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# The algorithm:
To retrieve the most YouTube video ids in order to retrieve the most video captions, we need to retrieve the most YouTube channels.
So to discover the YouTube channels graph with a breadth-first search, we proceed as follows:
1. Provide a starting set of channels.
2. Given a channel, retrieve other channels thanks to its content by using [YouTube Data API v3]( and [YouTube operational API]( and then repeat 1. for each retrieved channel.
A ready to be used by the end-user website instance of this project is hosted at:
See more details on [the Wiki](
# Running the algorithm:
Because of [the current compression mechanism](, Linux is the only known OS able to run this algorithm.
Fix #13: Add captions extraction I was about to commit in addition: ```c++ // Due to videos with automatically generated captions but being set to `Off` by default aren't retrieved with `--sub-langs '.*orig'`. // My workaround is to first call YouTube Data API v3 Captions: list endpoint with `part=snippet` and retrieve the language that has `"trackKind": "asr"` (automatic speech recognition) in `snippet`. /*json data = getJson(threadId, "captions?part=snippet&videoId=" + videoId, true, channelToTreat), items = data["items"]; for(const auto& item : items) { json snippet = item["snippet"]; if(snippet["trackKind"] == "asr") { string language = snippet["language"]; cmd = cmdCommonPrefix + "--write-auto-subs --sub-langs '" + language + "-orig' --sub-format ttml --convert-subs vtt" + cmdCommonPostfix; exec(threadId, cmd); // As there should be a single automatic speech recognized track, there is no need to go through all tracks. break; } }*/ ``` Instead of: ```c++ cmd = cmdCommonPrefix + "--write-auto-subs --sub-langs '.*orig' --sub-format ttml --convert-subs vtt" + cmdCommonPostfix; exec(threadId, cmd); ``` But I realized that, as the GitHub comment I was about to add to, I was wrong: > `yt-dlp --cookies cookies.txt --sub-langs 'en.*,.*orig' --write-auto-subs` work as expected. Many thanks again. > > ``` > 'subtitleslangs': ['en.*','.*orig'], > 'writeautomaticsub': True, > ``` > > Work as expected too. Thank you > > Very sorry for the video sample. I even not watched it. Thank you for this workaround. However note that videos having automatically generated subtitles but being set to `Off` by default aren't retrieved with your method (example of such video: [`mozyXsZJnQ4`]( My workaround is to first call [YouTube Data API v3]( [Captions: list]( endpoint with [`part=snippet`]( and retrieve the [`language`]( that has [`"trackKind": "asr"`]( (automatic speech recognition) in [`snippet`](
2023-02-10 20:03:08 +01:00
sudo apt install nlohmann-json3-dev yt-dlp
Fix #13: Add captions extraction I was about to commit in addition: ```c++ // Due to videos with automatically generated captions but being set to `Off` by default aren't retrieved with `--sub-langs '.*orig'`. // My workaround is to first call YouTube Data API v3 Captions: list endpoint with `part=snippet` and retrieve the language that has `"trackKind": "asr"` (automatic speech recognition) in `snippet`. /*json data = getJson(threadId, "captions?part=snippet&videoId=" + videoId, true, channelToTreat), items = data["items"]; for(const auto& item : items) { json snippet = item["snippet"]; if(snippet["trackKind"] == "asr") { string language = snippet["language"]; cmd = cmdCommonPrefix + "--write-auto-subs --sub-langs '" + language + "-orig' --sub-format ttml --convert-subs vtt" + cmdCommonPostfix; exec(threadId, cmd); // As there should be a single automatic speech recognized track, there is no need to go through all tracks. break; } }*/ ``` Instead of: ```c++ cmd = cmdCommonPrefix + "--write-auto-subs --sub-langs '.*orig' --sub-format ttml --convert-subs vtt" + cmdCommonPostfix; exec(threadId, cmd); ``` But I realized that, as the GitHub comment I was about to add to, I was wrong: > `yt-dlp --cookies cookies.txt --sub-langs 'en.*,.*orig' --write-auto-subs` work as expected. Many thanks again. > > ``` > 'subtitleslangs': ['en.*','.*orig'], > 'writeautomaticsub': True, > ``` > > Work as expected too. Thank you > > Very sorry for the video sample. I even not watched it. Thank you for this workaround. However note that videos having automatically generated subtitles but being set to `Off` by default aren't retrieved with your method (example of such video: [`mozyXsZJnQ4`]( My workaround is to first call [YouTube Data API v3]( [Captions: list]( endpoint with [`part=snippet`]( and retrieve the [`language`]( that has [`"trackKind": "asr"`]( (automatic speech recognition) in [`snippet`](
2023-02-10 20:03:08 +01:00
./youtubeCaptionsSearchEngine -h
If you plan to use the front-end website, also run:
pip install webvtt-py
Except if you provide the argument `--youtube-operational-api-instance-url`, you have [to host your own instance of the YouTube operational API](
Except if you provide the argument `--no-keys`, you have to provide at least one [YouTube Data API v3 key]( in `keys.txt`.