* add sort param support in CDX API class
see https://nla.github.io/outbackcdx/api.html#operation/query
sort takes string input which must be one of the follwoing:
- default
- closest
- reverse
This commit shall help in closing issue at https://github.com/akamhy/waybackpy/issues/155
* add BlockedSiteError for cases when archiving is blocked by site's robots.txt
* create check_for_blocked_site for handling the BlockedSiteError for sites that are blocking wayback machine by their robots.txt policy
* add attrs use_pagination and closest, which are can be used to use the pagination API and lookup archive close to a timestamp respectively. And now to get out of infinte blank pages loop just check for two succesive black and not total two blank pages while using the CDX server API.
* added cli support for sort, use-pagination and closest
* added tests
* fix codeql warnings, nothing to worry about here.
* fix save test for archive_url
* Added some docstrings in utils.py
* renamed some func/meth to better names and added doc strings + lint
* added more docstrings
* more docstrings
* improve docstrings
* docstrings
* added more docstrings, lint
* fix import error
* Update cli.py
* improved tests
* chnages for proper testing
* Type check using isinstance
* Replace elifs with if when used after return
* twitter.com --> www.ibm.com
* fix typo
* test archive urll parser and dunders
* Update test_wrapper.py