Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into wip

This commit is contained in:
Arnaud DABY-SEESARAM 2022-12-16 08:53:55 +01:00
commit 8d6349dd3f
6 changed files with 179 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ let pp_expression node_name =
match expression with match expression with
| EWhen (_, e1, e2) -> | EWhen (_, e1, e2) ->
begin begin
(* as don't use a variable assigned when the condition holds, can define it even if the condition doesn't hold *) Format.fprintf fmt "%a ? %a : 0"
Format.fprintf fmt "%a" pp_expression_aux e2
pp_expression_aux e1 pp_expression_aux e1
end end
| EReset (_, e1, e2) -> | EReset (_, e1, e2) ->

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ let exec_passes ast main_fn verbose debug passes f =
let _ = let _ =
(** Usage and argument parsing. *) (** Usage and argument parsing. *)
let default_passes = ["pre2vars"; "linearization"; "equations_ordering"] in let default_passes = ["pre2vars"; "automata_validity" ;"automata_translation"; "linearization"; "equations_ordering"] in
let sanity_passes = ["chkvar_init_unicity"; "check_typing"] in let sanity_passes = ["chkvar_init_unicity"; "check_typing"] in
let usage_msg = let usage_msg =
"Usage: main [-passes p1,...,pn] [-ast] [-verbose] [-debug] \ "Usage: main [-passes p1,...,pn] [-ast] [-verbose] [-debug] \
@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ let _ =
[ [
("pre2vars", Passes.pre2vars); ("pre2vars", Passes.pre2vars);
("chkvar_init_unicity", Passes.chkvar_init_unicity); ("chkvar_init_unicity", Passes.chkvar_init_unicity);
("automata_translation", Passes.automata_translation_pass);
("automata_validity", Passes.check_automata_validity);
("linearization", Passes.pass_linearization); ("linearization", Passes.pass_linearization);
("equations_ordering", Passes.pass_eq_reordering); ("equations_ordering", Passes.pass_eq_reordering);
("check_typing", Passes.pass_typing); ("check_typing", Passes.pass_typing);

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@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ node_content:
n_local_vars = $10; n_local_vars = $10;
n_equations = eqs; n_equations = eqs;
n_automata = aut; } in n_automata = aut; } in
if List.length (snd $10) = 0 && node_name <> "main" if List.length t_in = 0
then raise (MyParsingError then raise (MyParsingError
(Format.asprintf "The node %s should have arguments." (Format.asprintf "The node %s should have arguments."
node_name, node_name,

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@ -155,6 +155,22 @@ let chkvar_init_unicity verbose debug main_fn : t_nodelist -> t_nodelist option
in in
node_pass aux node_pass aux
let rec tpl debug ((pat, exp): t_equation) =
match exp with
| ETuple (_, hexps :: texps) ->
debug "An ETuple has been recognized, inlining...";
let p1, p2 =
(List.length (type_exp hexps))
(snd pat) in
let t1 = List.flatten ( type_var p1) in
let t2 = List.flatten ( type_var p2) in
((t1, p1), hexps)
:: (tpl debug ((t2, p2),
ETuple (List.flatten ( type_exp texps), texps)))
| ETuple (_, []) -> []
| _ -> [(pat, exp)]
let pass_linearization verbose debug main_fn = let pass_linearization verbose debug main_fn =
let node_lin (node: t_node): t_node option = let node_lin (node: t_node): t_node option =
let rec pre_aux_expression vars expr: t_eqlist * t_varlist * t_expression = let rec pre_aux_expression vars expr: t_eqlist * t_varlist * t_expression =
@ -251,7 +267,7 @@ let pass_linearization verbose debug main_fn =
n_name = node.n_name; n_name = node.n_name;
n_inputs = node.n_inputs; n_inputs = node.n_inputs;
n_outputs = node.n_outputs; n_outputs = node.n_outputs;
n_local_vars = new_locvars; n_local_vars = node.n_local_vars;
n_equations = new_equations; n_equations = new_equations;
n_automata = node.n_automata; n_automata = node.n_automata;
} }
@ -362,3 +378,151 @@ let pass_typing verbose debug main_fn ast =
else None else None
in aux ast in aux ast
let check_automata_validity verbos debug main_fn =
let check_automaton_branch_vars automaton =
let (init, states) = automaton in
let left_side = Hashtbl.create 10 in
let rec init_left_side eqlist = match eqlist with
| [] -> ()
| (varlist, exp)::q ->
Hashtbl.add left_side varlist true;
init_left_side q;
let check_state s = match s with
| State(name, eqs, cond, next) ->
List.for_all (fun (varlist, exp) -> (Hashtbl.mem left_side varlist)) eqs
match init with | State(name, eqs, cond, next) -> init_left_side eqs;
let validity = List.for_all (fun s -> (check_state s)) states in
if not validity then
failwith "Automaton branch has different variables assignment in different branches"
let aux node =
List.iter check_automaton_branch_vars node.n_automata;
Some node
node_pass aux
let automaton_translation debug automaton =
let gathered = Hashtbl.create 10 in
let state_to_int = Hashtbl.create 10 in
let add_to_table var exp state =
if Hashtbl.mem gathered var then
let res = Hashtbl.find gathered var in
Hashtbl.replace gathered var ((state, exp)::res);
Hashtbl.replace gathered var ([(state, exp)])
let rec init_state_translation states c = match states with
| [] -> ()
| State(name, _, _, _)::q ->
Hashtbl.replace state_to_int name c; (init_state_translation q (c+1))
let rec find_state name =
match Hashtbl.find_opt state_to_int name with
| None -> failwith "Unknown state in automaton"
| Some v -> v
let rec equation_pass state : t_eqlist -> unit = function
| [] -> ()
| (vars, exp)::q -> begin
add_to_table vars exp state;
equation_pass state q
let flatten_state state = match state with
| State(name, eq, cond, next) ->
(* Flattening is not possible
for example a branch where x,y = 1, 2 will be unpacked
when in another branch x, y = f(z) will not be unpacked
let new_equations = List.flatten
(tpl debug)
end in
equation_pass name eq;
State(name, eq, cond, next)
let rec transition_eq states s =
match states with
| [] -> EVar([TInt], IVar(s))
| State(name, eqs, cond, next)::q ->
let name = find_state name
and next = find_state next in
ETriOp([TInt], TOp_if,
EBinOp([TBool], BOp_and,
EComp([TBool], COp_eq,
EVar([TInt], IVar(s)),
EConst([TInt], CInt(name))
EConst([TInt], CInt(next)),
transition_eq q s
let rec translate_var s v explist = match explist with
| [] -> EConst([TInt], CInt(0)) (* TODO *)
| (state, exp)::q ->
ETriOp(Utils.type_exp exp, TOp_if,
EComp([TBool], COp_eq,
EVar([TInt], IVar(s)),
EConst([TInt], CInt(Hashtbl.find state_to_int state))
translate_var s v q
let flatten_automaton automaton =
let (init, states) = automaton in
(flatten_state init, flatten_state states)
let (init, states) = flatten_automaton automaton in
let s = create_automaton_name () in
init_state_translation states 1;
let exp_transition = EBinOp([TInt], BOp_arrow, EConst([TInt], CInt(1)), EMonOp([TInt], MOp_pre, transition_eq states s)) in
let new_equations = [(([TInt], [IVar(s)]), exp_transition)] in
Hashtbl.fold (fun var explist acc -> (var, translate_var s var explist)::acc) gathered new_equations, IVar(s)
let automata_trans_pass debug (node:t_node) : t_node option=
let rec aux automaton = match automaton with
| [] -> [], [], []
| a::q ->
let eq, var = automaton_translation debug a
and tail_eq, tail_var, tail_type = aux q in
eq@tail_eq, var::tail_var, TInt::tail_type
let eqs, vars, new_ty = aux node.n_automata in
let ty, loc_vars = node.n_local_vars in
n_name = node.n_name;
n_inputs = node.n_inputs;
n_outputs = node.n_outputs;
n_local_vars = (new_ty@ty, vars@loc_vars);
n_equations = eqs@node.n_equations;
n_automata = []; (* not needed anymore *)
let automata_translation_pass verbose debug main_fn =
node_pass (automata_trans_pass debug)

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@ -31,3 +31,8 @@ let expression_pass f: t_nodelist -> t_nodelist option =
equation_pass aux equation_pass aux
exception PassExn of string exception PassExn of string
let counter = ref 0
let create_automaton_name : unit -> string = fun () ->
counter := !counter + 1;
Format.asprintf "_s%d" (!counter)

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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
node diagonal_int (i: int) returns (o1, o2 : int); node diagonal_int (i: int) returns (o1, o2 : int);
var i: int;
let let
(o1, o2) = (i, i); (o1, o2) = (i, i);
tel tel
@ -13,9 +12,10 @@ let
tel tel
node auto (i: int) returns (o : int); node auto (i: int) returns (o : int);
var x, y:int;
let let
automaton automaton
| Incr -> do o = (pre o) + 1; done | Incr -> do (o,x) = (0 fby o + 1, 2); done
| Decr -> do o = (pre o) - 1; done | Decr -> do (o,x) = diagonal_int(0 fby o); done
tel tel