open Intermediate_ast open Ast (** This file contains a small subset of the syntax of C required for the * translation. *) (** A [c_block] represents a block in C. *) type c_block = c_expression list (** A [c_expresion] represents a C expression, which can need sequences and * function calls. *) and c_expression = | CAssign of c_var * c_value | CSeq of c_expression * c_expression | CIf of c_value * c_block * c_block | CApplication of ident * c_var list (** A value here is anything that can be inlined into a single C expression * containing no function call, condition, ... *) and c_value = | CVariable of c_var | CMonOp of monop * c_value | CBinOp of binop * c_value * c_value | CComp of compop * c_value * c_value | CConst of const