[c printer] Ok.
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ and c_expression =
| CAssign of c_var * c_value
| CSeq of c_expression * c_expression
| CIf of c_value * c_block * c_block
| CApplication of c_var list * c_expression
| CApplication of ident * c_var list
(** A value here is anything that can be inlined into a single C expression
* containing no function call, condition, ... *)
@ -40,11 +40,28 @@ let cp_state_types fmt (h: (ident, node_state) Hashtbl.t): unit =
Format.fprintf fmt "/* Struct holding states of the node %s: */\n%a" n
cp_node_state nst) h
let cp_var' fmt = function
| CVStored (arr, idx) -> Format.fprintf fmt "state->%s[%d]" arr idx
| CVInput s -> Format.fprintf fmt "s"
let cp_var fmt = function
| IVar s -> Format.fprintf fmt "int %s" s
| BVar s -> Format.fprintf fmt "bool %s" s
| RVar s -> Format.fprintf fmt "double %s" s
let rec cp_varlist' fmt vl =
let maybeprint fmt = function
| [] -> ()
| _ :: _ -> Format.fprintf fmt ", "
match vl with
| [] -> ()
| v :: vl ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a"
cp_var' v
maybeprint vl
cp_varlist' vl
let rec cp_varlist fmt vl =
let maybeprint fmt = function
| [] -> ()
@ -130,11 +147,14 @@ let rec cp_value fmt (value, (hloc: (ident * bool, string * int) Hashtbl.t)) =
| CMonOp (MOp_pre, _) ->
failwith "[cprint.ml] The linearization should have removed this case."
(** The following function prints one transformed equation of the program into a
* set of instruction ending in assignments. *)
let rec cp_expression fmt (expr, hloc) =
let prefix = "\t" in
let rec cp_block fmt = function
| [] -> ()
| e :: b -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a" cp_expression (e, hloc) cp_block b
match expr with
| CAssign (CVStored (arr, idx), value) ->
@ -146,7 +166,14 @@ let rec cp_expression fmt (expr, hloc) =
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a"
cp_expression (e, hloc)
cp_expression (e', hloc)
(**| CIf of c_value * c_block * c_block
| CApplication of c_var list * c_expression*)
| _ -> failwith "[cprint.ml] TODO!"
| CApplication (fn, l) ->
(Format.fprintf fmt "%s(%a);"
cp_varlist' l;
failwith "TODO: use nt_output_map to fetch the output!")
| CIf (v, b1, b2) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "if (%a) {\n%a\t\t} else {\n%a\t\t}\n"
cp_value (v, hloc)
cp_block b1
cp_block b2
Reference in New Issue
Block a user