Move into multiple files and functions Context-Adaptative Interpolator (CAI)

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Benjamin Loison 2024-03-22 11:11:11 +01:00
parent 876ce96a58
commit 9f34973132
Signed by: Benjamin_Loison
SSH Key Fingerprint: SHA256:BtnEgYTlHdOg1u+RmYcDE0mnfz1rhv5dSbQ2gyxW8B8
3 changed files with 100 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# Based on IV. B..
from PIL import Image
from statistics import mean, median
from wiener_filter import wienerFilter
# Assume greyscale PIL image passed.
# What about other color channels? See #11.
def contextAdaptiveInterpolator(I, IImage):
rImage ='L', (IImage.size[0] - 2, IImage.size[1] - 2))
r = rImage.load()
# This threshold is debatable. See #13.
print('before for loops')
# Equation (10)
# Accelerate computation. See #15.
for m in range(1, IImage.size[0] - 1):
for n in range(1, IImage.size[1] - 1):
e = I[m, n + 1]
se = I[m + 1, n + 1]
s = I[m + 1, n]
sw = I[m + 1, n - 1]
w = I[m, n - 1]
nw = I[m - 1, n - 1]
no = I[m - 1, n]
ne = I[m - 1, n + 1]
A = [e, se, s, sw, w, nw, no, ne]
if max(A) - min(A) <= THRESHOLD:
newPixel = I[m, n] - mean(A)
elif abs(e - w) - abs(no - s) > THRESHOLD:
newPixel = I[m, n] - (s + no) / 2
elif abs(s - no) - abs(e - w) > THRESHOLD:
newPixel = I[m, n] - (e + w) / 2
elif abs(sw - ne) - abs(se - nw) > THRESHOLD:
newPixel = I[m, n] - (se + nw) / 2
elif abs(se - nw) - abs(sw - ne) > THRESHOLD:
newPixel = I[m, n] - (sw + ne) / 2
newPixel = I[m, n] - median(A)
r[m - 1, n - 1] = round(newPixel)
print('after for loops')
# Why need to rotate the image? See #14.
Q = 3
# $\sigma_0^2$ is the noise variance.
sigma_0 = 9 ** 0.5
print('before wiener filter')
return wienerFilter(r, rImage, Q, sigma_0)

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
from PIL import Image
from context_adaptive_interpolator import contextAdaptiveInterpolator
MODE = 'L'
IImage ='9f04e2005fddb9d5512e2f42a3b826b019755717.jpg').convert(MODE)
I = IImage.load()
contextAdaptiveInterpolator(I, IImage).show()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
from PIL import Image
from tqdm import tqdm
def wienerFilter(r, rImage, Q, sigma_0):
h_wImage ='L', (rImage.size[0], rImage.size[1]))
h_wImagePixels = h_wImage.load()
# Wiener filter.
def h_w(hImage, h, i, j):
# Equation (7)
return h[i, j] * sigma(hImage, h, i, j) / (sigma(hImage, h, i, j) + sigma_0 ** 2)
# Minimum of the considered variances.
def sigma(hImage, h, i, j):
# Equation (9)
return sigma_q(hImage, h, i, j, Q)
def getPixelIndexesAround(i, numberOfPixelsInEachDirection):
return range(i - numberOfPixelsInEachDirection, i + numberOfPixelsInEachDirection + 1)
# Expand image with border pixels.
def getPixelWithinImage(z, upperBound):
return max(min(z, upperBound - 1), 0)
# Local variance obtained by Maximum A Posteriori (MAP).
def sigma_q(hImage, h, i, j, q):
# Equation (8)
numberOfPixelsInEachDirection = (q - 1) // 2
B_q = [(x, z) for x in getPixelIndexesAround(i, numberOfPixelsInEachDirection) for z in getPixelIndexesAround(j, numberOfPixelsInEachDirection)]
return max(0, (1 / q ** 2) * sum([h[getPixelWithinImage(x, hImage.size[0]), getPixelWithinImage(z, hImage.size[1])] ** 2 - sigma_0 ** 2 for (x, z) in B_q]))
print('wiener filter start for loops')
for i in tqdm(range(rImage.size[0])):
for j in range(rImage.size[1]):
h_wImagePixels[i, j] = round(h_w(rImage, r, i, j))
print('wiener filter end for loops')
return h_wImage.rotate(-90)