[equation ordering] comments added
This commit is contained in:
@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ let pass_if_removal verbose debug =
node_pass aux_if_removal
(** [pass_linearization_reset] makes sure that all reset constructs in the program
* are applied to functions.
* This is required, since the reset construct is translated into resetting the
@ -215,6 +216,7 @@ let pass_linearization_reset verbose debug =
node_pass node_lin
(** [pass_linearization_pre] makes sure that all pre constructs in the program
* are applied to variables.
* This is required, since the pre construct is translated into a variable in
@ -623,28 +625,45 @@ let rec tpl debug ((pat, exp): t_equation) =
| ETuple (_, []) -> []
| _ -> [(pat, exp)]
(** [pass_eq_reordering] orders the equation such that an equation should not
* appear before all equations defining the variables it depends on are. *)
let pass_eq_reordering verbose debug ast =
(** [pick_equations] takes a list of equations and initialized variables.
* it either returns:
* - a list of equations in a correct order
* - nothing *)
let rec pick_equations init_vars eqs remaining_equations =
match remaining_equations with
| [] -> Some eqs
| [] -> (* There are no equations left to order: we are done. *) Some eqs
| _ ->
(** The filter below provides the equations whose dependencies have
* already been defined *)
match List.filter
(fun (patt, expr) ->
(fun v -> List.mem v init_vars)
(vars_of_expr expr))
remaining_equations with
| [] -> raise (PassExn "[equation ordering] The equations cannot be ordered.")
| h :: t ->
let init_vars =
| [] -> (** There are remaining equations to order, but none whose all
* dependencies have already been defined yet.*)
raise (PassExn "[equation ordering] The equations cannot be ordered.")
| h :: t -> (** [h :: t] is a list of equations whose dependencies have
* all already been defined. *)
let init_vars = (* new set of initialized variables *)
(fun acc vs ->
acc @ (vars_of_patt (fst vs))) init_vars (h :: t) in
pick_equations init_vars (eqs@(h :: t))
(List.filter (fun eq -> List.for_all (fun e -> eq <> e) (h :: t)) remaining_equations)
(vars_of_patt (fst vs)) @ acc) init_vars (h :: t) in
(** The filter below removes the equation of [h :: t] to those to
* the list of equations be ordered *)
pick_equations init_vars (eqs @ (h :: t))
(fun eq -> List.for_all (fun e -> eq <> e) (h :: t)) remaining_equations)
(* main function of the (node-)pass. *)
let node_eq_reorganising (node: t_node): t_node option =
let init_vars = List.map name_of_var (snd node.n_inputs) in
@ -655,8 +674,11 @@ let pass_eq_reordering verbose debug ast =
with PassExn err -> (verbose err; None)
(** iterate the pass over the nodes of the program. *)
node_pass node_eq_reorganising ast
let pass_typing verbose debug ast =
let htbl = Hashtbl.create (List.length ast) in
let () = debug "[typing verification]" in
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