[cprint] free the allocated memory (states).
This commit is contained in:
@ -315,9 +315,10 @@ let ast_to_c verbose debug prog =
let prog_st_types = make_state_types prog in
debug (Format.asprintf "%a" dump_var_locations prog_st_types);
let iprog: i_nodelist = ast_to_intermediate_ast prog prog_st_types in
Format.printf "%a\n\n%a\n\n/* Nodes: */\n%a%a\n"
Format.printf "%a\n\n%a\n\n%a\n\n/* Nodes: */\n%a%a\n"
cp_includes (Config.c_includes)
cp_state_types prog_st_types
cp_state_frees (iprog, prog_st_types)
cp_nodes (iprog, prog_st_types)
cp_main_fn (prog, prog_st_types)
@ -40,6 +40,79 @@ let cp_state_types fmt (h: (ident, node_state) Hashtbl.t): unit =
Format.fprintf fmt "/* Struct holding states of the node %s: */\n%a" n
cp_node_state nst) h
(** [cp_state_frees] prints the required code to recursively free the node
* states. *)
let cp_state_frees fmt (iprog, sts) =
let rec find_callee (i: int) (f: i_node) =
let rec aux_expr = function
| IETuple [] | IEVar _ | IEConst _ -> None
| IEMonOp (_, e) -> aux_expr e
| IEWhen (e, e')
| IEReset (e, e')
| IEComp (_, e, e')
| IEBinOp (_, e, e') ->
match aux_expr e with
| None -> aux_expr e'
| Some res -> Some res
| IETriOp (_, e, e', e'') ->
match aux_expr e with
| None ->
(match aux_expr e' with
| None -> aux_expr e''
| Some res -> Some res)
| Some res -> Some res
| IETuple (h :: t) ->
match aux_expr h with
| None -> aux_expr (IETuple t)
| Some res -> Some res
| IEApp (j, n, e) ->
if i = j
then Some n.n_name
else aux_expr e
(fun (_, expr) acc ->
match acc with
| Some _ -> acc
| None -> aux_expr expr)
f.in_equations None
let rec cp_free_aux fmt (i, caller_name) =
let idx = i - 1 in
match find_callee i (List.find (fun n -> n.in_name = caller_name) iprog)with
| None -> ()
| Some callee_name ->
let callee_st = Hashtbl.find sts callee_name in
if callee_st.nt_count_app > 0 then
Format.fprintf fmt "\tif (st->aux_states[%d])\n\
\t\tfree_state_%s(st->aux_states + %d);\n"
idx callee_name idx;
Format.fprintf fmt "\tif (st->aux_states[%d])\n\
idx idx cp_free_aux (i+1, caller_name)
(fun node_name node_st ->
if node_st.nt_count_app = 0
then () (** Nothing to free for the node [node_name]. *)
Format.fprintf fmt "void free_state_%s(t_state_%s *st)\n\
node_name node_name
cp_free_aux (1, node_name)) sts
let cp_var' fmt = function
| CVStored (arr, idx) -> Format.fprintf fmt "state->%s[%d]" arr idx
| CVInput s -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" s
@ -75,6 +148,13 @@ let rec cp_varlist fmt vl =
print_if_any vl
cp_varlist vl
(** [cp_prototype] prints functions prototypes (without the «;»). It is only
* used to write the beginning of functions right now. If we later allow to
* use auxiliary nodes before their definition, it might be useful to declare
* all the prototypes at the beginning of the file (Cf. [cp_prototypes] below.
let cp_prototype fmt (node, h): unit =
match Hashtbl.find_opt h node.in_name with
| None -> failwith "This should not happened!"
@ -96,6 +176,10 @@ let rec cp_prototypes fmt ((nodes, h): i_nodelist * node_states) =
(** [cp_value] prints values, that is unary or binary operations which can be
* inlined in the final code without requiring many manipulations.
* It uses a lot of parenthesis at the moment. An improvement would be to
* remove useless ones at some point. *)
let rec cp_value fmt (value, (hloc: (ident * bool, string * int) Hashtbl.t)) =
let string_of_binop = function
| BOp_add -> "+"
@ -146,6 +230,8 @@ let rec cp_value fmt (value, (hloc: (ident * bool, string * int) Hashtbl.t)) =
| CMonOp (MOp_pre, _) ->
failwith "The linearization should have removed this case."
let prefix_ = ref "\t"
(** The following function prints one transformed equation of the program into a
@ -317,6 +403,12 @@ let cp_main_fn fmt (prog, sts) =
s (Format.sprintf "_char_of_%s" s)
cp_char_to_bool vl
let cp_free fmt () =
let main_st = Hashtbl.find sts "main" in
if main_st.nt_count_app = 0
then ()
else Format.fprintf fmt "\tfree_state_main(&st)\n"
match List.find_opt (fun n -> n.n_name = "main") prog with
| None -> ()
| Some node ->
@ -333,10 +425,12 @@ let cp_main_fn fmt (prog, sts) =
\t\tfn_main(&state, %a);\n\
\treturn EXIT_SUCCESS;\n\
%a\treturn EXIT_SUCCESS;\n\
cp_array (snd node.n_inputs)
cp_scanf (snd node.n_inputs)
cp_char_to_bool (snd node.n_inputs)
cp_inputs (false, snd node.n_inputs)
cp_printf (snd node.n_outputs)
cp_free ()
@ -1,5 +1,18 @@
node main (i: int) returns (a, b: int);
node id_int (i: int) returns (o: int);
(a, b) = (i, i);
o = i -> i;
node aux (i, j: int) returns (o: int);
o = id_int(i) + id_int(j);
node main (i: int) returns (a, b: int);
var tmp: int;
a = 1;
b = aux (i, a);
tmp = aux (a+b, i);
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