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7 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
ea94bb84dd | |||
f55cd56fde | |||
012131e035 | |||
b58b250532 | |||
78e096d2f4 | |||
621658e177 | |||
85ecea0b9e |
@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ let rec pp_asnprevarlist node_name fmt : t_varlist -> unit = function
let reset_expressions_counter = ref 0;;
let reset_expressions_counter = ref 0;;
let outputs = ref [];;
let pp_expression node_name =
let pp_expression node_name =
let rec pp_expression_aux fmt expression =
let rec pp_expression_aux fmt expression =
let rec pp_expression_list fmt exprs =
let rec pp_expression_list fmt exprs =
@ -187,10 +189,27 @@ let pp_expression node_name =
(* deterministic *)
let nodes_outputs = Hashtbl.create Config.maxvar;;
let prepend_output_aux node_name name =
"output_" ^ node_name ^ "_" ^ name
let prepend_output output node_name =
match output with
| BVar name -> BVar (prepend_output_aux node_name name)
| IVar name -> IVar (prepend_output_aux node_name name)
| RVar name -> RVar (prepend_output_aux node_name name)
let rec pp_equations node_name fmt: t_eqlist -> unit = function
let rec pp_equations node_name fmt: t_eqlist -> unit = function
| [] -> ()
| [] -> ()
| ((l_types, vars), (EApp (r_types, node, exprs))) :: eqs when l_types <> [] -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" (pp_equations node_name) ((([], []), (EApp (r_types, node, exprs))) :: ((l_types, vars), (ETuple (fst node.n_outputs, (fun output -> EVar (fst node.n_outputs, prepend_output output node.n_name)) (snd node.n_outputs)))) :: eqs)
| (([], []), (ETuple ([], []))) :: eqs -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" (pp_equations node_name) eqs
| (([], []), (ETuple ([], []))) :: eqs -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" (pp_equations node_name) eqs
| ((l_type :: l_types, var :: vars), (ETuple (r_type :: r_types, expr :: exprs))) :: eqs -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" (pp_equations node_name) ((([l_type], [var]), expr) :: ((l_types, vars), (ETuple (r_types, exprs))) :: eqs)
| ((l_type :: l_types, var :: vars), (ETuple (r_type :: r_types, expr :: exprs))) :: eqs -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" (pp_equations node_name) ((([l_type], [var]), expr) :: ((l_types, vars), (ETuple (r_types, exprs))) :: eqs)
| (([], []), expr) :: eqs ->
Format.fprintf fmt "\t%a;\n%a"
(pp_expression node_name) expr
(pp_equations node_name) eqs
| (patt, expr) :: eqs ->
| (patt, expr) :: eqs ->
Format.fprintf fmt "\t%a = %a;\n%a"
Format.fprintf fmt "\t%a = %a;\n%a"
(pp_varlist Base) patt
(pp_varlist Base) patt
@ -202,24 +221,31 @@ let pp_resvars reset_expressions_counter =
(* use the fact that any boolean and any integer can be encoded as a float, concerning integers [-2^(23+1) + 1; 2^(23+1) + 1] are correctly encoded (cf *)
(* use the fact that any boolean and any integer can be encoded as a float, concerning integers [-2^(23+1) + 1; 2^(23+1) + 1] are correctly encoded (cf *)
Format.sprintf "float tmp_reset[%i], init[%i];" reset_expressions_counter reset_expressions_counter
Format.sprintf "float tmp_reset[%i], init[%i];" reset_expressions_counter reset_expressions_counter
(* TODO: manage general outputs *)
let pp_return node_name fmt outputs =
if node_name = "main" then
(Format.fprintf fmt "return %a;"
(pp_varlist Base) outputs)
Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (String.concat "\n\t" ( (fun output -> match output with | BVar name | IVar name | RVar name -> "output_" ^ node_name ^ "_" ^ name ^ " = " ^ name ^ ";") (snd outputs)))
let pp_node fmt node =
let pp_node fmt node =
(* undefined behavior if the initial code uses a variable with name:
(* undefined behavior if the initial code uses a variable with name:
- `init_{NODE_NAME}`
- `init_{NODE_NAME}`
- `tmp_reset_{int}`
- `tmp_reset_{int}`
- `init_{int}`
- `init_{int}`
- `pre_{NODE_MAIN}_{VARIABLE}` *)
- `output_{NODE_NAME}_{VARIABLE}` *)
reset_expressions_counter := 0;
reset_expressions_counter := 0;
let _ = (pp_equations node.n_name) Format.str_formatter node.n_equations in
let _ = (pp_equations node.n_name) Format.str_formatter node.n_equations in
reset_expressions_counter := 0;
reset_expressions_counter := 0;
Format.fprintf fmt "bool init_%s = true;\n\n%a\n\n%a\n\n%a\n\n%s\n\n%a %s(%a)\n{\n\t%a\n\n\t%a\n\n%a\n\tinit_%s = false;\n\n%a\n\n%a\n\n%a\n\n\treturn %a;\n}\n"
Format.fprintf fmt "bool init_%s = true;\n\n%a\n\n%a\n\n%a\n\n%s\n\n%s %s(%a)\n{\n\t%a\n\n\t%a\n\n%a\n\n\tinit_%s = false;\n\n%a\n\n%a\n\n%a\n\n\t%a\n}\n"
(* could avoid declaring unused variables *)
(* could avoid declaring unused variables *)
(pp_prevarlist node.n_name) node.n_inputs
(pp_prevarlist node.n_name) node.n_inputs
(pp_prevarlist node.n_name) node.n_local_vars
(pp_prevarlist node.n_name) node.n_local_vars
(pp_prevarlist node.n_name) node.n_outputs
(pp_prevarlist node.n_name) node.n_outputs
(pp_resvars !reset_expressions_counter)
(pp_resvars !reset_expressions_counter)
pp_retvarlist node.n_outputs
(if node.n_name = "main" then "int" else "void")
(* could avoid newlines if they aren't used to seperate statements *)
(* could avoid newlines if they aren't used to seperate statements *)
(pp_varlist Arg) node.n_inputs
(pp_varlist Arg) node.n_inputs
@ -230,7 +256,7 @@ let pp_node fmt node =
(pp_asnprevarlist node.n_name) node.n_inputs
(pp_asnprevarlist node.n_name) node.n_inputs
(pp_asnprevarlist node.n_name) node.n_local_vars
(pp_asnprevarlist node.n_name) node.n_local_vars
(pp_asnprevarlist node.n_name) node.n_outputs
(pp_asnprevarlist node.n_name) node.n_outputs
(pp_varlist Base) node.n_outputs
(pp_return node.n_name) node.n_outputs
let rec pp_nodes fmt nodes =
let rec pp_nodes fmt nodes =
match nodes with
match nodes with
@ -238,9 +264,24 @@ let rec pp_nodes fmt nodes =
| node :: nodes ->
| node :: nodes ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a\n%a" pp_node node pp_nodes nodes
Format.fprintf fmt "%a\n%a" pp_node node pp_nodes nodes
let rec load_outputs_from_vars node_name n_outputs =
match n_outputs with
| [] -> ()
| BVar n_output :: n_outputs
| IVar n_output :: n_outputs
| RVar n_output :: n_outputs ->
(if (not (List.mem n_output !outputs)) then outputs := (node_name ^ "_" ^ n_output) :: !outputs;); load_outputs_from_vars node_name n_outputs
let rec load_outputs_from_nodes nodes =
match nodes with
| [] -> ()
| node :: nodes ->
(if node.n_name <> "main" then (load_outputs_from_vars node.n_name (snd node.n_outputs)); Hashtbl.add nodes_outputs node.n_name (snd node.n_outputs)); load_outputs_from_nodes nodes
let ast_to_c fmt prog =
let ast_to_c fmt prog =
load_outputs_from_nodes prog;
Format.fprintf fmt
Format.fprintf fmt
(* could verify that uses, possibly indirectly (cf `->` implementation), a boolean in the ast before including `<stdbool.h>` *)
(* could verify that uses, possibly indirectly (cf `->` implementation), a boolean in the ast before including `<stdbool.h>` *)
"#include <stdbool.h>\n\n%a"
"#include <stdbool.h>\n\n%s\n\n%a"
pp_nodes prog
("float " ^ (String.concat ", " ( (fun output -> "output_" ^ output) !outputs)) ^ ";") pp_nodes prog
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