from selenium import webdriver from import By from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options import json """ As there is something looking as an anti-bot for downloading media files, we use a Selenium-based approach. """ profile_path = '/home/benjamin/.mozilla/firefox/ilfnifi0.default-release' fp = webdriver.FirefoxProfile(profile_path) browser = webdriver.Firefox(fp) browser.get('') """ For `Music` tab, YouTube UI returns 3,000 entries while my reverse-engineering approach returns 5,819 entries. For `Sound effects` tab, YouTube UI returns 400 entries while my reverse-engineering approach returns 2021 entries. So I assume YouTube UI pagination doesn't work fine, so to retrieve all media files (for `Music`), the idea is to filter by `Track title` and download one entry that perfectly (not just `contains`) matches `artist/name`, `title` and `duration/nanos` (converted if only `seconds`), as some tracks have the same titles. Only `trackId` and `viperId` differ when identifying with `artist/name`, `title` and `duration/nanos` (cf above comment) (example: `Dyalla_Ringside_116`), as I verified all duplicates, they are binary identical. So we will have to duplicate the media file with the different `trackId`s for files being *identitcal* (note that `trackId`, as well as `viperId` are uniquely identified). Otherwise I could clean the metadata by removing duplicates (but then if we update the database we have to make sure that ids that we have kept are still kept). """ with open('music.json') as json_file: tracks = json.load(json_file) for track in tracks: browser.find_element(By.ID, 'text-input').send_keys(track['title']) browser.find_element(By.XPATH, '/html/body/ytcp-text-menu/tp-yt-paper-dialog/tp-yt-paper-listbox/tp-yt-paper-item[2]/ytcp-ve/div/div/yt-formatted-string/span[1]').click() number_of_results = int(browser.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.page-description').get_attribute('innerHTML').split()[-1]) print(number_of_results) # `DOWNLOAD` browser.find_element(By.XPATH, 'div.overflow-actions:nth-child(12) > ytcp-button:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2)').click() break #browser.quit()