from typing import Any, Dict, List import pytest from waybackpy.cdx_utils import ( check_collapses, check_filters, check_match_type, full_url, get_response, get_total_pages, ) from waybackpy.exceptions import WaybackError def test_get_total_pages() -> None: url = "" user_agent = ( "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 " "(KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0.2 Safari/605.1.15" ) assert get_total_pages(url=url, user_agent=user_agent) >= 56 def test_full_url() -> None: endpoint = "" params: Dict[str, Any] = {} assert endpoint == full_url(endpoint, params) params = {"a": "1"} assert full_url(endpoint, params) == "" assert ( full_url(endpoint + "?", params) == "" ) params["b"] = 2 assert ( full_url(endpoint + "?", params) == "" ) params["c"] = "foo bar" assert ( full_url(endpoint + "?", params) == "" ) def test_get_response() -> None: url = "" user_agent = ( "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" ) headers = {"User-Agent": str(user_agent)} response = get_response(url, headers=headers) assert not isinstance(response, Exception) and response.status_code == 200 def test_check_filters() -> None: filters: List[str] = [] check_filters(filters) filters = ["statuscode:200", "timestamp:20215678901234", "original:"] check_filters(filters) with pytest.raises(WaybackError): check_filters("not-list") # type: ignore[arg-type] with pytest.raises(WaybackError): check_filters(["invalid"]) def test_check_collapses() -> None: collapses: List[str] = [] check_collapses(collapses) collapses = ["timestamp:10"] check_collapses(collapses) collapses = ["urlkey"] check_collapses(collapses) collapses = "urlkey" # type: ignore[assignment] with pytest.raises(WaybackError): check_collapses(collapses) collapses = ["also illegal collapse"] with pytest.raises(WaybackError): check_collapses(collapses) def test_check_match_type() -> None: assert check_match_type(None, "url") match_type = "exact" url = "test_url" assert check_match_type(match_type, url) url = "has * in it" with pytest.raises(WaybackError): check_match_type("domain", url) with pytest.raises(WaybackError): check_match_type("not a valid type", "url")