[cli] support for basic arguments
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,12 +1,86 @@
open Ast
let _ =
let oi = open_in "test.node" in
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel oi in
let result = Parser.main Lexer.token lexbuf in
Format.printf "%a" Pp.pp_prog result;
close_in oi
with Lexer.Lexing_error s ->
Format.printf "Code d'erreur:\n\t%s\n\n" s
let exit_error (s: string) : unit =
Format.printf "\n\tCritical error: %s\n\n" s
let print_debug d s =
if d then Format.printf "\x1b[31;01;04mDebug :\x1b[0m %s\n" s else ()
let print_verbose v s =
if v then Format.printf "\x1b[33;01;04mStatus:\x1b[0m %s\n" s else ()
(** The following function should check whether the program is well-formed, by
* induction:
* - for any applications of the form (n, arg1, ..., argn)
* + n exists
* + n waits n arguments
* + arg1, ..., argn sont bien formés
* - The expressions are well-typed
* - The equations are well typed
* - The output is set
let check_well_formedness (a: p_prog) = Some a
let check_dependencies (a: p_prog) = Some a
let simplify_prog (a: p_prog) = Some a
let run verbose debug (passes: (p_prog -> p_prog option) list)
= verbose "kjlksjf"
let _ =
(** Usage and argument parsing. *)
let default_passes = ["check_form"; "check_dependencies"; "simplify_prog"] in
let usage_msg = "Usage: main [-passes p1,...,pn] [-ast] [-verbose] [-debug] [-o output_file] source_file" in
let verbose = ref false in
let debug = ref false in
let ppast = ref false in
let passes = ref [] in
let source_file = ref "" in
let output_file = ref "out.c" in
let anon_fun filename = source_file := filename in
let speclist =
("-ast", Arg.Set ppast, "Only print the AST of the input file");
("-verbose", Arg.Set verbose, "Output some debug information");
("-debug", Arg.Set debug, "Output a lot of debug information");
("-p", Arg.String (fun s -> passes := s :: !passes),
"Add a pass to the compilation process");
("-o", Arg.Set_string output_file, "Output file (defaults to [out.c])");
] in
Arg.parse speclist anon_fun usage_msg ;
if !source_file = "" then exit_error "No source file specified" else
if !passes = [] then passes := default_passes;
let print_verbose = print_verbose !verbose in
let print_debug = print_debug !verbose in
(** Definition of the passes table *)
let passes_table : (string, p_prog -> p_prog option) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 100 in
List.iter (fun (s, k) -> Hashtbl.add passes_table s k)
("check_form", check_well_formedness);
("check_dependencies", check_dependencies);
("simplify_prog", simplify_prog);
(** Main functionnalyty below *)
print_verbose "Parsing the source file...";
let ast =
let inchan = open_in !source_file in
let res = Parser.main Lexer.token (Lexing.from_channel inchan) in
close_in inchan; res
with Lexer.Lexing_error s ->
exit_error (Format.sprintf "Code d'erreur:\n\t%s\n\n" s); exit 0 in
if !ppast then Format.printf "%a" Pp.pp_prog ast
let passes = List.map (fun (pass: string) ->
match Hashtbl.find_opt passes_table pass with
| None ->
(exit_error (Format.sprintf "The pass %s does not exist." pass); exit 0)
| Some f ->
(print_debug ("The pass "^pass^" has been selected."); f)) !passes in
run print_verbose print_debug passes;
print_verbose "End of the program, exiting gracefully."
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