
This commit is contained in:
Arnaud DABY-SEESARAM 2022-12-08 14:34:50 +01:00
parent 0c2341fa0b
commit f64a25b0b5
2 changed files with 1 additions and 261 deletions

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@ -1 +1,2 @@

View File

@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/
!_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
!_TAG_OUTPUT_EXCMD mixed /number, pattern, mixed, or combineV2/
!_TAG_OUTPUT_FILESEP slash /slash or backslash/
!_TAG_OUTPUT_MODE u-ctags /u-ctags or e-ctags/
!_TAG_PATTERN_LENGTH_LIMIT 96 /0 for no limit/
!_TAG_PROC_CWD /home/sofamaniac/Nextcloud/cours/M2/synchronous_systems/project/ //
!_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Universal Ctags Team //
!_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME Universal Ctags /Derived from Exuberant Ctags/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_URL https://ctags.io/ /official site/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_VERSION 5.9.0 /p5.9.20220828.0/
ARROW src/_build/parser.ml /^ | ARROW$/;" C type:token
ARROW src/_build/parser.mli /^ | ARROW$/;" C type:token
Ast src/_build/ast.ml /^type ident = string$/;" M
Ast src/ast.ml /^exception MyTypeError of string$/;" M
BOOL src/_build/parser.ml /^ | BOOL$/;" C type:token
BOOL src/_build/parser.mli /^ | BOOL$/;" C type:token
BO_and src/_build/parser.ml /^ | BO_and$/;" C type:token
BO_and src/_build/parser.mli /^ | BO_and$/;" C type:token
BO_div src/_build/parser.ml /^ | BO_div$/;" C type:token
BO_div src/_build/parser.mli /^ | BO_div$/;" C type:token
BO_ge src/_build/parser.ml /^ | BO_ge$/;" C type:token
BO_ge src/_build/parser.mli /^ | BO_ge$/;" C type:token
BO_gt src/_build/parser.ml /^ | BO_gt$/;" C type:token
BO_gt src/_build/parser.mli /^ | BO_gt$/;" C type:token
BO_le src/_build/parser.ml /^ | BO_le$/;" C type:token
BO_le src/_build/parser.mli /^ | BO_le$/;" C type:token
BO_lt src/_build/parser.ml /^ | BO_lt$/;" C type:token
BO_lt src/_build/parser.mli /^ | BO_lt$/;" C type:token
BO_mod src/_build/parser.ml /^ | BO_mod$/;" C type:token
BO_mod src/_build/parser.mli /^ | BO_mod$/;" C type:token
BO_mul src/_build/parser.ml /^ | BO_mul$/;" C type:token
BO_mul src/_build/parser.mli /^ | BO_mul$/;" C type:token
BO_neq src/_build/parser.ml /^ | BO_neq$/;" C type:token
BO_neq src/_build/parser.mli /^ | BO_neq$/;" C type:token
BO_or src/_build/parser.ml /^ | BO_or$/;" C type:token
BO_or src/_build/parser.mli /^ | BO_or$/;" C type:token
BOp_add src/_build/ast.ml /^ | BOp_add | BOp_sub | BOp_mul | BOp_div | BOp_mod$/;" C type:binop
BOp_add src/ast.ml /^ | BOp_add | BOp_sub | BOp_mul | BOp_div | BOp_mod$/;" C type:binop
BOp_and src/_build/ast.ml /^ | BOp_and | BOp_or | BOp_eq | BOp_neq$/;" C type:binop
BOp_and src/ast.ml /^ | BOp_and | BOp_or | BOp_arrow$/;" C type:binop
BOp_arrow src/ast.ml /^ | BOp_and | BOp_or | BOp_arrow$/;" C type:binop
BOp_div src/_build/ast.ml /^ | BOp_add | BOp_sub | BOp_mul | BOp_div | BOp_mod$/;" C type:binop
BOp_div src/ast.ml /^ | BOp_add | BOp_sub | BOp_mul | BOp_div | BOp_mod$/;" C type:binop
BOp_eq src/_build/ast.ml /^ | BOp_and | BOp_or | BOp_eq | BOp_neq$/;" C type:binop
BOp_ge src/_build/ast.ml /^ | BOp_le | BOp_lt | BOp_ge | BOp_gt$/;" C type:binop
BOp_gt src/_build/ast.ml /^ | BOp_le | BOp_lt | BOp_ge | BOp_gt$/;" C type:binop
BOp_le src/_build/ast.ml /^ | BOp_le | BOp_lt | BOp_ge | BOp_gt$/;" C type:binop
BOp_lt src/_build/ast.ml /^ | BOp_le | BOp_lt | BOp_ge | BOp_gt$/;" C type:binop
BOp_mod src/_build/ast.ml /^ | BOp_add | BOp_sub | BOp_mul | BOp_div | BOp_mod$/;" C type:binop
BOp_mod src/ast.ml /^ | BOp_add | BOp_sub | BOp_mul | BOp_div | BOp_mod$/;" C type:binop
BOp_mul src/_build/ast.ml /^ | BOp_add | BOp_sub | BOp_mul | BOp_div | BOp_mod$/;" C type:binop
BOp_mul src/ast.ml /^ | BOp_add | BOp_sub | BOp_mul | BOp_div | BOp_mod$/;" C type:binop
BOp_neq src/_build/ast.ml /^ | BOp_and | BOp_or | BOp_eq | BOp_neq$/;" C type:binop
BOp_or src/_build/ast.ml /^ | BOp_and | BOp_or | BOp_eq | BOp_neq$/;" C type:binop
BOp_or src/ast.ml /^ | BOp_and | BOp_or | BOp_arrow$/;" C type:binop
BOp_sub src/_build/ast.ml /^ | BOp_add | BOp_sub | BOp_mul | BOp_div | BOp_mod$/;" C type:binop
BOp_sub src/ast.ml /^ | BOp_add | BOp_sub | BOp_mul | BOp_div | BOp_mod$/;" C type:binop
BVar src/ast.ml /^ | BVar of ident$/;" C type:t_var
CBool src/_build/ast.ml /^ | CBool of bool$/;" C type:const
CBool src/ast.ml /^ | CBool of bool$/;" C type:const
CInt src/_build/ast.ml /^ | CInt of int$/;" C type:const
CInt src/ast.ml /^ | CInt of int$/;" C type:const
COLON src/_build/parser.ml /^ | COLON$/;" C type:token
COLON src/_build/parser.mli /^ | COLON$/;" C type:token
COMMA src/_build/parser.ml /^ | COMMA$/;" C type:token
COMMA src/_build/parser.mli /^ | COMMA$/;" C type:token
CONST_BOOL src/_build/parser.ml /^ | CONST_BOOL of (bool)$/;" C type:token
CONST_BOOL src/_build/parser.mli /^ | CONST_BOOL of (bool)$/;" C type:token
CONST_INT src/_build/parser.ml /^ | CONST_INT of (int)$/;" C type:token
CONST_INT src/_build/parser.mli /^ | CONST_INT of (int)$/;" C type:token
COp_eq src/ast.ml /^ | COp_eq | COp_neq$/;" C type:compop
COp_ge src/ast.ml /^ | COp_le | COp_lt | COp_ge | COp_gt$/;" C type:compop
COp_gt src/ast.ml /^ | COp_le | COp_lt | COp_ge | COp_gt$/;" C type:compop
COp_le src/ast.ml /^ | COp_le | COp_lt | COp_ge | COp_gt$/;" C type:compop
COp_lt src/ast.ml /^ | COp_le | COp_lt | COp_ge | COp_gt$/;" C type:compop
COp_neq src/ast.ml /^ | COp_eq | COp_neq$/;" C type:compop
CReal src/ast.ml /^ | CReal of real$/;" C type:const
Calc src/_build/calc.ml /^open Ast$/;" M
EApp src/ast.ml /^ | EApp of full_ty * t_node * t_expression$/;" C type:t_expression
EBinOp src/ast.ml /^ | EBinOp of full_ty * binop * t_expression * t_expression$/;" C type:t_expression
EComp src/ast.ml /^ | EComp of full_ty * compop * t_expression * t_expression$/;" C type:t_expression
EConst src/ast.ml /^ | EConst of full_ty * const$/;" C type:t_expression
ELSE src/_build/parser.ml /^ | ELSE$/;" C type:token
ELSE src/_build/parser.mli /^ | ELSE$/;" C type:token
EMonOp src/ast.ml /^ | EMonOp of full_ty * monop * t_expression$/;" C type:t_expression
EOF src/_build/parser.ml /^ | EOF$/;" C type:token
EOF src/_build/parser.mli /^ | EOF$/;" C type:token
EQUAL src/_build/parser.ml /^ | EQUAL$/;" C type:token
EQUAL src/_build/parser.mli /^ | EQUAL$/;" C type:token
ETriOp src/ast.ml /^ | ETriOp of full_ty * triop * t_expression * t_expression * t_expression$/;" C type:t_expression
ETuple src/ast.ml /^ | ETuple of full_ty * (t_expression list)$/;" C type:t_expression
EVar src/ast.ml /^ | EVar of full_ty * t_var$/;" C type:t_expression
EWhen src/ast.ml /^ | EWhen of full_ty * t_expression * t_expression$/;" C type:t_expression
FTArr src/ast.ml /^ | FTArr of full_ty * full_ty$/;" C type:full_ty
FTBase src/ast.ml /^ | FTBase of base_ty$/;" C type:full_ty
FTList src/ast.ml /^ | FTList of full_ty list$/;" C type:full_ty
IDENT src/_build/parser.ml /^ | IDENT of (string)$/;" C type:token
IDENT src/_build/parser.mli /^ | IDENT of (string)$/;" C type:token
IF src/_build/parser.ml /^ | IF$/;" C type:token
IF src/_build/parser.mli /^ | IF$/;" C type:token
INT src/_build/parser.ml /^ | INT$/;" C type:token
INT src/_build/parser.mli /^ | INT$/;" C type:token
IVar src/ast.ml /^ | IVar of ident$/;" C type:t_var
LET src/_build/parser.ml /^ | LET$/;" C type:token
LET src/_build/parser.mli /^ | LET$/;" C type:token
LPAREN src/_build/parser.ml /^ | LPAREN$/;" C type:token
LPAREN src/_build/parser.mli /^ | LPAREN$/;" C type:token
Lexer src/_build/lexer.ml /^# 1 "lexer.mll"$/;" M
Lexing_error src/_build/lexer.ml /^ exception Lexing_error of string$/;" e
MINUS src/_build/parser.ml /^ | MINUS$/;" C type:token
MINUS src/_build/parser.mli /^ | MINUS$/;" C type:token
MO_not src/_build/parser.ml /^ | MO_not$/;" C type:token
MO_not src/_build/parser.mli /^ | MO_not$/;" C type:token
MOp_minus src/_build/ast.ml /^ | MOp_minus$/;" C type:monop
MOp_minus src/ast.ml /^ | MOp_not | MOp_minus | MOp_pre$/;" C type:monop
MOp_not src/_build/ast.ml /^ | MOp_not$/;" C type:monop
MOp_not src/ast.ml /^ | MOp_not | MOp_minus | MOp_pre$/;" C type:monop
MOp_pre src/ast.ml /^ | MOp_not | MOp_minus | MOp_pre$/;" C type:monop
Main src/main.ml /^open Ast$/;" M
MyTypeError src/ast.ml /^exception MyTypeError of string$/;" e
NODE src/_build/parser.ml /^ | NODE$/;" C type:token
NODE src/_build/parser.mli /^ | NODE$/;" C type:token
PE_BinOp src/_build/ast.ml /^ | PE_BinOp of binop * p_expression * p_expression$/;" C type:p_expression
PE_Const src/_build/ast.ml /^ | PE_Const of const$/;" C type:p_expression
PE_MonOp src/_build/ast.ml /^ | PE_MonOp of monop * p_expression$/;" C type:p_expression
PE_TriOp src/_build/ast.ml /^ | PE_TriOp of triop * p_expression * p_expression * p_expression$/;" C type:p_expression
PE_Var src/_build/ast.ml /^ | PE_Var of ident$/;" C type:p_expression
PE_app src/_build/ast.ml /^ | PE_app of ident * p_expression list$/;" C type:p_expression
PE_arrow src/_build/ast.ml /^ | PE_arrow of p_expression * p_expression$/;" C type:p_expression
PE_pre src/_build/ast.ml /^ | PE_pre of p_expression$/;" C type:p_expression
PE_tuple src/_build/ast.ml /^ | PE_tuple of p_expression list$/;" C type:p_expression
PLUS src/_build/parser.ml /^ | PLUS$/;" C type:token
PLUS src/_build/parser.mli /^ | PLUS$/;" C type:token
PP_tuple src/_build/ast.ml /^ | PP_tuple of ident list$/;" C type:p_pattern
PP_var src/_build/ast.ml /^ | PP_var of ident$/;" C type:p_pattern
PRE src/_build/parser.ml /^ | PRE$/;" C type:token
PRE src/_build/parser.mli /^ | PRE$/;" C type:token
Parser src/_build/parser.ml /^type token =$/;" M
Parser src/_build/parser.mli /^type token =$/;" M
Pp src/_build/pp.ml /^open Ast$/;" M
Pp src/pp.ml /^open Ast$/;" M
RETURNS src/_build/parser.ml /^ | RETURNS$/;" C type:token
RETURNS src/_build/parser.mli /^ | RETURNS$/;" C type:token
RPAREN src/_build/parser.ml /^ | RPAREN$/;" C type:token
RPAREN src/_build/parser.mli /^ | RPAREN$/;" C type:token
RVar src/ast.ml /^ | RVar of ident$/;" C type:t_var
SEMICOL src/_build/parser.ml /^ | SEMICOL$/;" C type:token
SEMICOL src/_build/parser.mli /^ | SEMICOL$/;" C type:token
TBool src/ast.ml /^ | TBool$/;" C type:base_ty
TEL src/_build/parser.ml /^ | TEL$/;" C type:token
TEL src/_build/parser.mli /^ | TEL$/;" C type:token
THEN src/_build/parser.ml /^ | THEN$/;" C type:token
THEN src/_build/parser.mli /^ | THEN$/;" C type:token
TInt src/ast.ml /^ | TInt$/;" C type:base_ty
TOp_if src/_build/ast.ml /^ | TOp_if$/;" C type:triop
TOp_if src/ast.ml /^ | TOp_if | TOp_merge$/;" C type:triop
TOp_merge src/ast.ml /^ | TOp_if | TOp_merge$/;" C type:triop
TReal src/ast.ml /^ | TReal$/;" C type:base_ty
Tbool src/_build/ast.ml /^ | Tbool$/;" C type:base_ty
Tint src/_build/ast.ml /^ | Tint$/;" C type:base_ty
Utils src/utils.ml /^let rec list_repeat n elt =$/;" M
VAR src/_build/parser.ml /^ | VAR$/;" C type:token
VAR src/_build/parser.mli /^ | VAR$/;" C type:token
_ src/_build/calc.ml /^let _ =$/;" f
_ src/_build/parser.ml /^let _ = parse_error;;$/;" f
_ src/main.ml /^let _ =$/;" f
__ocaml_lex_tables src/_build/lexer.ml /^let __ocaml_lex_tables = {$/;" f
__ocaml_lex_token_rec src/_build/lexer.ml /^and __ocaml_lex_token_rec lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state =$/;" f
all Makefile /^all:$/;" t
all src/Makefile /^all:$/;" t
base_ty src/_build/ast.ml /^type base_ty =$/;" t
base_ty src/ast.ml /^type base_ty =$/;" t
binop src/_build/ast.ml /^type binop =$/;" t
binop src/ast.ml /^type binop =$/;" t
check_dependencies src/main.ml /^let check_dependencies (a: t_nodelist) = Some a$/;" f
check_well_formedness src/main.ml /^let check_well_formedness (a: t_nodelist) = Some a$/;" f
clean Makefile /^clean:$/;" t
clean src/Makefile /^clean:$/;" t
compop src/ast.ml /^type compop =$/;" t
const src/_build/ast.ml /^type const =$/;" t
const src/ast.ml /^type const =$/;" t
current_location src/_build/parser.ml /^ let current_location () = symbol_start_pos (), symbol_end_pos ()$/;" f
exit_error src/main.ml /^let exit_error (s: string) : unit =$/;" f
full_ty src/ast.ml /^type full_ty =$/;" t
id_or_keywork src/_build/lexer.ml /^ let id_or_keywork =$/;" v
ident src/_build/ast.ml /^type ident = string$/;" t
ident src/ast.ml /^type ident = string$/;" t
list_repeat src/utils.ml /^let rec list_repeat n elt =$/;" f
location src/_build/ast.ml /^type location = Lexing.position * Lexing.position$/;" t
location src/ast.ml /^type location = Lexing.position * Lexing.position$/;" t
main src/_build/parser.ml /^let main (lexfun : Lexing.lexbuf -> token) (lexbuf : Lexing.lexbuf) =$/;" f
main src/_build/parser.mli /^val main :$/;" p type:token
monop src/_build/ast.ml /^type monop =$/;" t
monop src/ast.ml /^type monop =$/;" t
n_equations src/ast.ml /^ n_equations: t_eqlist;$/;" r type:t_node
n_inputs src/ast.ml /^ n_inputs: t_varlist;$/;" r type:t_node
n_local_vars src/ast.ml /^ n_local_vars: t_varlist;$/;" r type:t_node
n_name src/ast.ml /^ n_name : ident;$/;" r type:t_node
n_outputs src/ast.ml /^ n_outputs: t_varlist;$/;" r type:t_node
n_type src/ast.ml /^ n_type : full_ty;$/;" r type:t_node
p_equation src/_build/ast.ml /^type p_equation =$/;" t
p_expression src/_build/ast.ml /^type p_expression =$/;" t
p_node src/_build/ast.ml /^type p_node =$/;" t
p_pattern src/_build/ast.ml /^type p_pattern =$/;" t
p_prog src/_build/ast.ml /^type p_prog = p_node list$/;" t
peq_expr src/_build/ast.ml /^ peq_expr: p_expression }$/;" r type:p_equation
peq_patt src/_build/ast.ml /^ { peq_patt: p_pattern;$/;" r type:p_equation
pn_equations src/_build/ast.ml /^ pn_equations: p_equation list;$/;" r type:p_node
pn_input src/_build/ast.ml /^ pn_input: (ident * base_ty) list;$/;" r type:p_node
pn_loc src/_build/ast.ml /^ pn_loc: location; }$/;" r type:p_node
pn_local_vars src/_build/ast.ml /^ pn_local_vars: (ident* base_ty) list;$/;" r type:p_node
pn_name src/_build/ast.ml /^ { pn_name: ident;$/;" r type:p_node
pn_output src/_build/ast.ml /^ pn_output: (ident * base_ty) list;$/;" r type:p_node
pp_ast src/pp.ml /^let pp_ast fmt prog =$/;" f
pp_equations src/_build/pp.ml /^let rec pp_equations fmt eqs =$/;" f
pp_equations src/pp.ml /^let rec pp_equations fmt: t_eqlist -> unit = function$/;" f
pp_expression src/_build/pp.ml /^let pp_expression =$/;" v
pp_expression src/pp.ml /^let pp_expression =$/;" v
pp_loc src/_build/pp.ml /^let pp_loc fmt (start, stop) =$/;" f
pp_loc src/pp.ml /^let pp_loc fmt (start, stop) =$/;" f
pp_node src/pp.ml /^let pp_node fmt node =$/;" f
pp_node_vars src/_build/pp.ml /^let rec pp_node_vars fmt vars =$/;" f
pp_nodes src/_build/pp.ml /^let rec pp_nodes fmt nodes =$/;" f
pp_nodes src/pp.ml /^let rec pp_nodes fmt nodes =$/;" f
pp_pattern src/_build/pp.ml /^let pp_pattern fmt pat =$/;" f
pp_prog src/_build/pp.ml /^let pp_prog fmt prog =$/;" f
pp_varlist src/pp.ml /^let rec pp_varlist fmt : t_varlist -> unit = function$/;" f
print_debug src/main.ml /^let print_debug d s =$/;" f
print_verbose src/main.ml /^let print_verbose v s =$/;" f
real src/ast.ml /^type real = float$/;" t
run src/main.ml /^let run verbose debug (passes: (t_nodelist -> t_nodelist option) list)$/;" f
simplify_prog src/main.ml /^let simplify_prog (a: t_nodelist) = Some a$/;" f
t_eqlist src/ast.ml /^and t_eqlist = t_equation list$/;" t
t_equation src/ast.ml /^and t_equation = t_varlist * t_expression$/;" t
t_expression src/ast.ml /^type t_expression =$/;" t
t_node src/ast.ml /^and t_node =$/;" t
t_nodelist src/ast.ml /^type t_nodelist = t_node list$/;" t
t_var src/ast.ml /^type t_var =$/;" t
t_varlist src/ast.ml /^and t_varlist = full_ty * (t_var list)$/;" t
token src/_build/lexer.ml /^let rec token lexbuf =$/;" f
token src/_build/parser.ml /^type token =$/;" t
token src/_build/parser.mli /^type token =$/;" t
triop src/_build/ast.ml /^type triop =$/;" t
triop src/ast.ml /^type triop =$/;" t
yyact src/_build/parser.ml /^let yyact = [|$/;" v
yycheck src/_build/parser.ml /^let yycheck = "\\046\\000\\$/;" v
yydefred src/_build/parser.ml /^let yydefred = "\\000\\000\\$/;" v
yydgoto src/_build/parser.ml /^let yydgoto = "\\002\\000\\$/;" v
yygindex src/_build/parser.ml /^let yygindex = "\\000\\000\\$/;" v
yylen src/_build/parser.ml /^let yylen = "\\002\\000\\$/;" v
yylhs src/_build/parser.ml /^let yylhs = "\\255\\255\\$/;" v
yynames_block src/_build/parser.ml /^let yynames_block = "\\$/;" v
yynames_const src/_build/parser.ml /^let yynames_const = "\\$/;" v
yyrindex src/_build/parser.ml /^let yyrindex = "\\000\\000\\$/;" v
yysindex src/_build/parser.ml /^let yysindex = "\\002\\000\\$/;" v
yytable src/_build/parser.ml /^let yytable = "\\058\\000\\$/;" v
yytables src/_build/parser.ml /^let yytables =$/;" v
yytablesize src/_build/parser.ml /^let yytablesize = 319$/;" v
yytransl_block src/_build/parser.ml /^let yytransl_block = [|$/;" v
yytransl_const src/_build/parser.ml /^let yytransl_const = [|$/;" v