[tests] adding the -test option to duplicate sanity checks

This commit is contained in:
Arnaud DABY-SEESARAM 2022-12-15 17:11:19 +01:00
parent 19fd3bc1b9
commit 9151a6e29a

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@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ let exec_passes ast main_fn verbose debug passes f =
let _ =
(** Usage and argument parsing. *)
let default_passes = ["chkvar_init_unicity"; "pre2vars"; "linearization"] in
let default_passes = ["pre2vars"; "linearization"; "equations_ordering"] in
let sanity_passes = ["chkvar_init_unicity"] in
let usage_msg =
"Usage: main [-passes p1,...,pn] [-ast] [-verbose] [-debug] \
[-o output_file] [-m main_function] source_file\n" in
@ -37,10 +38,14 @@ let _ =
let passes = ref [] in
let main_fn = ref "main" in
let source_file = ref "" in
let testopt = ref false in
let output_file = ref "out.c" in
let anon_fun filename = source_file := filename in
let speclist =
("-test", Arg.Set testopt, "Runs the sanity passes not only at the \
begining of the compilation, but also after \
each pass altering then AST.");
("-ast", Arg.Set ppast, "Only print the AST of the input file");
("-nop", Arg.Set nopopt, "Only computes the AST and execute the passes");
("-verbose", Arg.Set verbose, "Output some debug information");
@ -66,6 +71,7 @@ let _ =
("pre2vars", Passes.pre2vars);
("chkvar_init_unicity", Passes.chkvar_init_unicity);
("linearization", Passes.pass_linearization);
("equations_ordering", Passes.pass_eq_reordering);
(** Main functionality below *)
@ -99,12 +105,19 @@ let _ =
let passes = List.map (fun (pass: string) -> (pass,
let passes =
(fun (pass: string) -> (pass,
match Hashtbl.find_opt passes_table pass with
| None ->
(exit_error (Format.sprintf "The pass %s does not exist.\n" pass); exit 0)
| Some f ->
(print_debug ("The pass "^pass^" has been selected.\n"); f))) !passes in
(print_debug ("The pass "^pass^" has been selected.\n"); f)))
(sanity_passes @
if !testopt
then List.flatten (List.map (fun p -> p :: sanity_passes) !passes)
else !passes)
print_debug (Format.asprintf "Initial AST (before executing any passes):\n%a"
Pp.pp_ast ast) ;