[pre propagation] done.

This commit is contained in:
Arnaud DABY-SEESARAM 2022-12-13 14:25:48 +01:00
parent e9d586dfe7
commit 51ed84504f
7 changed files with 87 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ let pp_expression node_name =
| ETuple _ ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a"
pp_expression_list expression;
| EAuto _ -> failwith "todo"

View File

@ -9,16 +9,20 @@ let print_debug d s =
let print_verbose v s =
if v then Format.printf "\x1b[33;01;04mStatus:\x1b[0m %s\n" s else ()
let run ast verbose debug passes =
let exec_passes ast verbose debug passes f =
let rec aux ast = function
| [] -> Format.printf "%a" Ast_to_c.ast_to_c ast
| [] -> f ast
| (n, p) :: passes ->
verbose (Format.asprintf "Executing pass %s:\n" n);
match p ast with
| None -> (exit_error ("Error while in the pass "^n^".\n"); exit 0)
| Some ast -> aux ast passes
| Some ast -> (
debug (Format.asprintf "Current AST (after %s):\n%a\n" n Pp.pp_ast ast);
aux ast passes)
aux ast passes
let _ =
(** Usage and argument parsing. *)
let default_passes = ["pre2vars"] in
@ -45,7 +49,7 @@ let _ =
if !source_file = "" then exit_error "No source file specified" else
if !passes = [] then passes := default_passes;
let print_verbose = print_verbose !verbose in
let print_debug = print_debug !verbose in
let print_debug = print_debug !debug in
(** Definition of the passes table *)
let passes_table : (string, t_nodelist -> t_nodelist option) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 100 in
@ -84,13 +88,19 @@ let _ =
if !ppast then Format.printf "%a" Pp.pp_ast ast
let passes = List.map (fun (pass: string) -> (pass,
match Hashtbl.find_opt passes_table pass with
| None ->
(exit_error (Format.sprintf "The pass %s does not exist." pass); exit 0)
| Some f ->
(print_debug ("The pass "^pass^" has been selected."); f))) !passes in
run ast print_verbose print_debug passes
print_debug (Format.asprintf "Initial AST (before executing any passes):\n%a"
Pp.pp_ast ast) ;
exec_passes ast print_verbose print_debug passes
if !ppast
then (Format.printf "%a" Pp.pp_ast)
else (Format.printf "%a" Ast_to_c.ast_to_c)

View File

@ -342,14 +342,14 @@ expr:
{ let e1 = $1 in let t1 = type_exp e1 in
let e2 = $3 in let t2 = type_exp e2 in
if t2 = [TBool]
then EWhen (type_exp $1, $1, $3)
then EWhen (t1, e1, e2)
else raise (MyParsingError ("The when does not type-check!",
current_location())) }
| expr RESET expr
{ let e1 = $1 in let t1 = type_exp e1 in
let e2 = $3 in let t2 = type_exp e2 in
if t2 = [TBool]
then EReset (type_exp $1, $1, $3)
then EReset (t1, e1, e2)
else raise (MyParsingError ("The reset does not type-check!",
current_location())) }
/* Constants */

View File

@ -34,10 +34,60 @@ let expression_pass f: t_nodelist -> t_nodelist option =
equation_pass aux
let pre2vars =
let rec aux = function
| EVar (ty, v) -> EVar (ty, v)
let rec all_pre expr =
match expr with
| EMonOp (ty, MOp_pre, expr) -> all_pre expr
| EMonOp _ -> false
| EVar _ -> true
| _ -> false
let rec pre_push expr : t_expression =
match expr with
| EVar _ -> EMonOp (Utils.type_exp expr, MOp_pre, expr)
| EConst _ -> expr (** pre(c) = c for any constant c *)
| EMonOp (ty, mop, expr) ->
let expr = aux expr in EMonOp (ty, mop, expr)
match mop with
| MOp_pre ->
if all_pre expr
then EMonOp (ty, mop, EMonOp (ty, mop, expr))
else pre_push (pre_push expr)
| _ -> EMonOp (ty, mop, pre_push expr)
| EBinOp (ty, bop, expr, expr') ->
let expr = pre_push expr in let expr' = pre_push expr' in
EBinOp (ty, bop, expr, expr')
| ETriOp (ty, top, expr, expr', expr'') ->
let expr = pre_push expr in let expr' = pre_push expr' in
let expr'' = pre_push expr'' in
ETriOp (ty, top, expr, expr', expr'')
| EComp (ty, cop, expr, expr') ->
let expr = pre_push expr in let expr' = pre_push expr' in
EComp (ty, cop, expr, expr')
| EWhen (ty, expr, expr') ->
let expr = pre_push expr in let expr' = pre_push expr' in
EWhen (ty, expr, expr')
| EReset (ty, expr, expr') ->
let expr = pre_push expr in let expr' = pre_push expr' in
EReset (ty, expr, expr')
| ETuple (ty, elist) ->
let elist =
List.fold_right (fun expr acc -> (pre_push expr) :: acc) elist [] in
ETuple (ty, elist)
| EApp (ty, node, arg) ->
let arg = pre_push arg in
EApp (ty, node, arg)
| EAuto _ -> failwith "toto"
let rec aux (expr: t_expression) =
match expr with
| EVar _ -> expr
| EMonOp (ty, mop, expr) ->
match mop with
| MOp_pre -> pre_push expr
| _ -> let expr = aux expr in EMonOp (ty, mop, expr)
| EBinOp (ty, bop, expr, expr') ->
let expr = aux expr in let expr' = aux expr' in
EBinOp (ty, bop, expr, expr')
@ -62,6 +112,7 @@ let pre2vars =
| EApp (ty, node, arg) ->
let arg = aux arg in
EApp (ty, node, arg)
| EAuto _ -> failwith "todo"
expression_pass (Utils.somify aux)

View File

@ -6,14 +6,8 @@ tel
node undiag_test (i: int) returns (o : bool);
var l1, l2: int; l3: int;
l3 = 1 -> 0;
l3 = (pre (1)) -> 0;
(l1, l2) = diagonal_int(i);
o = (not (not (l1 = l2))) and (l1 = l2) and true;
node automaton () returns (o : bool);
| Incr -> do o = (pre o) + 1 done
| Decr -> do o = (pre o) - 1 done

src/test_pre.node Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
node n2 (i: int) returns (o: bool);
o = pre (true and pre( i = pre(pre(i))));

View File

@ -32,5 +32,7 @@ let type_exp : t_expression -> full_ty = function
| EConst (full_ty , _) -> full_ty
| ETuple (full_ty , _) -> full_ty
| EApp (full_ty , _ , _) -> full_ty
| EAuto _ -> raise (MyParsingError ("bloup", Parsing.(symbol_start_pos(),
let somify f = fun e -> Some (f e)