[general] renaming: done.
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,40 +6,40 @@ open Utils
(** [ast_to_cast] translates a [t_nodelist] into a [c_nodelist] *)
let ast_to_cast (nodes: t_nodelist) (h: node_states): c_nodelist =
(** [ast_to_cast] translates a [t_nodelist] into a [i_nodelist] *)
let ast_to_cast (nodes: t_nodelist) (h: node_states): i_nodelist =
let c = ref 1 in
let ast_to_cast_varlist vl = snd vl in
let rec ast_to_cast_expr hloc = function
| EVar (_, v) ->
match Hashtbl.find_opt hloc (v, false) with
| None -> CVar (CVInput (name_of_var v))
| Some (s, i) -> CVar (CVStored (s, i))
| None -> IVar (CVInput (name_of_var v))
| Some (s, i) -> IVar (CVStored (s, i))
| EMonOp (_, op, e) -> CMonOp (op, ast_to_cast_expr hloc e)
| EMonOp (_, op, e) -> IMonOp (op, ast_to_cast_expr hloc e)
| EBinOp (_, op, e, e') ->
CBinOp (op, ast_to_cast_expr hloc e, ast_to_cast_expr hloc e')
IBinOp (op, ast_to_cast_expr hloc e, ast_to_cast_expr hloc e')
| ETriOp (_, op, e, e', e'') ->
(op, ast_to_cast_expr hloc e, ast_to_cast_expr hloc e', ast_to_cast_expr hloc e'')
| EComp (_, op, e, e') ->
CComp (op, ast_to_cast_expr hloc e, ast_to_cast_expr hloc e')
IComp (op, ast_to_cast_expr hloc e, ast_to_cast_expr hloc e')
| EWhen (_, e, e') ->
CWhen (ast_to_cast_expr hloc e, ast_to_cast_expr hloc e')
IWhen (ast_to_cast_expr hloc e, ast_to_cast_expr hloc e')
| EReset (_, e, e') ->
CReset (ast_to_cast_expr hloc e, ast_to_cast_expr hloc e')
| EConst (_, c) -> CConst c
| ETuple (_, l) -> CTuple (List.map (ast_to_cast_expr hloc) l)
IReset (ast_to_cast_expr hloc e, ast_to_cast_expr hloc e')
| EConst (_, c) -> IConst c
| ETuple (_, l) -> ITuple (List.map (ast_to_cast_expr hloc) l)
| EApp (_, n, e) ->
let e = ast_to_cast_expr hloc e in
let res = CApp (!c, n, e) in
let res = IApp (!c, n, e) in
let () = incr c in
let ast_to_cast_eq hloc (patt, expr) : c_equation =
let ast_to_cast_eq hloc (patt, expr) : i_equation =
(ast_to_cast_varlist patt, ast_to_cast_expr hloc expr) in
@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ let ast_to_cast (nodes: t_nodelist) (h: node_states): c_nodelist =
let () = c := 1 in
let hloc = (Hashtbl.find h node.n_name).nt_map in
cn_name = node.n_name;
cn_inputs = ast_to_cast_varlist node.n_inputs;
cn_outputs = ast_to_cast_varlist node.n_outputs;
cn_local_vars = ast_to_cast_varlist node.n_local_vars;
cn_equations = List.map (ast_to_cast_eq hloc) node.n_equations;
in_name = node.n_name;
in_inputs = ast_to_cast_varlist node.n_inputs;
in_outputs = ast_to_cast_varlist node.n_outputs;
in_local_vars = ast_to_cast_varlist node.n_local_vars;
in_equations = List.map (ast_to_cast_eq hloc) node.n_equations;
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ let make_state_types nodes: node_states =
let node_out_vars = snd node.n_outputs in
let h_out = Hashtbl.create (List.length node_out_vars) in
let () = List.iteri
(fun n v ->
(fun n (v: t_var) ->
match v with
| IVar _ ->
let i = Hashtbl.find h_int (v, false) in
@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ let make_state_types nodes: node_states =
(** The following function prints the code to remember previous values of
* variables used with the pre construct. *)
let cp_prevars fmt (node, h) =
let node_st = Hashtbl.find h node.cn_name in
match (Hashtbl.find h node.cn_name).nt_prevars with
let node_st = Hashtbl.find h node.in_name in
match (Hashtbl.find h node.in_name).nt_prevars with
| [] -> ()
| l ->
Format.fprintf fmt
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ let cp_prevars fmt (node, h) =
let cp_init_aux_nodes fmt (node, h) =
let rec aux fmt (node, nst, i) =
match find_app_opt node.cn_equations i with
match find_app_opt node.in_equations i with
| None -> () (** All auxiliary nodes have been initialized *)
| Some n ->
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ let cp_init_aux_nodes fmt (node, h) =
(Format.asprintf "t_state_%s" n.n_name) (i-1)
let nst = Hashtbl.find h node.cn_name in
let nst = Hashtbl.find h node.in_name in
if nst.nt_count_app = 0
then ()
else begin
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ let cp_node fmt (node, h) =
Format.fprintf fmt "%a\n{\n%a%a\n\n\tstate->is_init = false;\n%a}\n"
cp_prototype (node, h)
cp_init_aux_nodes (node, h)
cp_equations (node.cn_equations, Hashtbl.find h node.cn_name)
cp_equations (node.in_equations, Hashtbl.find h node.in_name)
cp_prevars (node, h)
(** [cp_nodes] recursively prints all the nodes of a program. *)
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ let rec cp_nodes fmt (nodes, h) =
(** main function that prints a C-code from a term of type [t_nodelist]. *)
let ast_to_c prog =
let prog_st_types = make_state_types prog in
let prog: c_nodelist = ast_to_cast prog prog_st_types in
let prog: i_nodelist = ast_to_cast prog prog_st_types in
Format.printf "%a\n\n%a\n\n/* Node Prototypes: */\n%a\n\n/* Nodes: */\n%a"
cp_includes (Config.c_includes)
cp_state_types prog_st_types
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ open Ast
let rec cp_includes fmt = function
| [] -> ()
| h :: t ->
Format.fprintf fmt "#include <%s>\n%a" h cp_includes t
Format.fprintf fmt "#include <%s.h>\n%a" h cp_includes t
let cp_node_state fmt (st: node_state) =
let maybeprint fmt (ty, nb, name): unit =
@ -58,17 +58,17 @@ let rec cp_varlist fmt vl =
cp_varlist vl
let cp_prototype fmt (node, h): unit =
match Hashtbl.find_opt h node.cn_name with
match Hashtbl.find_opt h node.in_name with
| None -> failwith "This should not happend!"
| Some nst ->
Format.fprintf fmt "void fn_%s (%s *state, %a)"
cp_varlist node.cn_inputs
cp_varlist node.in_inputs
let rec cp_prototypes fmt ((nodes, h): c_nodelist * node_states) =
let rec cp_prototypes fmt ((nodes, h): i_nodelist * node_states) =
match nodes with
| [] -> ()
| node :: nodes ->
@ -44,35 +44,35 @@ type c_var =
| CVStored of string * int
| CVInput of ident
type c_expression =
| CVar of c_var
| CMonOp of monop * c_expression
| CBinOp of binop * c_expression * c_expression
| CTriOp of triop * c_expression * c_expression * c_expression
| CComp of compop * c_expression * c_expression
| CWhen of c_expression * c_expression
| CReset of c_expression * c_expression
| CConst of const
| CTuple of (c_expression list)
type i_expression =
| IVar of c_var
| IMonOp of monop * i_expression
| IBinOp of binop * i_expression * i_expression
| ITriOp of triop * i_expression * i_expression * i_expression
| IComp of compop * i_expression * i_expression
| IWhen of i_expression * i_expression
| IReset of i_expression * i_expression
| IConst of const
| ITuple of (i_expression list)
(** [CApp] below represents the n-th call to an aux node *)
| CApp of int * t_node * c_expression
| IApp of int * t_node * i_expression
and c_varlist = t_var list
and i_varlist = t_var list
and c_equation = c_varlist * c_expression
and i_equation = i_varlist * i_expression
and c_eqlist = c_equation list
and i_eqlist = i_equation list
and c_node =
and i_node =
cn_name : ident;
cn_inputs: c_varlist;
cn_outputs: c_varlist;
cn_local_vars: c_varlist;
cn_equations: c_eqlist;
in_name : ident;
in_inputs: i_varlist;
in_outputs: i_varlist;
in_local_vars: i_varlist;
in_equations: i_eqlist;
type c_nodelist = c_node list
type i_nodelist = i_node list
type node_states = (ident, node_state) Hashtbl.t
@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ open Intermediate_ast
let rec find_app_opt eqs i =
let rec find_app_expr_opt i = function
| CVar _ | CConst _ -> None
| CMonOp (_, e) -> find_app_expr_opt i e
| CReset (e, e') | CWhen (e, e') | CComp (_, e, e') | CBinOp (_, e, e') ->
| IVar _ | IConst _ -> None
| IMonOp (_, e) -> find_app_expr_opt i e
| IReset (e, e') | IWhen (e, e') | IComp (_, e, e') | IBinOp (_, e, e') ->
match find_app_expr_opt i e with
| None -> find_app_expr_opt i e'
| Some n -> Some n
| CTriOp (_, e, e', e'') ->
| ITriOp (_, e, e', e'') ->
match find_app_expr_opt i e with
| None ->
@ -21,15 +21,15 @@ let rec find_app_opt eqs i =
| Some n -> Some n
| CTuple l ->
| ITuple l ->
(fun acc e ->
match acc, find_app_expr_opt i e with
| Some n, _ -> Some n
| None, v -> v)
None l
(** [CApp] below represents the n-th call to an aux node *)
| CApp (j, n, e) ->
(** [IApp] below represents the n-th call to an aux node *)
| IApp (j, n, e) ->
if i = j
then Some n
else find_app_expr_opt i e
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