[parser] adding support for expressions

This commit is contained in:
dsac 2022-12-07 21:56:38 +01:00
parent e9e5cdcf4d
commit 839f7b77af
7 changed files with 221 additions and 16 deletions

TODO Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Parseur
- tests divers et variés
- support pour un point-virgule optionel en fin de nœud
- ajout des flottants (= réels)
- ajout de pre, ->, fby, automates
# ...

src/.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -2,12 +2,40 @@ type ident = string
type location = Lexing.position * Lexing.position
type const =
| CBool of bool
| CInt of int
type monop =
| MOp_not
| MOp_minus
type binop =
| BOp_add | BOp_sub | BOp_mul | BOp_div | BOp_mod
| BOp_and | BOp_or | BOp_eq | BOp_neq
| BOp_le | BOp_lt | BOp_ge | BOp_gt
type triop =
| TOp_if
type base_ty =
| Tbool
| Tint
type p_pattern = string
and p_expression = string
type p_pattern =
| PP_var of ident
| PP_tuple of ident list
type p_expression =
| PE_Const of const
| PE_Var of ident
| PE_MonOp of monop * p_expression
| PE_BinOp of binop * p_expression * p_expression
| PE_TriOp of triop * p_expression * p_expression * p_expression
| PE_app of ident * p_expression list
| PE_tuple of p_expression list
| PE_pre of p_expression
| PE_arrow of p_expression * p_expression
type p_equation =
{ peq_patt: p_pattern;

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@ -15,6 +15,24 @@
("var", VAR);
("int", INT);
("bool", BOOL);
("<=", BO_le);
(">=", BO_ge);
("not", MO_not);
("mod", BO_mod);
("&&", BO_and);
("and", BO_and);
("||", BO_or);
("or", BO_or);
("<>", BO_neq);
("if", IF);
("then", THEN);
("else", ELSE);
("", BO_le);
("", BO_ge );
("¬", MO_not);
("pre", PRE);
("true", CONST_BOOL(true));
("false", CONST_BOOL(false));
fun s ->
try Hashtbl.find h s with Not_found -> IDENT s
@ -27,12 +45,21 @@ let ident = alpha (alpha | digit | '_')*
rule token = parse
['\n' ' ' '\t'] { token lexbuf } (* skip blanks and newlines *)
| ident { id_or_keywork (lexeme lexbuf) }
| digit+ { CONST_INT(int_of_string (lexeme lexbuf)) }
| ',' { COMMA }
| '=' { EQUAL }
| '(' { LPAREN }
| ')' { RPAREN }
| ';' { SEMICOL }
| ':' { COLON }
| '<' { BO_lt }
| '>' { BO_gt }
| '+' { PLUS }
| '-' { MINUS }
| '*' { BO_mul }
| '/' { BO_div }
| '%' { BO_mod }
| "->" { ARROW }
| eof { EOF }
| _ { raise (Lexing_error (Format.sprintf "Erruer à la vue de %s" (lexeme lexbuf)))}

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@ -17,6 +17,30 @@
%token VAR
%token EQUAL
%token COMMA
%token PRE
%token ARROW
%token MO_not
%token BO_le
%token BO_lt
%token BO_ge
%token BO_gt
%token BO_mod
%token BO_and
%token BO_or
%token BO_mul
%token BO_neq
%token BO_div
%token PLUS
%token MINUS
%token IF
%token THEN
%token ELSE
%token<int> CONST_INT
%token<bool> CONST_BOOL
/* The Entry Point */
%start main
@ -80,8 +104,46 @@ equation:
{ { peq_patt = $1; peq_expr = $3; } }
pattern: IDENT { $1 };
expr: IDENT { $1 };
| IDENT { PP_var ($1) }
| LPAREN IDENT COMMA indent_comma_list RPAREN { PP_tuple ($2 :: $4) };
| IDENT { [$1] }
| IDENT COMMA indent_comma_list { $1 :: $3 }
/* Note: PLUS, MINUS and EQUAL do not follow the nomenclature BO_ MO_, ... */
| LPAREN expr RPAREN { $2 }
| IDENT { PE_Var $1 }
| MO_not expr { PE_MonOp(MOp_not, $2) }
| PLUS expr { $2 } /* +e = e for all e integer expression. */
| MINUS expr { PE_MonOp(MOp_minus, $2) }
| expr PLUS expr { PE_BinOp(BOp_add, $1, $3) }
| expr MINUS expr { PE_BinOp(BOp_sub, $1, $3) }
| expr BO_mul expr { PE_BinOp(BOp_mul, $1, $3) }
| expr BO_div expr { PE_BinOp(BOp_div, $1, $3) }
| expr BO_mod expr { PE_BinOp(BOp_mod, $1, $3) }
| expr BO_and expr { PE_BinOp(BOp_and, $1, $3) }
| expr BO_or expr { PE_BinOp(BOp_or, $1, $3) }
| expr EQUAL expr { PE_BinOp(BOp_eq, $1, $3) }
| expr BO_neq expr { PE_BinOp(BOp_neq, $1, $3) }
| expr BO_le expr { PE_BinOp(BOp_le, $1, $3) }
| expr BO_lt expr { PE_BinOp(BOp_lt, $1, $3) }
| expr BO_ge expr { PE_BinOp(BOp_ge, $1, $3) }
| expr BO_gt expr { PE_BinOp(BOp_gt, $1, $3) }
| IF expr THEN expr ELSE expr { PE_TriOp(TOp_if, $2, $4, $6) }
| IDENT LPAREN expr_comma_list RPAREN{ PE_app ($1, $3) }
| LPAREN expr_comma_list RPAREN { PE_tuple($2) }
| CONST_INT { PE_Const(CInt $1 ) }
| CONST_BOOL { PE_Const(CBool $1 ) }
| PRE expr { PE_pre $2 }
| expr ARROW expr { PE_arrow ($1, $3) }
| expr { [$1] }
| expr COMMA expr_comma_list { $1 :: $3 }
| BOOL { Tbool }

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@ -8,16 +8,88 @@ let pp_loc fmt (start, stop) =
stop.pos_lnum stop.pos_cnum)
let pp_pattern fmt pat =
Format.fprintf fmt "%s" pat
let rec pp_pattern_aux fmt l =
match l with
| [] -> ()
| h :: [] -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" h
| h :: h' :: l -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s, %a" h pp_pattern_aux (h' :: l)
match pat with
| PP_var v -> Format.fprintf fmt "variable %s" v
| PP_tuple l -> Format.fprintf fmt "tuple ( %a )" pp_pattern_aux l
let pp_expression fmt expression =
Format.fprintf fmt "%s" expression
let pp_expression =
let upd_prefix s = s ^ " " in
let rec pp_expression_aux prefix fmt expression =
let rec pp_expression_list prefix fmt exprs =
match exprs with
| [] -> ()
| expr :: exprs ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a"
(pp_expression_aux (prefix^" |> ")) expr
(pp_expression_list prefix) exprs
match expression with
| PE_Const c ->
begin match c with
| CBool true -> Format.fprintf fmt "\t\t\t%s<true : bool>\n" prefix
| CBool false -> Format.fprintf fmt "\t\t\t%s<false : bool>\n" prefix
| CInt i -> Format.fprintf fmt "\t\t\t%s<%5d: int>\n" prefix i
| PE_Var v -> Format.fprintf fmt "\t\t\t%s<var %s>\n" prefix v
| PE_MonOp (mop, arg) ->
begin match mop with
| MOp_not ->
Format.fprintf fmt "\t\t\t%s¬\n%a" prefix
(pp_expression_aux (upd_prefix prefix)) arg
| MOp_minus ->
Format.fprintf fmt "\t\t\t%s—\n%a" prefix
(pp_expression_aux (upd_prefix prefix)) arg
| PE_BinOp (bop, arg, arg') ->
let s = match bop with
| BOp_add -> " + " | BOp_sub -> " - "
| BOp_mul -> " " | BOp_div -> " / " | BOp_mod -> "% "
| BOp_and -> "&& " | BOp_or -> "|| " | BOp_eq -> "== "
| BOp_neq -> ""
| BOp_le -> "" | BOp_lt -> " < "
| BOp_ge -> "" | BOp_gt -> " > " in
Format.fprintf fmt "\t\t\t%s%s\n%a%a" prefix s
(pp_expression_aux (upd_prefix prefix)) arg
(pp_expression_aux (upd_prefix prefix)) arg'
| PE_TriOp (top, arg, arg', arg'') ->
begin match top with
| TOp_if ->
Format.fprintf fmt "\t\t\t%sIF\n%a\t\t\tTHEN\n%a\t\t\tELSE\n%a"
(pp_expression_aux (upd_prefix prefix)) arg
(pp_expression_aux (upd_prefix prefix)) arg'
(pp_expression_aux (upd_prefix prefix)) arg''
| PE_app (f, args) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "\t\t\t%sApp %s\n%a"
prefix f
(pp_expression_list prefix) args
| PE_tuple args ->
Format.fprintf fmt "\t\t\t%sTuple\n%a" prefix
(pp_expression_list prefix) args;
| PE_pre expr ->
Format.fprintf fmt "\t\t\t%spre\n%a" prefix
(pp_expression_aux (upd_prefix prefix)) expr
| PE_arrow (expr, expr') ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a"
(pp_expression_aux (upd_prefix prefix)) expr
(pp_expression_aux (prefix^" -> ")) expr'
pp_expression_aux ""
let rec pp_equations fmt eqs =
match eqs with
| [] -> ()
| eq :: eqs ->
Format.fprintf fmt "\t\tPattern: %a\n\t\tExpression: %a\n%a"
Format.fprintf fmt "\t\t left side: %a\n\t\t right side:\n%a\n%a"
pp_pattern eq.peq_patt
pp_expression eq.peq_expr
pp_equations eqs
@ -26,7 +98,7 @@ let rec pp_node_vars fmt vars =
match vars with
| [] -> ()
| (v, t) :: vars ->
Format.fprintf fmt "\t\tVariable name: %s\n\t\tVariable type: %s\n%a"
Format.fprintf fmt "\t\tVariable <name: %10s,\ttype: %s>\n%a"
(match t with
| Tbool -> "bool"
@ -34,8 +106,8 @@ let rec pp_node_vars fmt vars =
pp_node_vars vars
let pp_node fmt node =
Format.fprintf fmt "\tNomdu nœud : %s\n\tInputs:\n%a\n\tOutputs:\n%a\n\t\
Local variables:\n%a\n\tEquations:\n%a\n\tLocation in the parsed file: %a\n"
Format.fprintf fmt "\t Nom du nœud : %s\n\t Inputs:\n%a\n\t Outputs:\n%a\n\t\
\ \ Local variables:\n%a\n\t Equations:\n%a\n\t Location in the parsed file: %a\n"
pp_node_vars node.pn_input
pp_node_vars node.pn_output

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@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
node slfjsdfj (i1: bool; i2, i3: int) returns (o, o_ : int);
var l1, l3: bool; l2: int;
node diagonal_int (i: int) returns (o1, o2 : int);
pat1 = expr1;
pat2 = expr2;
pat3 = expr3;
o1 = if true then i else 0;
o2 = i;
(o1, o2) = (i, i);
node undiag_test (i: int) returns (o : bool);
var l1, l2: int; l3: int;
l3 = 1 -> 0;
(l1, l2) = diagonal_int(i);
o = (not (not (l1 = l2))) and (l1 = l2) and true;