RAW image processing #49

opened 2024-04-15 11:34:15 +02:00 by Benjamin_Loison · 23 comments
import rawpy

Help on package rawpy:



        Convenience function that creates a :class:`rawpy.RawPy` instance, opens the given file,
        and returns the :class:`rawpy.RawPy` instance for further processing.
        :param str|file pathOrFile: path or file object of RAW image that will be read
        :rtype: :class:`rawpy.RawPy`

    absolute_import = _Feature((2, 5, 0, 'alpha', 1), (3, 0, 0, 'alpha', 0...
    flags = {'6BY9RPI': True, 'DEMOSAIC_PACK_GPL2': False, 'DEMOSAIC_PACK_...
    libraw_version = (0, 21, 1)


filename = 'flat_001.NEF'

raw = rawpy.imread(filename)
class RawPy(builtins.object)
 |  Load RAW images, work on their data, and create a postprocessed (demosaiced) image.
 |  close(self)
 |  postprocess(self, params=None, **kw)
 |  raw_color(self, row, column)
 |  raw_value(self, row, column)
 |  raw_value_visible(self, row, column)
 |  color_desc
 |  color_matrix
 |  num_colors
 |  raw_colors
 |  raw_image
 |  raw_pattern
 |  raw_type
 |  rgb_xyz_matrix
 |  sizes

skipping low-level methods proposing an alternative.

Do not get _visible meaning.

import rawpy

raw = rawpy.imread(filename)

data = raw.raw_image_visible.astype(np.float64)
δy, δx = np.argwhere(raw.raw_colors == 0)[0]  # offset on the raw
# red channel corresponds to data[δy::2, δx::2]
# blue channel corresponds to data[1 - δy::2, 1 - δx::2]
# first green channel corresponds to data[δy::2, 1 - δx::2]
# second green channel corresponds to data[1 - δy::2, δx::2]
import imageio

with rawpy.imread(filename) as raw:
    rgb = raw.postprocess()

imageio.imsave('default.tiff', rgb)

Note that according to the Stack Overflow answer 51304155 _visible array versions are not contiguous, hence imply very significant performance decrease. It seems that OWNDATA flag is also involved:

>>> raw.raw_colors_visible.flags
  OWNDATA : False
  ALIGNED : True

>>> raw.raw_colors_visible.copy().flags
  OWNDATA : True
  ALIGNED : True
```py import rawpy help(rawpy) ``` ``` help(rawpy) Help on package rawpy: NAME rawpy PACKAGE CONTENTS _rawpy _version enhance FUNCTIONS imread(pathOrFile) Convenience function that creates a :class:`rawpy.RawPy` instance, opens the given file, and returns the :class:`rawpy.RawPy` instance for further processing. :param str|file pathOrFile: path or file object of RAW image that will be read :rtype: :class:`rawpy.RawPy` DATA absolute_import = _Feature((2, 5, 0, 'alpha', 1), (3, 0, 0, 'alpha', 0... flags = {'6BY9RPI': True, 'DEMOSAIC_PACK_GPL2': False, 'DEMOSAIC_PACK_... libraw_version = (0, 21, 1) VERSION 0.19.1 FILE /home/benjamin/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rawpy/__init__.py ``` ```py filename = 'flat_001.NEF' raw = rawpy.imread(filename) help(raw) ``` ``` ... class RawPy(builtins.object) | Load RAW images, work on their data, and create a postprocessed (demosaiced) image. ... | close(self) ... | postprocess(self, params=None, **kw) ... | raw_color(self, row, column) ... | raw_value(self, row, column) ... | raw_value_visible(self, row, column) ... | color_desc ... | color_matrix ... | num_colors ... | raw_colors ... | raw_image ... | raw_pattern ... | raw_type ... | rgb_xyz_matrix ... | sizes ``` skipping *low-level methods* proposing an alternative. Do not get `_visible` meaning. ```py import rawpy raw = rawpy.imread(filename) data = raw.raw_image_visible.astype(np.float64) δy, δx = np.argwhere(raw.raw_colors == 0)[0] # offset on the raw # red channel corresponds to data[δy::2, δx::2] # blue channel corresponds to data[1 - δy::2, 1 - δx::2] # first green channel corresponds to data[δy::2, 1 - δx::2] # second green channel corresponds to data[1 - δy::2, δx::2] ``` ```py import imageio with rawpy.imread(filename) as raw: rgb = raw.postprocess() imageio.imsave('default.tiff', rgb) ``` Note that according to [the Stack Overflow answer 51304155](https://stackoverflow.com/a/51304155) `_visible` array versions are not contiguous, hence imply very significant performance decrease. It seems that `OWNDATA` flag is also involved: ```py >>> raw.raw_colors_visible.flags C_CONTIGUOUS : False F_CONTIGUOUS : False OWNDATA : False WRITEABLE : True ALIGNED : True WRITEBACKIFCOPY : False >>> raw.raw_colors_visible.copy().flags C_CONTIGUOUS : True F_CONTIGUOUS : False OWNDATA : True WRITEABLE : True ALIGNED : True WRITEBACKIFCOPY : False ```
Benjamin_Loison added the
medium priority
labels 2024-04-15 11:34:15 +02:00
def printWithName(variable):
    print(variable, '=', repr(eval(variable)))

with rawpy.imread(filename) as raw:
    δy, δx = np.argwhere(raw.raw_colors == 0)[0]
raw.color_desc = b'RGBG'
raw.color_matrix = array([[0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0.]], dtype=float32)
raw.num_colors = 3

raw.raw_colors.shape = (3280, 4992)
raw.raw_colors = array([[0, 1, 0, ..., 1, 0, 1],
       [3, 2, 3, ..., 2, 3, 2],
       [0, 1, 0, ..., 1, 0, 1],
       [3, 2, 3, ..., 2, 3, 2],
       [0, 1, 0, ..., 1, 0, 1],
       [3, 2, 3, ..., 2, 3, 2]], dtype=uint8)

raw.raw_colors_visible.shape = (3280, 4948)
raw.raw_colors_visible = array([[0, 1, 0, ..., 1, 0, 1],
       [3, 2, 3, ..., 2, 3, 2],
       [0, 1, 0, ..., 1, 0, 1],
       [3, 2, 3, ..., 2, 3, 2],
       [0, 1, 0, ..., 1, 0, 1],
       [3, 2, 3, ..., 2, 3, 2]], dtype=uint8)

raw.raw_image_visible.shape = (3280, 4948)
raw.raw_image_visible.dtype = dtype('uint16')
raw.raw_image_visible = array([[ 864,  930,  854, ...,  647,  640,  658],
       [1062,  308,  977, ...,  219,  746,  219],
       [ 802,  919,  867, ...,  710,  625,  685],
       [ 815,  322,  833, ...,  146,  511,  192],
       [ 769,  726,  751, ...,  513,  466,  468],
       [ 771,  321,  813, ...,  149,  525,  189]], dtype=uint16)

raw.raw_image.min() = 0
raw.raw_image.max() = 4650
raw.raw_image.shape = (3280, 4992)
raw.raw_image = array([[ 864,  930,  854, ...,    0,    0,    0],
       [1062,  308,  977, ...,    0,    0,    0],
       [ 802,  919,  867, ...,    0,    0,    0],
       [ 815,  322,  833, ...,    0,    0,    0],
       [ 769,  726,  751, ...,    0,    0,    0],
       [ 771,  321,  813, ...,    0,    0,    0]], dtype=uint16)

raw.raw_pattern = array([[0, 1],
       [3, 2]], dtype=uint8)
raw.raw_type = <RawType.Flat: 0>
raw.rgb_xyz_matrix = array([[ 0.8198, -0.2239, -0.0724],
       [-0.4871,  1.2389,  0.2798],
       [-0.1043,  0.205 ,  0.7181],
       [ 0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ]], dtype=float32)
raw.sizes = ImageSizes(raw_height=3280, raw_width=4992, height=3280, width=4948, top_margin=0, left_margin=0, iheight=3280, iwidth=4948, pixel_aspect=1.0, flip=0)

δy = 0
δx = 0

Why different raw_width and width?

raw_image seems to have 0 in this case at the right side while it does not in raw_image_visible.

Could verify color correctness in the RAW array. As in internship offer display image without interpolation would ease doing so it seems, in addition to be interesting.


seem to show that we have to do it on our own.

How to compute PRNU on these arrays? Only considering a given color channel seems to make sense. Pay attention that green might have a different shape. More precisely it does not seem to have the grid shape as the 2 other channels.

(4992 - 4948) / 2
import math

math.gcd(3280, 4992)
math.gcd(3280, 4948)
```py def printWithName(variable): print(variable, '=', repr(eval(variable))) with rawpy.imread(filename) as raw: printWithName('raw.color_desc') printWithName('raw.color_matrix') printWithName('raw.num_colors') print() printWithName('raw.raw_colors.shape') printWithName('raw.raw_colors') print() printWithName('raw.raw_colors_visible.shape') printWithName('raw.raw_colors_visible') print() printWithName('raw.raw_image_visible.shape') printWithName('raw.raw_image_visible.dtype') printWithName('raw.raw_image_visible') print() printWithName('raw.raw_image.min()') printWithName('raw.raw_image.max()') printWithName('raw.raw_image.shape') printWithName('raw.raw_image') print() printWithName('raw.raw_pattern') printWithName('raw.raw_type') printWithName('raw.rgb_xyz_matrix') printWithName('raw.sizes') print() δy, δx = np.argwhere(raw.raw_colors == 0)[0] printWithName('δy') printWithName('δx') ``` ``` raw.color_desc = b'RGBG' raw.color_matrix = array([[0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0.]], dtype=float32) raw.num_colors = 3 raw.raw_colors.shape = (3280, 4992) raw.raw_colors = array([[0, 1, 0, ..., 1, 0, 1], [3, 2, 3, ..., 2, 3, 2], [0, 1, 0, ..., 1, 0, 1], ..., [3, 2, 3, ..., 2, 3, 2], [0, 1, 0, ..., 1, 0, 1], [3, 2, 3, ..., 2, 3, 2]], dtype=uint8) raw.raw_colors_visible.shape = (3280, 4948) raw.raw_colors_visible = array([[0, 1, 0, ..., 1, 0, 1], [3, 2, 3, ..., 2, 3, 2], [0, 1, 0, ..., 1, 0, 1], ..., [3, 2, 3, ..., 2, 3, 2], [0, 1, 0, ..., 1, 0, 1], [3, 2, 3, ..., 2, 3, 2]], dtype=uint8) raw.raw_image_visible.shape = (3280, 4948) raw.raw_image_visible.dtype = dtype('uint16') raw.raw_image_visible = array([[ 864, 930, 854, ..., 647, 640, 658], [1062, 308, 977, ..., 219, 746, 219], [ 802, 919, 867, ..., 710, 625, 685], ..., [ 815, 322, 833, ..., 146, 511, 192], [ 769, 726, 751, ..., 513, 466, 468], [ 771, 321, 813, ..., 149, 525, 189]], dtype=uint16) raw.raw_image.min() = 0 raw.raw_image.max() = 4650 raw.raw_image.shape = (3280, 4992) raw.raw_image = array([[ 864, 930, 854, ..., 0, 0, 0], [1062, 308, 977, ..., 0, 0, 0], [ 802, 919, 867, ..., 0, 0, 0], ..., [ 815, 322, 833, ..., 0, 0, 0], [ 769, 726, 751, ..., 0, 0, 0], [ 771, 321, 813, ..., 0, 0, 0]], dtype=uint16) raw.raw_pattern = array([[0, 1], [3, 2]], dtype=uint8) raw.raw_type = <RawType.Flat: 0> raw.rgb_xyz_matrix = array([[ 0.8198, -0.2239, -0.0724], [-0.4871, 1.2389, 0.2798], [-0.1043, 0.205 , 0.7181], [ 0. , 0. , 0. ]], dtype=float32) raw.sizes = ImageSizes(raw_height=3280, raw_width=4992, height=3280, width=4948, top_margin=0, left_margin=0, iheight=3280, iwidth=4948, pixel_aspect=1.0, flip=0) δy = 0 δx = 0 ``` Why different `raw_width` and `width`? `raw_image` seems to have `0` in this case at the right side while it does not in `raw_image_visible`. Could verify color correctness in the RAW array. As in internship offer display image without interpolation would ease doing so it seems, in addition to be interesting. ```py help(rawpy.RawPy.postprocess) help(rawpy.Params) help(rawpy.DemosaicAlgorithm) ``` seem to show that we have to do it on our own. How to compute PRNU on these arrays? Only considering a given color channel seems to make sense. Pay attention that green might have a different shape. More precisely it does not seem to have the grid shape as the 2 other channels. ```py (4992 - 4948) / 2 ``` ``` 22.0 ``` ```py import math math.gcd(3280, 4992) math.gcd(3280, 4948) ``` ``` 16 4 ```

Raw script:

import rawpy
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

filename = 'r01b6aed6t.NEF'

colors = {
    'R': (255, 0, 0),
    'G': (0, 255, 0),
    'B': (0, 0, 255),

with rawpy.imread(filename) as raw:
    colorDesc = raw.color_desc.decode('ascii')
    colorsIndexes = [colors[color] for color in colorDesc]
    raw_colors_visible = raw.raw_colors_visible.copy()
    raw_image_visible = raw.raw_image_visible.copy()
    shape = raw_image_visible.shape
    # Consider the maximum value per channel does not help, as they all reach the same maximum value, at least on `r01b6aed6t.NEF`.
    rawImageVisibleMax = raw_image_visible.max()
    image = np.empty((shape[0], shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
    for y in tqdm(range(shape[0])):
        for x in range(shape[1]):
            value = np.array(colorsIndexes[raw_colors_visible[y][x]]) * raw_image_visible[y][x] / rawImageVisibleMax
            image[y][x] = value

assert colorDesc == 'RGBG'
assert np.array_equal(raw.raw_pattern, np.array([[3, 2], [0, 1]], dtype = np.uint8))

colorImages = {
    'R': image[1::2, ::2],
    'B': image[::2, 1::2],

colorImages['G'] = np.array([line[(0 if lineIndex % 2 == 0 else 1)::2] for lineIndex, line in enumerate(image)])

plt.imsave(f'{filename}.png', image)
for color, colorImage in colorImages.items():
    plt.imsave(f'{filename}_{color}.png', colorImage)
Raw script: ```py import rawpy import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt filename = 'r01b6aed6t.NEF' colors = { 'R': (255, 0, 0), 'G': (0, 255, 0), 'B': (0, 0, 255), } with rawpy.imread(filename) as raw: colorDesc = raw.color_desc.decode('ascii') colorsIndexes = [colors[color] for color in colorDesc] raw_colors_visible = raw.raw_colors_visible.copy() raw_image_visible = raw.raw_image_visible.copy() shape = raw_image_visible.shape # Consider the maximum value per channel does not help, as they all reach the same maximum value, at least on `r01b6aed6t.NEF`. rawImageVisibleMax = raw_image_visible.max() image = np.empty((shape[0], shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8) for y in tqdm(range(shape[0])): for x in range(shape[1]): value = np.array(colorsIndexes[raw_colors_visible[y][x]]) * raw_image_visible[y][x] / rawImageVisibleMax image[y][x] = value assert colorDesc == 'RGBG' assert np.array_equal(raw.raw_pattern, np.array([[3, 2], [0, 1]], dtype = np.uint8)) colorImages = { 'R': image[1::2, ::2], 'B': image[::2, 1::2], } colorImages['G'] = np.array([line[(0 if lineIndex % 2 == 0 else 1)::2] for lineIndex, line in enumerate(image)]) plt.imsave(f'{filename}.png', image) for color, colorImage in colorImages.items(): plt.imsave(f'{filename}_{color}.png', colorImage) ```

np.unique(raw_image_visible) shows that values 1, 2 etc are also taken, there is no gap.

`np.unique(raw_image_visible)` shows that values `1`, `2` etc are also taken, there is no gap.

Taken with Nikon D90:



The bottom left white part is interesting to see the colored tiles in the three color channels.

At the top image border and mainly at left there are 2 red colored dots.

Red colored artificial flowers on the plates are also interesting to see almost only red tiles.

Increasing brightness and contrast also show the tiles everywhere.

Except if the Bayer filter is particularly involved in the PRNU, the color channel should not matter a lot, see #50. Related to #44.

Taken with `Nikon D90`: ![r01b6aed6t](/attachments/373e7790-0c1c-4c1c-8c5d-80cd651bb6e4) ![r01b6aed6t.NEF](/attachments/f3c0576f-587a-48d6-a8ea-b72aa9283ddb) The bottom left white part is interesting to see the colored tiles in the three color channels. At the top image border and mainly at left there are 2 red colored dots. Red colored artificial flowers on the plates are also interesting to see almost only red tiles. Increasing brightness and contrast also show the tiles everywhere. Except if the Bayer filter is particularly involved in the PRNU, the color channel should not matter a lot, see #50. Related to #44.




![r01b6aed6t.NEF_R](/attachments/bb9f9619-de9f-472d-a93b-8d00fb02dae8) ![r01b6aed6t.NEF_G](/attachments/23223db6-b50f-49d4-a8e3-2b4093e4b5b0) ![r01b6aed6t.NEF_B](/attachments/b12256e5-080b-4e79-bbea-7931266e26d4)

Let us give a try with red as above red image looks easier to understand than the blue one.

Considering a subset of the green image seems appropriate as well assuming the independence of sensors which is maybe not exactly the case, especially for green ones.

Let us give a try with red as above [red image](https://gitea.lemnoslife.com/Benjamin_Loison/Robust_image_source_identification_on_modern_smartphones/attachments/bb9f9619-de9f-472d-a93b-8d00fb02dae8) looks easier to understand than [the blue one](https://gitea.lemnoslife.com/Benjamin_Loison/Robust_image_source_identification_on_modern_smartphones/attachments/b12256e5-080b-4e79-bbea-7931266e26d4). Considering a subset of the green image seems appropriate as well assuming the independence of sensors which is maybe not exactly the case, especially for green ones.

Can verify the consistency of the subset of pixels by verifying areas using as most as possible a single color channel.



from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import os

GREEN = np.array([0, 255, 0])

minimalDistance = None
minimalDistanceLocation = None

folder = 'raise_nef_png'

for file in tqdm(os.listdir(folder), 'Files'):
    with Image.open(f'{folder}/{file}') as image:
        imageNpArray = np.array(image)
        imageNpArrayShape = imageNpArray.shape
        for y in tqdm(range(imageNpArrayShape[0]), file):
            for x in range(imageNpArrayShape[1]):
                value = imageNpArray[y][x]
                distance = np.linalg.norm(value - GREEN)
                if minimalDistance is None or distance < minimalDistance:
                    print(file, minimalDistance, minimalDistanceLocation)
                    minimalDistance = distance
                    minimalDistanceLocation = (y, x)
ccd17f6bt.png 57.14017850864661 (1243, 3526)
r1a9acd94t.png: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 4310/4310 [00:42<00:00, 100.42it/s]
Files:   2%|█▍                                                              | 175/8076 [2:35:00<113:59:13, 51.94s/it

Could iterate on images to find the most clear one.

Pay attention to possible visible offset.

Can verify the consistency of the subset of pixels by verifying areas using as most as possible a single color channel. `search_green.py`: ```py #!/usr/bin/python3 from PIL import Image import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm import os GREEN = np.array([0, 255, 0]) minimalDistance = None minimalDistanceLocation = None folder = 'raise_nef_png' for file in tqdm(os.listdir(folder), 'Files'): with Image.open(f'{folder}/{file}') as image: imageNpArray = np.array(image) imageNpArrayShape = imageNpArray.shape for y in tqdm(range(imageNpArrayShape[0]), file): for x in range(imageNpArrayShape[1]): value = imageNpArray[y][x] distance = np.linalg.norm(value - GREEN) if minimalDistance is None or distance < minimalDistance: print(file, minimalDistance, minimalDistanceLocation) minimalDistance = distance minimalDistanceLocation = (y, x) ``` ``` ccd17f6bt.png 57.14017850864661 (1243, 3526) ... r1a9acd94t.png: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 4310/4310 [00:42<00:00, 100.42it/s] Files: 2%|█▍ | 175/8076 [2:35:00<113:59:13, 51.94s/it ... ``` Could iterate on images to find the most clear one. Pay attention to possible `visible` offset.
Related to [Benjamin_Loison/rawpy/issues/1](https://codeberg.org/Benjamin_Loison/rawpy/issues/1).
Help on getset descriptor rawpy._rawpy.RawPy.raw_pattern:

    The smallest possible Bayer pattern of this image.
    :rtype: ndarray, or None if not a flat RAW image
Help on getset descriptor rawpy._rawpy.RawPy.raw_colors_visible:

    Like raw_colors but without margin.
    :rtype: ndarray of shape (hv,wv)
Help on getset descriptor rawpy._rawpy.RawPy.raw_colors:

    An array of color indices for each pixel in the RAW image.
    Equivalent to calling raw_color(y,x) for each pixel.
    Only usable for flat RAW images (see raw_type property).
    :rtype: ndarray of shape (h,w)
Help on cython_function_or_method in module rawpy._rawpy:

raw_color(self, row, column)
    RawPy.raw_color(self, int row, int column) -> int
    Return color index for the given coordinates relative to the full RAW size.
    Only usable for flat RAW images (see raw_type property).
Help on getset descriptor rawpy._rawpy.RawPy.color_desc:

    String description of colors numbered from 0 to 3 (RGBG,RGBE,GMCY, or GBTG).
    Note that same letters may not refer strictly to the same color.
    There are cameras with two different greens for example.
Help on getset descriptor rawpy._rawpy.RawPy.color_matrix:

    Color matrix, read from file for some cameras, calculated for others. 
    :rtype: ndarray of shape (3,4)
```py help(rawpy.RawPy.raw_pattern) ``` ``` Help on getset descriptor rawpy._rawpy.RawPy.raw_pattern: raw_pattern The smallest possible Bayer pattern of this image. :rtype: ndarray, or None if not a flat RAW image ``` ```py help(rawpy.RawPy.raw_colors_visible) ``` ``` Help on getset descriptor rawpy._rawpy.RawPy.raw_colors_visible: raw_colors_visible Like raw_colors but without margin. :rtype: ndarray of shape (hv,wv) ``` ```py help(rawpy.RawPy.raw_colors) ``` ``` Help on getset descriptor rawpy._rawpy.RawPy.raw_colors: raw_colors An array of color indices for each pixel in the RAW image. Equivalent to calling raw_color(y,x) for each pixel. Only usable for flat RAW images (see raw_type property). :rtype: ndarray of shape (h,w) ``` ```py help(rawpy.RawPy.raw_color) ``` ``` Help on cython_function_or_method in module rawpy._rawpy: raw_color(self, row, column) RawPy.raw_color(self, int row, int column) -> int Return color index for the given coordinates relative to the full RAW size. Only usable for flat RAW images (see raw_type property). ``` ```py help(rawpy.RawPy.color_desc) ``` ``` Help on getset descriptor rawpy._rawpy.RawPy.color_desc: color_desc String description of colors numbered from 0 to 3 (RGBG,RGBE,GMCY, or GBTG). Note that same letters may not refer strictly to the same color. There are cameras with two different greens for example. ``` ```py help(rawpy.RawPy.color_matrix) ``` ``` Help on getset descriptor rawpy._rawpy.RawPy.color_matrix: color_matrix Color matrix, read from file for some cameras, calculated for others. :rtype: ndarray of shape (3,4) ```
Related to [Benjamin_Loison/vpv/issues/3](https://gitea.lemnoslife.com/Benjamin_Loison/vpv/issues/3) and [Benjamin_Loison/darktable/issues/3](https://codeberg.org/Benjamin_Loison/darktable/issues/3).

Would be nice to not have to assert raw.raw_pattern.

Would be nice to not have to `assert` `raw.raw_pattern`.

ra2c888f8t was done with Nikon D7000.

`ra2c888f8t` was done with Nikon D7000.
import rawpy
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

filename = 'ra2c888f8t.NEF'

colors = {
    'R': (255, 0, 0),
    'G': (0, 255, 0),
    'B': (0, 0, 255),

with rawpy.imread(filename) as raw:
    colorDesc = raw.color_desc.decode('ascii')
    assert colorDesc == 'RGBG'
    assert np.array_equal(raw.raw_pattern, np.array([[0, 1], [3, 2]], dtype = np.uint8))
    colorsIndexes = [colors[color] for color in colorDesc]
    raw_colors_visible = raw.raw_colors_visible.copy()
    raw_image_visible = raw.raw_image_visible.copy()
    shape = raw_image_visible.shape
    # Consider the maximum value per channel does not help, as they all reach the same maximum value, at least on `r01b6aed6t.NEF`.
    rawImageVisibleMax = raw_image_visible.max()
    image = np.empty((shape[0], shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
    for y in tqdm(range(shape[0])):
        for x in range(shape[1]):
            value = np.array(colorsIndexes[raw_colors_visible[y][x]]) * raw_image_visible[y][x] / rawImageVisibleMax
            image[y][x] = value

colorImages = {
    'R': image[::2, ::2],
    'G_S': image[1::2, ::2],
    'B': image[1::2, 1::2],

colorImages['G'] = np.array([line[(0 if lineIndex % 2 == 1 else 1)::2] for lineIndex, line in enumerate(image)])

plt.imsave(f'{filename}.png', image)
for color, colorImage in colorImages.items():
    plt.imsave(f'{filename}_{color}.png', colorImage)
```py import rawpy import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt filename = 'ra2c888f8t.NEF' colors = { 'R': (255, 0, 0), 'G': (0, 255, 0), 'B': (0, 0, 255), } with rawpy.imread(filename) as raw: colorDesc = raw.color_desc.decode('ascii') assert colorDesc == 'RGBG' assert np.array_equal(raw.raw_pattern, np.array([[0, 1], [3, 2]], dtype = np.uint8)) colorsIndexes = [colors[color] for color in colorDesc] raw_colors_visible = raw.raw_colors_visible.copy() raw_image_visible = raw.raw_image_visible.copy() shape = raw_image_visible.shape # Consider the maximum value per channel does not help, as they all reach the same maximum value, at least on `r01b6aed6t.NEF`. rawImageVisibleMax = raw_image_visible.max() image = np.empty((shape[0], shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8) for y in tqdm(range(shape[0])): for x in range(shape[1]): value = np.array(colorsIndexes[raw_colors_visible[y][x]]) * raw_image_visible[y][x] / rawImageVisibleMax image[y][x] = value colorImages = { 'R': image[::2, ::2], 'G_S': image[1::2, ::2], 'B': image[1::2, 1::2], } colorImages['G'] = np.array([line[(0 if lineIndex % 2 == 1 else 1)::2] for lineIndex, line in enumerate(image)]) plt.imsave(f'{filename}.png', image) for color, colorImage in colorImages.items(): plt.imsave(f'{filename}_{color}.png', colorImage) ```
Benjamin_Loison pinned this 2024-04-16 01:39:56 +02:00

Could consider the channel having the most variance on the considered set of images.

Could consider the channel having the most variance on the considered set of images.

Are raw values bounded? Should check other rawpy.RawPy elements and compute statistics on a given image.

Are raw values bounded? Should check other `rawpy.RawPy` elements and compute statistics on a given image.

With wavelet denoiser:



With bilateral denoiser:

Computing extremes of images: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100/100 [00:32<00:00,  3.05it/s]
Denoising images:   8%|████▋                                                      | 8/100 [36:40<7:01:44, 275.05s/it]Denoising images: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100/100 [7:38:12<00:00, 274.93s/it]



With wavelet denoiser: ![np_array](/attachments/caa24132-03ce-4e6b-82a3-818d87b1694f) ![image](/attachments/8ad321f0-6608-40c1-9000-7090dd8bd7a0) With bilateral denoiser: ``` Computing extremes of images: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100/100 [00:32<00:00, 3.05it/s] Denoising images: 8%|████▋ | 8/100 [36:40<7:01:44, 275.05s/it]Denoising images: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100/100 [7:38:12<00:00, 274.93s/it] ``` ![np_array](/attachments/4e5df657-c198-48fb-a60d-7a696d96a7d2) ![np_array_1](/attachments/5d2afc52-b018-423a-96d2-0a96b2678129)

Contrairement aux canaux rouge et bleu, l’utilisation du canal vert pour l’estimation du PRNU semble incertaine à cause de la répartition du vert. Est-ce qu’un décalage dans une des deux directions a vraiment une influence significative ?

> Contrairement aux canaux rouge et bleu, l’utilisation du canal vert pour l’estimation du PRNU semble incertaine à cause de la répartition du vert. Est-ce qu’un décalage dans une des deux directions a vraiment une influence significative ?

Rafael ARW sky wavelet:


Rafael ARW wall wavelet:



I do not seem to find any visual feature in both. Except maybe the latter with an horizontal line at the bottom and possibly a lens circle at the top and bottom right.

Rafael ARW sky bilateral:



Computing extremes of images: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████| 108/108 [00:17<00:00,  6.12it/s]
Denoising images for color green_right: 100%|██████████████████████████████████| 108/108 [12:20:38<00:00, 411.47s/it]

Rafael ARW wall bilateral:



Rafael ARW sky wavelet: ![np_array](/attachments/6a087278-77ac-4a0b-b471-882054563238) Rafael ARW wall wavelet: ![image](/attachments/f7299848-2935-44f5-8c70-10011f713dac) ![image](/attachments/27ae7502-b037-4056-b527-53b582004c62) I do not seem to find any visual feature in both. Except maybe the latter with an horizontal line at the bottom and possibly a lens circle at the top and bottom right. Rafael ARW sky bilateral: ![mean_rafael_arw_bilateral_green_right](/attachments/420743a1-0623-4c7e-8062-248e1d111b59) ![image](/attachments/351c5137-e8d3-4b75-a684-ae52f5fda4d0) ``` Computing extremes of images: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████| 108/108 [00:17<00:00, 6.12it/s] minColor=1080 maxColor=6556 Denoising images for color green_right: 100%|██████████████████████████████████| 108/108 [12:20:38<00:00, 411.47s/it] ``` Rafael ARW wall bilateral: ![image](/attachments/fcf19526-f425-4c16-b497-8ed26acfa794) ![image](/attachments/52245566-cb6b-41ff-9494-eb7f740abe82)

Should implement estimating the PRNU for the 3 color channels. Considering a raw image as if not interpolating does not seem correct despite each color channel image having the same size as others, because the resulting pixel does not have the same light trajectory.

Just for visualizing can do so but otherwise should compute the distance as the sum for each color channel or regular euclidian for instance?

Should implement estimating the PRNU for the 3 color channels. Considering a raw image as if not interpolating does not seem correct despite each color channel image having the same size as others, because the resulting pixel does not have the same light trajectory. Just for visualizing can do so but otherwise should compute the distance as the sum for each color channel or regular euclidian for instance?

As requested by Marina:







As requested by Marina: ![flat_001](/attachments/3bf61c40-c4a5-402e-b5c2-022c0b1043d8) ![flat_001.NEF](/attachments/02c39842-4eb1-4612-938a-1bd728ccbecd) ![flat_001.NEF_B](/attachments/c7e080e0-8b68-43a8-a638-629db4137cb9) ![flat_001.NEF_G](/attachments/c23c2af9-bc55-46bb-8a95-bbcb7b870bd9) ![flat_001.NEF_G_S](/attachments/cd8a69fd-fb4f-4946-a01f-ebec0b24f3a0) ![flat_001.NEF_R](/attachments/38d3b4c6-dea6-4bea-b058-626085813fef)

Concerning merging multiple color channels PRNU estimations, I choose to input multiple images instead of multiple Numpy arrays, as I may adjust with GIMP to have brightness and contrast settings easing the visualization.

Il y aura probablement un problème d’échelles entre les canaux puisque deux pixels adjacents de couleurs différentes vont enregistrer des intensités potentiellement très différentes.

Flat-field wavelet:


Improved visualization thanks to brightness and contrast change, only contrast if I remember correctly:


Flat-field bilateral:



For unclear reasons the colors of green right and bottom differ quite significantly, displaying the actual distribution would help understand.

Concerning merging multiple color channels PRNU estimations, I choose to input multiple images instead of multiple Numpy arrays, as I may adjust with GIMP to have brightness and contrast settings easing the visualization. Il y aura probablement un problème d’échelles entre les canaux puisque deux pixels adjacents de couleurs différentes vont enregistrer des intensités potentiellement très différentes. Flat-field wavelet: ![multipleColors](/attachments/b578c77b-ee85-4712-8b9b-e925b27062e6) Improved visualization thanks to brightness and contrast change, only contrast if I remember correctly: ![image](/attachments/96f5be42-61f7-41f2-b1f4-b3e73b65d000) Flat-field bilateral: ![multipleColors](/attachments/e9809fcc-1cb2-43a6-bff5-80972959cd42) ![multipleColors_brightness_contrast_modified](/attachments/c21a6483-eab8-4a7d-8c7c-20159dcc93cc) For unclear reasons the colors of green right and bottom differ quite significantly, displaying the actual distribution would help understand.

Correctly assembled 4 PRNUs:


Do not have lines anymore, as do not - npArrayMin, as I thought it was to make matplotlib happy but it does not seem to care and it only introduce bias by introducing a different offset per color channel.

Also note that we do not notice the Bayer filter pattern, i.e. red being particularly present as the wall look orange for instance, as we are considering noise for each color channel, so the resulting image is just about difference in each color channel which is more similar than absolute values of each color channel.

Improved brightness and contrast:


Correctly assembled 4 PRNUs: ![final](/attachments/61060c5a-b06d-4953-8340-4915af281356) Do not have lines anymore, as do not `- npArrayMin`, as I thought it was to make matplotlib happy but it does not seem to care and it only introduce bias by introducing a different offset per color channel. Also note that we do not notice the Bayer filter pattern, i.e. red being particularly present as the wall look orange for instance, as we are considering noise for each color channel, so the resulting image is just about difference in each color channel which is more similar than absolute values of each color channel. Improved brightness and contrast: ![image](/attachments/b5fc741e-d52f-4afb-86fb-71905973b60d)

4 PRNUs bilateral denoiser assembled for Rafael wall:


Modified brightness and contrast:


Do we also notice lines with wavelet denoiser and on sky too?

Seems to have similar behavior with Rafael sky with mean denoiser (related to #57):


Modified brightness and contrast:


Similar result with the wall:


Could upload 4 PRNUs bilateral denoiser assembled for Rafael sky.

Why is the Bayer filter that visible?

First image histogram:


Mean of images histogram:


First Bayer filter occurrence histogram:


First Bayer filter occurrence minus mean of images histogram:


RAISE flat-field incorrect PRNU estimation with mean denoiser (the PRNU estimation is just the mean of images) with 4 color channels assembled:


With modified brightness and contrast:


The respective corrected images:



Annotated flat_099.tif showing some circles on the camera.




RAISE flat-field timeline:


Rafael 24/04/24:


3064 to 3078:






4 PRNUs bilateral denoiser assembled for Rafael wall: ![multiple_colors](/attachments/b07c6d3a-97a6-474f-988b-b5609b06d15c) Modified brightness and contrast: ![image](/attachments/b5641a49-8621-454a-a44d-bddd65b28a89) Do we also notice lines with wavelet denoiser and on sky too? Seems to have similar behavior with Rafael sky with mean denoiser (related to #57): ![mean_rafael_arw_sky_mean_multiple_colors](/attachments/84be6353-da0e-443f-83b8-61076b5ac44b) Modified brightness and contrast: ![image](/attachments/99d8c95a-dc48-4c3b-9539-2b344a9c7da0) Similar result with the wall: ![mean_rafael_arw_wall_mean_multiple_colors](/attachments/88d928fd-3093-4081-b809-6440e702402a) Could upload 4 PRNUs bilateral denoiser assembled for Rafael sky. Why is the Bayer filter that visible? First image histogram: ![first_image](/attachments/5e84dfa5-de1d-49d3-9d0f-93a55000817d) Mean of images histogram: ![mean](/attachments/1e6800a0-32bf-442d-800a-91569b7438d1) First Bayer filter occurrence histogram: ![first_bayer_filter_occurrence](/attachments/c781c784-d6d8-42b1-aeab-b13a9e39904d) First Bayer filter occurrence minus mean of images histogram: ![first_bayer_filter_occurrence_minus_mean](/attachments/13dae3c7-d4ba-490e-9084-36a7ca03766d) RAISE flat-field incorrect PRNU estimation with mean denoiser (the PRNU estimation is just the mean of images) with 4 color channels assembled: ![mean_flat-field_NEF_mean_multiple_colors](/attachments/934e0bcd-e4bf-43a1-b2b5-5e0e4c96bb02) With modified brightness and contrast: ![mean_flat-field_NEF_mean_multiple_colors_brightness_contrast_changed](/attachments/6891c748-58fe-4264-95ec-2a639319f3d3) The respective corrected images: ![mean_flat-field_NEF_mean_multiple_colors](/attachments/cec62f9b-37a3-45cf-be07-c5b5b943adf8) ![image](/attachments/8c976d3f-f0a7-4e28-b285-1e0c2fda7802) Annotated `flat_099.tif` showing some circles on the camera. ![flat_099_annotated](/attachments/47711922-f231-4707-a6a7-b7497fa4b499) ![center_wall_marker_locations](/attachments/c1e7e78b-6eb8-4d35-b3fc-26997a72382f) ![distance_between_a_wall_marker_location_and_the_next_one](/attachments/ead76174-b7bb-47c5-9676-c2af5a8992e9) RAISE flat-field timeline: ![raise_flat-field_timeline](/attachments/19cdbc12-d1c5-4914-b16a-ef610a59bcdd) Rafael 24/04/24: ![rafael_240424](/attachments/505577f2-29b2-4703-a870-ccb6784e0849) 3064 to 3078: ![rafael_240424_3064_to_3078](/attachments/eed6aa84-95e4-4e53-941d-b7a5376d7100) 22/04/24: ![rafael_240424_220424](/attachments/9b890f5c-3ced-4206-9075-eb5c8d3f2e9b) 23/04/24: ![rafael_240424_230424](/attachments/5fca61e7-0781-487a-aeba-f113475d1bb0)
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