Benjamin_Loison commented on issue Benjamin_Loison/Robust_image_source_identifica...#74 2024-05-31 16:40:32 +02:00
Compute radial profile

Translated with LibreTranslate from Google Doc Minutes:

In fact, what explains the difficulties in obtaining an interesting radial profile in the Fourier domain for the PRNU estimate is due…

Remove manually in the Fourier domain periodic patterns
Benjamin_Loison commented on issue Benjamin_Loison/Robust_image_source_identifica...#76 2024-05-31 16:38:37 +02:00
Investigate circles in Fourier domain of the estimated PRNU

How to remove circles? Related to #70.

Benjamin_Loison commented on issue Benjamin_Loison/Robust_image_source_identifica...#70 2024-05-31 16:37:18 +02:00
Remove manually in the Fourier domain periodic patterns

To summarize based on Google Doc Minutes:

PRNU estimation:


PRNU estimation in Fourier domain:


Benjamin_Loison commented on issue Benjamin_Loison/Robust_image_source_identifica...#77 2024-05-31 16:33:53 +02:00
Investigate rays in Fourier domain for the estimated PRNU

Automatically translated with LibreTranslate from Google Doc Minutes:

How to generate the FFTs with rays that were previously observed?…

Investigate rays in Fourier domain for the estimated PRNU
fbd7cb01e1 Support lowest correlation in
Benjamin_Loison reopened issue Benjamin_Loison/Robust_image_source_identifica...#69 2024-05-31 15:45:18 +02:00
Use a low-pass filter denoiser
7f7e78cafb Small changes
4eb8841ebf Clean
0dd21ad34d Add
Benjamin_Loison commented on issue Benjamin_Loison/adb#4 2024-05-31 00:01:50 +02:00
Unknown progress of adb pull folder/

My workaround consists in du -sh the origin and the destination.

Benjamin_Loison opened issue Benjamin_Loison/adb#4 2024-05-31 00:00:26 +02:00
Unknown progress of adb pull folder/
Benjamin_Loison opened issue Benjamin_Loison/ffmpeg#2 2024-05-30 22:23:31 +02:00
How to convert while not keeping the original file without just deleting it afterwards
93a3078743 Update annotations of `articles/Determining Image Origin and Integrity
a9336958ff Add articles/Expected value - Wikipedia/
a524d75389 Update annotations of articles/
Benjamin_Loison commented on issue Benjamin_Loison/Robust_image_source_identifica...#4 2024-05-30 12:19:40 +02:00
Add random noise does not make noise analysis pointless?

See section V. of [src/commit/ec9f6e7acaaeb6b1ffe14d3841e87bf8cc7e526b/articles/Digital%20Camera%20Identification%20from%20Sensor%20Pattern%20Noise](