
This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Loison 2024-05-14 02:03:46 +02:00
parent db55fc6d0f
commit 038f5ffc00
Signed by: Benjamin_Loison
SSH Key Fingerprint: SHA256:BtnEgYTlHdOg1u+RmYcDE0mnfz1rhv5dSbQ2gyxW8B8

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
import numpy as np
from astropy.convolution import Gaussian2DKernel, interpolate_replace_nans
from PIL import Image
import os
import sys
from scipy import fftpack
sys.path.insert(0, '../')
from utils import Color, mergeSingleColorChannelImagesAccordingToBayerFilter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
PREFIX = 'mean_rafael_230424_mean_'
def getImageByColor(color):
filePath = PREFIX + f'{color}.npy'
image = np.load(filePath)
return image
singleColorChannelImages = {color: getImageByColor(color) for color in Color}
multipleColorsImage = mergeSingleColorChannelImagesAccordingToBayerFilter(singleColorChannelImages)
image = multipleColorsImage
fft1 = abs(fftpack.fft2(image))
originalFft1 = fft1.copy()
# This example is intended to demonstrate how astropy.convolve and
# scipy.convolve handle missing data, so we start by setting the brightest
# pixels to NaN to simulate a "saturated" data set
height, width = fft1.shape
for x in range(width):
fft1[height // 2, x] = np.nan
middleX = width // 2
for verticalLineX in [width // 4, width // 2, round(3 * width / 4)]:
for y in range(height):
for x in range(verticalLineX - RANGE, verticalLineX + RANGE + 1):
fft1[y, x] = np.nan
# We smooth with a Gaussian kernel
kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(x_stddev = X_STDDEV)
# create a "fixed" image with NaNs replaced by interpolated values
fixedImage = interpolate_replace_nans(fft1, kernel)
figure, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex = True, sharey = True)
#plt.imsave('fft.png', np.log10(fixedImage))