Akash Mahanty 23f7222cb5 tweak
2020-10-02 21:01:32 +05:30

166 lines
5.9 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import os
import re
import argparse
from waybackpy.wrapper import Url
from waybackpy.__version__ import __version__
def _save(obj):
return (obj.save())
def _oldest(obj):
return (obj.oldest())
def _newest(obj):
return (obj.newest())
def _total_archives(obj):
return (obj.total_archives())
def _near(obj, args):
_near_args = {}
if args.year:
_near_args["year"] = args.year
if args.month:
_near_args["month"] = args.month
if args.day:
_near_args["day"] = args.day
if args.hour:
_near_args["hour"] = args.hour
if args.minute:
_near_args["minute"] = args.minute
return (obj.near(**_near_args))
def _known_urls(obj, args):
sd = False
al = False
if args.subdomain:
sd = True
if args.alive:
al = True
url_list = obj.known_urls(alive=al, subdomain=sd)
total_urls = len(url_list)
if total_urls > 0:
m = re.search('https?://([A-Za-z_0-9.-]+).*', url_list[0])
if m:
domain = m.group(1)
domain = "waybackpy-known"
dir_path = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())
file_name = dir_path + "/%s-%d-urls.txt" % (domain, total_urls)
text = "\n".join(url_list) + "\n"
with open(file_name, "a+") as f:
text = text + "%d URLs found and saved in ./%s-%d-urls.txt" % (
total_urls, domain, total_urls
text = "No known URLs found. Please try a diffrent domain!"
return text
def _get(obj, args):
if args.get.lower() == "url":
return (obj.get())
if args.get.lower() == "oldest":
return (obj.get(obj.oldest()))
if args.get.lower() == "latest" or args.get.lower() == "newest":
return (obj.get(obj.newest()))
if args.get.lower() == "save":
return (obj.get(obj.save()))
return ("Use get as \"--get 'source'\", 'source' can be one of the followings: \
\n1) url - get the source code of the url specified using --url/-u.\
\n2) oldest - get the source code of the oldest archive for the supplied url.\
\n3) newest - get the source code of the newest archive for the supplied url.\
\n4) save - Create a new archive and get the source code of this new archive for the supplied url.")
def args_handler(args):
if args.version:
return ("waybackpy version %s" % __version__)
if not args.url:
return ("waybackpy %s \nSee 'waybackpy --help' for help using this tool." % __version__)
if args.user_agent:
obj = Url(args.url, args.user_agent)
obj = Url(args.url)
if args.save:
return _save(obj)
if args.oldest:
return _oldest(obj)
if args.newest:
return _newest(obj)
if args.known_urls:
return _known_urls(obj, args)
if args.total:
return _total_archives(obj)
if args.near:
return _near(obj, args)
if args.get:
return _get(obj, args)
return ("You only specified the URL. But you also need to specify the operation.\nSee 'waybackpy --help' for help using this tool.")
def parse_args(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
requiredArgs = parser.add_argument_group('URL argument (required)')
requiredArgs.add_argument("--url", "-u", help="URL on which Wayback machine operations would occur")
userAgentArg = parser.add_argument_group('User Agent')
userAgentArg.add_argument("--user_agent", "-ua", help="User agent, default user_agent is \"waybackpy python package - https://github.com/akamhy/waybackpy\"")
saveArg = parser.add_argument_group("Create new archive/save URL")
saveArg.add_argument("--save", "-s", action='store_true', help="Save the URL on the Wayback machine")
oldestArg = parser.add_argument_group("Oldest archive")
oldestArg.add_argument("--oldest", "-o", action='store_true', help="Oldest archive for the specified URL")
newestArg = parser.add_argument_group("Newest archive")
newestArg.add_argument("--newest", "-n", action='store_true', help="Newest archive for the specified URL")
totalArg = parser.add_argument_group("Total number of archives")
totalArg.add_argument("--total", "-t", action='store_true', help="Total number of archives for the specified URL")
getArg = parser.add_argument_group("Get source code")
getArg.add_argument("--get", "-g", help="Prints the source code of the supplied url. Use '--get help' for extended usage")
knownUrlArg = parser.add_argument_group("URLs known and archived to Waybcak Machine for the site.")
knownUrlArg.add_argument("--known_urls", "-ku", action='store_true', help="URLs known for the domain.")
knownUrlArg.add_argument("--subdomain", "-sub", action='store_true', help="Use with '--known_urls' to include known URLs for subdomains.")
knownUrlArg.add_argument("--alive", "-a", action='store_true', help="Only include live URLs. Will not inlclude dead links.")
nearArg = parser.add_argument_group('Archive close to time specified')
nearArg.add_argument("--near", "-N", action='store_true', help="Archive near specified time")
nearArgs = parser.add_argument_group('Arguments that are used only with --near')
nearArgs.add_argument("--year", "-Y", type=int, help="Year in integer")
nearArgs.add_argument("--month", "-M", type=int, help="Month in integer")
nearArgs.add_argument("--day", "-D", type=int, help="Day in integer.")
nearArgs.add_argument("--hour", "-H", type=int, help="Hour in intege")
nearArgs.add_argument("--minute", "-MIN", type=int, help="Minute in integer")
parser.add_argument("--version", "-v", action='store_true', help="Waybackpy version")
return parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
def main(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
args = parse_args(argv)
output = args_handler(args)
if __name__ == "__main__":