[cprint] add a main function

This commit is contained in:
Arnaud DABY-SEESARAM 2022-12-20 15:11:12 +01:00
parent 42536df81c
commit f121f55432
4 changed files with 133 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -310,9 +310,10 @@ let ast_to_c verbose debug prog =
verbose "Computation of the node_states";
let prog_st_types = make_state_types prog in
debug (Format.asprintf "%a" dump_var_locations prog_st_types);
let prog: i_nodelist = ast_to_intermediate_ast prog prog_st_types in
Format.printf "%a\n\n%a\n\n/* Nodes: */\n%a"
let iprog: i_nodelist = ast_to_intermediate_ast prog prog_st_types in
Format.printf "%a\n\n%a\n\n/* Nodes: */\n%a%a\n"
cp_includes (Config.c_includes)
cp_state_types prog_st_types
cp_nodes (prog, prog_st_types)
cp_nodes (iprog, prog_st_types)
cp_main_fn (prog, prog_st_types)

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@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
* variables. *)
let maxvar = 100
let c_includes = ["stdbool"; "stdlib"]
let c_includes = ["stdbool"; "stdlib"; "stdio"; "string"]

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@ -218,3 +218,129 @@ and cp_expression fmt (expr, hloc) =
prefix_ := p
(** [cp_main] tries to print a main function to the C code.
* If there is a function [main] in the lustre program, it will generate a main
* function in the C code, otherwise it does not do anything.
let cp_main_fn fmt (prog, sts) =
let rec cp_array fmt (vl: t_var list): unit =
match vl with
| [] -> ()
| v :: vl ->
let typ, name =
match v with
| IVar s -> ("int", s)
| RVar s -> ("double", s)
| BVar s ->
Format.fprintf fmt "\tchar _char_of_%s;\n" s;
("bool", s)
Format.fprintf fmt "\t%s %s;\n%a" typ name
cp_array vl
let rec cp_inputs fmt (f, l) =
match f, l with
| _, [] -> ()
| true, h :: t ->
Format.fprintf fmt ", %s%a"
(Utils.name_of_var h)
cp_inputs (true, t)
| false, h :: t ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%s%a"
(Utils.name_of_var h)
cp_inputs (true, t)
let cp_scanf fmt vl =
let rec cp_scanf_str fmt (b, vl) =
match b, vl with
| _, [] -> ()
| true, h :: t ->
Format.fprintf fmt " %s%a"
(match h with
| IVar _ -> "%d"
| BVar _ -> "%c"
| RVar _ -> "%lf")
cp_scanf_str (true, t)
| false, h :: t ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%s%a"
(match h with
| IVar _ -> "%d"
| BVar _ -> "%c"
| RVar _ -> "%lf")
cp_scanf_str (true, t)
let rec cp_scanf_args fmt vl =
match vl with
| [] -> ()
| RVar s :: vl | IVar s :: vl ->
Format.fprintf fmt ", &%s%a" s cp_scanf_args vl
| BVar s :: vl ->
Format.fprintf fmt ", &%s%a" (Format.sprintf "_char_of_%s" s)
cp_scanf_args vl
Format.fprintf fmt "\"%a\"%a"
cp_scanf_str (false, vl)
cp_scanf_args vl
let cp_printf fmt vl =
let rec cp_printf_str fmt (b, vl) =
match b, vl with
| _, [] -> ()
| true, h :: t ->
Format.fprintf fmt " %s%a"
(match h with
| IVar _ -> "%d"
| BVar _ -> "%c"
| RVar _ -> "%f")
cp_printf_str (true, t)
| false, h :: t ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%s%a"
(match h with
| IVar _ -> "%d"
| BVar _ -> "%c"
| RVar _ -> "%f")
cp_printf_str (true, t)
let rec cp_printf_arg fmt (h, i) =
match Hashtbl.find_opt h i with
| None -> ()
| Some (s, i) ->
Format.fprintf fmt ", state.%s[%d]%a"
s i cp_printf_arg (h, i+1)
Format.fprintf fmt "\"%a\"%a"
cp_printf_str (false, vl)
cp_printf_arg ((Hashtbl.find sts "main").nt_output_map, 0)
let rec cp_char_to_bool fmt vl =
match vl with
| [] -> ()
| RVar _ :: vl | IVar _ :: vl -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" cp_char_to_bool vl
| BVar s :: vl ->
Format.fprintf fmt "\t\t%s = (%s == 't') ? true : false;\n%a"
s (Format.sprintf "_char_of_%s" s)
cp_char_to_bool vl
match List.find_opt (fun n -> n.n_name = "main") prog with
| None -> ()
| Some node ->
Format.fprintf fmt "int main (int argc, char **argv)\n\
\tchar _buffer[1024];\n\
\tt_state_main state; state.is_init = true;\n\
\twhile(true) {\n\
\t\tscanf(\"%%s\", _buffer);\n\
\t\tif(!strcmp(_buffer, \"exit\")) { exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); }\n\
\t\tsscanf(_buffer, %a);\n%a\
\t\tfn_main(&state, %a);\n\
\treturn EXIT_SUCCESS;\n\
cp_array (snd node.n_inputs)
cp_scanf (snd node.n_inputs)
cp_char_to_bool (snd node.n_inputs)
cp_inputs (false, snd node.n_inputs)
cp_printf (snd node.n_outputs)

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@ -1,15 +1,5 @@
node id (a: bool) returns (o: bool);
node main (i: int) returns (a, b: int);
o = a;
(a, b) = (i, i);
node test_merge_tuples (a, b: bool) returns (o: bool);
var t: bool;
(o, t) = if a and b then (true, false) else (false, true);
node my_and (a, b: bool) returns (o: bool);
o = if a then b else id(false -> a);