import sys sys.path.append("..") import waybackpy import pytest user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; rv:20.0) Gecko/20121202 Firefox/20.0" def test_clean_url(): test_url = " security " answer = "" target = waybackpy.Url(test_url, user_agent) test_result = target.clean_url() assert answer == test_result def test_url_check(): broken_url = "http://wwwgooglecom/" with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info: waybackpy.Url(broken_url, user_agent) def test_save(): # Test for urls that exist and can be archived. url1="" target = waybackpy.Url(url1, user_agent) archived_url1 = assert url1 in archived_url1 # Test for urls that are incorrect. with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info: url2 = "ha ha ha ha" waybackpy.Url(url2, user_agent) # Test for urls not allowed to archive by robot.txt. with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info: url3 = "" target = waybackpy.Url(url3, user_agent) # Non existent urls, test with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info: url4 = "" target = waybackpy.Url(url3, user_agent) def test_near(): url = "" target = waybackpy.Url(url, user_agent) archive_near_year = target.near(year=2010) assert "2010" in archive_near_year archive_near_month_year = target.near( year=2015, month=2) assert ("201502" in archive_near_month_year) or ("201501" in archive_near_month_year) or ("201503" in archive_near_month_year) archive_near_day_month_year = target.near(year=2006, month=11, day=15) assert ("20061114" in archive_near_day_month_year) or ("20061115" in archive_near_day_month_year) or ("2006116" in archive_near_day_month_year) target = waybackpy.Url("", user_agent) archive_near_hour_day_month_year = target.near(year=2008, month=5, day=9, hour=15) assert ("2008050915" in archive_near_hour_day_month_year) or ("2008050914" in archive_near_hour_day_month_year) or ("2008050913" in archive_near_hour_day_month_year) with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info: NeverArchivedUrl = "" target = waybackpy.Url(NeverArchivedUrl, user_agent) target.near(year=2010) def test_oldest(): url = "" target = waybackpy.Url(url, user_agent) assert "20200504141153" in target.oldest() def test_newest(): url = "" target = waybackpy.Url(url, user_agent) assert url in target.newest() def test_get(): target = waybackpy.Url("", user_agent) assert "Welcome to Google" in target.get(target.oldest()) def test_total_archives(): target = waybackpy.Url(" ", user_agent) assert target.total_archives() > 500000 target = waybackpy.Url(" https://gaha.e4i3n.m5iai3kip6ied.cima/gahh2718gs/ahkst63t7gad8 ", user_agent) assert target.total_archives() == 0 if __name__ == "__main__": test_clean_url() print(".") test_url_check() print(".") test_get() print(".") test_near() print(".") test_newest() print(".") test_save() print(".") test_oldest() print(".") test_total_archives() print(".") print("OK")