimeKey]
names += [fileName.replace('DSC0', '').replace('.JPG', '')]
dates += [dateTime[:(-1 if fileName.endswith('.tif') else 0)]]
# Convert date strings to datetime
dates = [datetime.strptime(d, "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S") for d in dates]
# Choose some nice levels
actualLevels = range(-NUMBER_OF_LEVELS * 2 + 1, NUMBER_OF_LEVELS * 2 , 2)
levels = np.tile(actualLevels,
# Create figure and plot a stem plot with the date
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8.8, 4), layout="constrained")
ax.set(title="Matplotlib release dates")
ax.vlines(dates, 0, levels, color="tab:red") # The vertical stems.
ax.plot(dates, np.zeros_like(dates), "-o",
color="k", markerfacecolor="w") # Baseline and markers on it.
# annotate lines
for d, l, r in zip(dates, levels, names):
ax.annotate(r, xy=(d, l),
xytext=(-3, np.sign(l)*3), textcoords="offset points",
verticalalignment="bottom" if l > 0 else "top")
# format x-axis with 4-month intervals
ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter("%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S"))
plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=30, ha="right")
# remove y-axis and spines
ax.spines[["left", "top", "right"]].set_visible(False)

View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
import numpy as np
from utils import Color
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
import rawpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
firstBayerFilterOccurrenceImages = []
for fileName in tqdm(os.listdir()):
with rawpy.imread(fileName) as raw:
colorDesc = raw.color_desc.decode('ascii')
assert colorDesc == 'RGBG'
assert np.array_equal(raw.raw_pattern, np.array([[0, 1], [3, 2]], dtype = np.uint8))
# RG
# GB
firstBayerFilterOccurrenceImage = raw.raw_image_visible.copy()[:2, :2]
firstBayerFilterOccurrenceImages += [firstBayerFilterOccurrenceImage]
firstBayerFilterOccurrenceImages = np.array(firstBayerFilterOccurrenceImages)
def getColor(colorIndex):
return HEX_COLOR % tuple((255 if colorIndex == colorIndexTmp else 0) for colorIndexTmp in range(NUMBER_OF_COLORS))
for colorIndex, (colorY, colorX) in enumerate([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1)]):
X = firstBayerFilterOccurrenceImages[:, colorY, colorX] - np.mean(firstBayerFilterOccurrenceImages, axis = 0)[colorY, colorX]
plt.hist(X, bins = len(set(X)), color = getColor(colorIndex), alpha = 0.3)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import skimage.restoration
from skimage import img_as_float
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
@ -7,19 +8,23 @@ import os
from tqdm import tqdm
import csv
import rawpy
from utils import Color, denoise, iterativeMean
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from utils import Color
imagesFolderPath = 'rafael/arw'
imagesFolderPathFileName = imagesFolderPath.replace('/', '_')
# Among:
# `denoise` possible denoisers and `mean`.
# - `wavelet`
# - `bilateral`
# - `tv_chambolle`
# - `mean`
denoiser = 'mean'
raiseNotFlatFields = False
# `[Color.RED, Color.GREEN_RIGHT, ...]` or `Color` or `[None]` for not raw images.
colors = [None]
# `[Color.RED, Color.GREEN_RIGHT, ...]` or `Color`.
colors = Color
if denoiser != 'mean':
denoise = getattr(skimage.restoration, f'denoise_{denoiser}')
imagesFileNames = os.listdir(imagesFolderPath + ('/png' if raiseNotFlatFields else ''))
@ -74,78 +79,83 @@ def getImageNpArray(imageFileName, computeExtremes, color):
match color:
case Color.RED:
imageNpArray = redRawImageVisible
colorRawImageVisible = redRawImageVisible
case Color.GREEN_RIGHT:
imageNpArray = greenRightRawImageVisible
colorRawImageVisible = greenRightRawImageVisible
case Color.GREEN_BOTTOM:
imageNpArray = greenBottomRawImageVisible
colorRawImageVisible = greenBottomRawImageVisible
case Color.BLUE:
imageNpArray = blueRawImageVisible
colorRawImageVisible = blueRawImageVisible
if computeExtremes:
colorRawImageVisibleMin = colorRawImageVisible.min()
colorRawImageVisibleMax = colorRawImageVisible.max()
if minColor is None or colorRawImageVisibleMin < minColor:
minColor = colorRawImageVisibleMin
if maxColor is None or colorRawImageVisibleMax > maxColor:
maxColor = colorRawImageVisibleMax
imageNpArray = (colorRawImageVisible - minColor) / (maxColor - minColor)
# Pay attention to range of values expected by the denoiser.
# Indeed if provide the thousands valued raw image, then the denoiser only returns values between 0 and 1 and making the difference between both look pointless.
imagePil =
imageNpArray = img_as_float(np.array(imagePil))
if computeExtremes:
colorRawImageVisibleMin = imageNpArray.min()
colorRawImageVisibleMax = imageNpArray.max()
if minColor is None or colorRawImageVisibleMin < minColor:
minColor = colorRawImageVisibleMin
if maxColor is None or colorRawImageVisibleMax > maxColor:
maxColor = colorRawImageVisibleMax
if (imageFileName.endswith('.NEF') or imageFileName.endswith('.ARW')) and denoiser != 'mean':
imageNpArray = (imageNpArray - minColor) / (maxColor - minColor)
# Pay attention to range of values expected by the denoiser.
# Indeed if provide the thousands valued raw image, then the denoiser only returns values between 0 and 1 and making the difference between both look pointless.
return imageNpArray
# `color` is the actual color to estimate PRNU with.
def treatImage(imageFileName, computeExtremes = False, color = None):
global estimatedPrnuIterativeMean
global mean, numberOfImagesInMean
imageNpArray = getImageNpArray(imageFileName, computeExtremes, color)
if imageNpArray is None:
if denoiser != 'mean':
imageDenoisedNpArray = denoise(imageNpArray, denoiser)
imageDenoisedNpArray = means[color]
match denoiser:
case 'wavelet':
imageDenoisedNpArray = denoise(imageNpArray, rescale_sigma=True)
case 'bilateral':
imageDenoisedNpArray = denoise(imageNpArray, sigma_color=0.05, sigma_spatial=15)
case 'tv_chambolle':
imageDenoisedNpArray = denoise(imageNpArray, weight=0.2)
case 'mean':
imageDenoisedNpArray = imageNpArray - means[color]
imageNoiseNpArray = imageNpArray - imageDenoisedNpArray
if mean is None:
mean = imageNoiseNpArray
mean = ((mean * numberOfImagesInMean) + imageNoiseNpArray) / (numberOfImagesInMean + 1)
numberOfImagesInMean += 1
if (minColor is None or maxColor is None) and denoiser != 'mean':
# Assuming same intensity scale across color channels.
for imageFileName in tqdm(imagesFileNames, 'Computing extremes of images'):
for color in colors:
treatImage(imageFileName, computeExtremes = True, color = color)
# Assuming same intensity scale across color channels.
for imageFileName in tqdm(imagesFileNames, 'Computing extremes of images'):
for color in colors:
treatImage(imageFileName, computeExtremes = True, color = color)
# To skip this step next time.
# Maybe thanks to `rawpy.RawPy` fields, possibly stating device maximal value, can avoid doing so to some extent.
def saveNpArray(fileName, npArray):
with open(f'{fileName}.npy', 'wb') as f:, npArray)
# To skip this step next time.
# Maybe thanks to `rawpy.RawPy` fields, possibly stating device maximal value, can avoid doing so to some extent.
if denoiser == 'mean':
means = {}
for color in colors:
colorIterativeMean = iterativeMean()
for imageFileName in tqdm(imagesFileNames, f'Computing mean of {color} colored images'):
for color in Color:
colorMean = None
numberOfImagesInColorMean = 0
for imageFileName in tqdm(imagesFileNames, f'Computing mean of {color} images'):
imageNpArray = getImageNpArray(imageFileName, False, color)
imageNpArray = gaussian_filter(imageNpArray, sigma = 5)
means[color] = colorIterativeMean.mean
fileName = f'mean_{imagesFolderPathFileName}_{color}'
# Then use `` to consider all color channels, instead of saving this single color channel as an image.
saveNpArray(fileName, colorIterativeMean.mean)
if colorMean is None:
colorMean = imageNpArray
colorMean = ((colorMean * numberOfImagesInColorMean) + imageNpArray) / (numberOfImagesInColorMean + 1)
numberOfImagesInColorMean += 1
means[color] = colorMean
for color in colors:
estimatedPrnuIterativeMean = iterativeMean()
mean = None
numberOfImagesInMean = 0
for imageFileName in tqdm(imagesFileNames, f'Denoising images for color {color}'):
treatImage(imageFileName, color = color)
npArrayFilePath = f'mean_{imagesFolderPathFileName}_{denoiser}_{color}'
saveNpArray(npArrayFilePath, estimatedPrnuIterativeMean.mean)
npArrayFilePath = f'mean_{imagesFolderPathFileName}_{denoiser}_{color}.npy'
with open(npArrayFilePath, 'wb') as f:, mean)

View File

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.backend_bases import MouseButton
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
# `Zoom to rectangle` shortcut is `o`.
fileNames = sorted(os.listdir())[41:]
fileNameIndex = 0
xys = []
progressBar = tqdm(total = len(fileNames))
def displayImage():
global fileNameIndex
if len(fileNames) > fileNameIndex:
fileName = fileNames[fileNameIndex]
image = mpimg.imread(fileName)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fileNameIndex += 1
plt.connect('button_press_event', onClick)
mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager()
def onClick(event):
global xys
button = event.button
if button is MouseButton.RIGHT:
xy = [event.xdata, event.ydata]
xys += [xy]
if button is MouseButton.MIDDLE or button is MouseButton.RIGHT:
if button is MouseButton.MIDDLE:
print(f'Skipped {fileName}')
xys = [[3061.83568617998, 842.2814890347822], [3048.9553647053262, 891.7951806771933], [3109.6923734795832, 878.8472318972372], [3095.1992301129835, 859.646383417094], [3044.950680354029, 830.531447782855], [3034.039239345914, 775.7097977790371], [3034.0562409262707, 753.1780473232427], [2991.7499740162116, 742.1417475753151], [3021.5541233968024, 737.7119154247914], [3022.412107608028, 703.0028101114289], [3094.4565209481857, 680.7339885543926], [3101.840188177543, 692.6886985125186], [3150.09819940581, 686.3913997808281], [3148.4955568040136, 694.3747788064451], [3165.156239230552, 703.9346483213995], [3158.7235775979357, 710.9522942666542], [3156.5302112965014, 697.5993396871294], [3106.8119050930513, 698.4561327048264], [3151.4728367372877, 694.3380683877142], [3137.283014559081, 662.9543422436452], [3008.1987322850605, 692.0180565561739], [3036.647953172549, 705.1188029786949], [2988.9166660643627, 684.0851408200217], [3001.5070402052334, 684.1944057536488], [2967.282534077184, 680.6072888791263], [2983.5140619626286, 693.469904886339], [2979.972210442175, 702.9033995969894], [2974.7535915953795, 709.6086279669086], [2972.55952140686, 700.4689248964266], [2967.1769510144627, 703.4861098128929], [2968.4714535085923, 708.5924315970815], [2978.725084963369, 725.0064286729727], [2992.7472737250696, 718.9682686788141], [2999.106406229902, 713.0463041988097], [2981.5746364633296, 692.5739107725338], [3014.22885383495, 675.1638989177214], [3004.351989366563, 635.6738446427469], [2964.9109157636794, 580.2416938434527], [2976.672441933737, 599.3922555819147], [2972.9623072548534, 578.6218471929612], [2694.5865522760287, 972.5526873692775], [2924.1211630176217, 1115.9816839025543], [2910.2861978522596, 1095.5172128924614], [2917.4530137143342, 1067.9680470058072], [2919.3469031337613, 1068.44539073963], [2959.4757277956496, 1105.6227950624348], [2936.370033263817, 1157.9142039933472], [2965.3568614486203, 1145.3186319170795], [2951.1991473505136, 1070.8989245366433], [2946.108094501549, 1045.891549058405], [2947.19213475732, 1074.4303801863052], [2943.690837961984, 1071.4536958497956], [3021.083385372544, 1116.881810271317], [3051.7205580454297, 1103.0992679894152], [3107.0873956690143, 972.8919609441568], [2861.932349690137, 1131.4847600231471], [2789.583044951935, 964.6512841164608]]
x, y = [[xy[dimensionIndex] for xy in xys] for dimensionIndex in range(2)]
plt.title('Center wall marker locations')
plt.scatter(x, y, c = range(len(x)))
for xyIndex, xy in enumerate(xys):
plt.text(xy[0], xy[1] + 10, str(xyIndex), horizontalalignment = 'center')
greatestDistances = []
#for xy in xys:
for xy, otherXy in zip(xys, xys[1:]):
greatestDistance = None
#for otherXy in xys:
if xy != otherXy:
distance = sum([(xy[dimensionIndex] - otherXy[dimensionIndex]) ** 2 for dimensionIndex in range(2)]) ** 0.5
if greatestDistance is None or distance > greatestDistance:
greatestDistance = distance
greatestDistances += [greatestDistance]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.title('Distance between a wall marker location and the next one')
ys = []
for percentile in [25, 50, 75]:
y = np.percentile(greatestDistances, percentile)
ys += [y]
ax.axhline(y = y)
ax.set_yticks(list(ax.get_yticks())[1:-1] + ys)
ax.set_xticks([], [])

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
import os
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
def getColor(colorIntensity, colorIndex):
return HEX_COLOR % tuple((colorIntensity if colorIndex == colorIndexTmp else 0) for colorIndexTmp in range(NUMBER_OF_COLORS))
def getHistogram(fileName):
image =
#image = image.crop((1, 1, 2, 2))
histogram = image.histogram()
colors = [histogram[COLOR_BASE * colorIndex:COLOR_BASE * (colorIndex + 1)] for colorIndex in range(NUMBER_OF_COLORS)]
return colors
def plotHistogram(colors):
for colorIndex, color in enumerate(colors):
for colorIntensity in range(COLOR_BASE):, color[colorIntensity], color = getColor(colorIntensity, colorIndex), alpha = 0.3)
fileNameColors = []
for fileName in tqdm(os.listdir()):
colors = getHistogram(fileName)
fileNameColors += [colors]
meanFileNameColors = np.mean(fileNameColors, axis = 0)

View File

@ -41,4 +41,4 @@ for color in tqdm(Color, 'Color'):
multipleColorsImage[newX, newY] = pixel
plt.imsave(PREFIX + 'multiple_colors.png', multipleColorsImage)
plt.imsave(PREFIX + 'multiple_colors.png', multipleColorsImage)

View File

@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fileName = 'mean_flat-field_nef_wavelet_blue'
npArray = np.load(f'{fileName}.npy')
# For other than raw images:
#npArray = (npArray - npArray.min()) / (npArray.max() - npArray.min())
plt.imsave(f'{fileName}.png', npArray)

View File

@ -2,16 +2,19 @@ from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
from utils import denoise
from skimage.restoration import denoise_tv_chambolle
from skimage import img_as_float
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../../algorithms/image_utils/')
from image_utils import showImageWithMatplotlib, toPilImage
sys.path.insert(0, '../../algorithms/distance/')
from rms_diff import rmsDiffNumpy
DENOISER = 'wavelet'
IMAGES_FOLDER = 'flat-field/TIF'
imagesFileNames = os.listdir(IMAGES_FOLDER)
@ -28,7 +31,7 @@ for subgroupIndex in range(NUMBER_OF_SUBGROUPS):
imagePath = f'{IMAGES_FOLDER}/{imageFileName}'
imagePil =
imageNpArray = img_as_float(np.array(imagePil))
imagePrnuEstimateNpArray = imageNpArray - denoise(imageNpArray, DENOISER)
imagePrnuEstimateNpArray = imageNpArray - denoise_tv_chambolle(imageNpArray, weight=0.2, channel_axis=-1)
imagesPrnuEstimateNpArray += [imagePrnuEstimateNpArray]
subgroupPrnuEstimateNpArray = []
@ -43,7 +46,7 @@ for numberOfImagesIndex, numberOfImages in enumerate(numberOfImagesThresholds):
rms = rmsDiffNumpy(subgroupsPrnuEstimatesNpArray[0][numberOfImagesIndex], subgroupsPrnuEstimatesNpArray[1][numberOfImagesIndex])
rmss += [rms]
plt.title(f'RMS between both subgroups estimated PRNUs with {DENOISER} denoiser for a given number of images among them')
plt.title('RMS between both subgroups estimated PRNUs for a given number of images among them')
plt.xlabel('Number of images of each subgroup')
plt.ylabel('RMS between both subgroups estimated PRNUs')

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
from enum import Enum, auto
import skimage.restoration
class Color(Enum):
RED = auto()
@ -9,27 +8,3 @@ class Color(Enum):
def __str__(self):
# Among:
# - `wavelet`
# - `bilateral`
# - `tv_chambolle`
def denoise(imageNpArray, denoiserName):
skImageRestorationDenoise = getattr(skimage.restoration, f'denoise_{denoiserName}')
match denoiserName:
case 'wavelet':
imageDenoisedNpArray = skImageRestorationDenoise(imageNpArray, rescale_sigma=True)
case 'bilateral':
imageDenoisedNpArray = skImageRestorationDenoise(imageNpArray, sigma_color=0.05, sigma_spatial=15)
case 'tv_chambolle':
imageDenoisedNpArray = skImageRestorationDenoise(imageNpArray, weight=0.2)
return imageDenoisedNpArray
class iterativeMean:
mean = None
numberOfElementsInMean = 0
def add(self, element):
self.mean = ((self.mean * self.numberOfElementsInMean) + element) / (self.numberOfElementsInMean + 1)
self.numberOfElementsInMean += 1