9e650cf72a Make the COMMUNITY tab process not infinitely loop
Benjamin_Loison commented on issue Benjamin_Loison/YouTube_captions_search_engine#31 2023-02-13 06:02:31 +01:00
Make a website with a search engine notably based on the captions extracted

Should add vtt parsing to not be limited to line wrapping.

Should also update findLatestTreatedCommentsForChannelsBeingTreated.py with all features to better evaluate algorithm progress.

dc63de82f5 Add link to channels/ to index.php
dfdfbe3272 Modify website to support new sub-folders architecture
Benjamin_Loison closed issue Benjamin_Loison/YouTube_captions_search_engine#37 2023-02-12 16:31:34 +01:00
Use a number of channels seen (possibly repeated) instead of YouTube Data API v3 Comment(Thread): resource
a51e3b1a9a Fix #37: Use a number of channels seen (possibly repeated) instead of YouTube Data API v3 Comment(Thread): resource
b572d078dd Add logging to exec and make it crashless, requests and captions folders support for compressing, clean captions support for videos being livestreams and videos starting with -
Benjamin_Loison opened issue Benjamin_Loison/YouTube_captions_search_engine#37 2023-02-12 16:10:03 +01:00
Should use a number of channels seen (possibly repeated) instead of YouTube Data API v3 Comment(Thread): resource
8df226e2bc Move YouTube API requests logging to requests/ channel sub-folder
Benjamin_Loison closed issue Benjamin_Loison/YouTube_captions_search_engine#13 2023-02-10 20:05:25 +01:00
Add captions extraction
3c4664a4b1 Fix #13: Add captions extraction
765064a165 #13: Add captions extraction
Benjamin_Loison commented on issue Benjamin_Loison/YouTube_captions_search_engine#14 2023-02-10 17:13:53 +01:00
Current code is retrieving a maximum number of channels, not videos

Once #13 will be treated, only treating unlisted videos will be missing.

Benjamin_Loison closed issue Benjamin_Loison/YouTube_captions_search_engine#5 2023-02-10 17:09:28 +01:00
Use YouTube Data API v3 to detect which captions need to be downloaded to reduce the workload of yt-dlp
Benjamin_Loison commented on issue Benjamin_Loison/YouTube_captions_search_engine#27 2023-02-10 17:01:07 +01:00
Try to find a logic to YouTube search concerning captions

Even when considering the line by line aspect (see below) that should be considered in the search engine that we will propose, YouTube search engine doesn't make sense by still not proposing…

Benjamin_Loison closed issue Benjamin_Loison/YouTube_captions_search_engine#36 2023-02-10 12:14:13 +01:00
Does the program stops by crashing on YouTube operational API instance being detected as sending unusual traffic?
7fcc8b09fa Fix #36: Make the program stops by crashing on YouTube operational API instance being detected as sending unusual traffic
Benjamin_Loison commented on issue Benjamin_Loison/YouTube_captions_search_engine#36 2023-02-10 12:09:00 +01:00
Does the program stops by crashing on YouTube operational API instance being detected as sending unusual traffic?

At least for CHANNELS tab processing it is crashing in a way that causes a gdb crash on Termux while it seems up-to-date.

Benjamin_Loison opened issue Benjamin_Loison/YouTube_captions_search_engine#36 2023-02-10 08:45:32 +01:00
Does the program stops by crashing on YouTube operational API instance being detected as sending unusual traffic?