6af8a168d7 Update README.md to remove the question about whether or not both methods return the same comments, as it's the case
54eb948a7e Update README.md to clean notes concerning optimized approaches
6f04109fe2 Update README.md to make clear to use different strategies to optimize the process
be3ea2fe2b Update README.md to make clear to use different strategies to optimize the process
Benjamin_Loison created branch master in Benjamin_Loison/YouTube_captions_search_engine 2022-12-21 23:52:27 +01:00
db3db57a9f Update README.md to remove possibility to proceed using YouTube Data API v3 CommentThreads: list endpoint with allThreadsRelatedToChannelId filter
b4e99c1eca Add README.md with first sketching questions
Benjamin_Loison pushed to master at Benjamin_Loison/Synchronous_reactive_systems 2022-12-21 15:51:38 +01:00
9d7588f103 Merge ast2C_proposition branch with the master one
8c3e3d1eac [C] malloc->calloc + conditions merged in free_state_*
a673c447e3 [messages] better comment and errors
03def2ce1a [C] new lines in then output after each step
ffa8918330 [C] a few fixes
Compare 54 commits »
fd95446636 Modify C main to initialize correctly the state with is_reset = false
19524ea99c Merge branch 'ast2C_proposition' of https://gitea.lemnoslife.com/Benjamin_Loison/Synchronous_reactive_systems into ast2C_proposition
88c145a527 Disable mallocs when reseting
Compare 2 commits »
4303dcd0e4 Correct a typo in src/main.ml disabling the compilation
9fbdb7000f Merge branch 'ast2C_proposition' of https://gitea.lemnoslife.com/Benjamin_Loison/Synchronous_reactive_systems into ast2C_proposition
e1de3e6829 Add support for resets
Compare 2 commits »
657fe7e6fa Add support for resets
25b3b97f2d Add support for resets
f1cad6f9be Merge branch 'ast2C_proposition' of https://gitea.lemnoslife.com/Benjamin_Loison/Synchronous_reactive_systems into ast2C_proposition
85e5d49e40 Add support for resets
Compare 2 commits »
9c27382a27 Correct a typo in src/ctranslation.ml
025d25a146 Replace nunmbers to numbers in two comments of src/parser.mly
10838d3f2d Remove TODO in src/passes.ml:automaton_translation
e63123d8f6 Move from the x reset y syntax to reset x every y one
9a0bfd468c Correct some typos
609870755c Remove debugging symbols in failwith