Cleanning after last merge + parser factorisation
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ type t_expression =
| ETriOp of full_ty * triop * t_expression * t_expression * t_expression
| EComp of full_ty * compop * t_expression * t_expression
| EWhen of full_ty * t_expression * t_expression
| EFby of full_ty * t_expression * t_expression
| EConst of full_ty * const
| ETuple of full_ty * (t_expression list)
| EApp of full_ty * t_node * t_expression
@ -60,6 +60,53 @@
| RVar _, (FTList tl, l) -> (FTList (FTBase TReal :: tl), v :: l)
| _ -> raise (MyParsingError ("This exception should not have been raised.",
let monop_condition expr typ_constraint error_msg res =
if type_exp expr = typ_constraint
then res
else raise (MyParsingError (error_msg, current_location()))
let monop_neg_condition expr typ_constraint error_msg res =
if type_exp expr <> typ_constraint
then res
else raise (MyParsingError (error_msg, current_location()))
let make_binop_nonbool e1 e2 op error_msg =
let t1 = type_exp e1 in let t2 = type_exp e2 in
match t1 with
| FTBase _ -> (** e1 and e2 should be nunmbers here.*)
if t1 = t2 && t1 <> FTBase TBool
then EBinOp (t1, op, e1, e2)
else raise (MyParsingError (error_msg, current_location()))
| _ -> raise (MyParsingError (error_msg, current_location()))
let make_binop_bool e1 e2 op error_msg =
let t1 = type_exp e1 in let t2 = type_exp e2 in
if t1 = t2 && t1 = FTBase TBool
then EBinOp (t1, op, e1, e2)
else raise (MyParsingError (error_msg, current_location()))
let make_comp e1 e2 op error_msg =
let t1 = type_exp e1 in let t2 = type_exp e2 in
if t1 = t2
then EComp (FTBase TBool, op, e1, e2)
else raise (MyParsingError (error_msg, current_location()))
let make_comp_nonbool e1 e2 op error_msg =
let t1 = type_exp e1 in let t2 = type_exp e2 in
match t1 with
| FTBase _ -> (** e1 and e2 should be numbers here. *)
if t1 = t2 && t1 <> FTBase TBool
then EComp (FTBase TBool, op, e1, e2)
else raise (MyParsingError (error_msg, current_location()))
| _ -> raise (MyParsingError (error_msg, current_location()))
let make_tertiary e1 e2 e3 op error_msg =
let t1 = type_exp e1 in let t2 = type_exp e2 in let t3 = type_exp e3 in
if t2 = t3 && t1 = FTBase TBool
then ETriOp (t2, op, e1, e2, e3)
else raise (MyParsingError (error_msg, current_location()))
%token EOF
@ -214,84 +261,39 @@ expr:
| IDENT { let v = fetch_var $1 in EVar (type_var v, v) }
/* Unary operators */
| MO_not expr
{ let t = type_exp $2 in
if t = FTBase TBool
then EMonOp (t, MOp_not, $2)
else raise (MyParsingError ("You cannot negate a non-boolean \
current_location())) }
{ monop_condition $2 (FTBase TBool)
"You cannot negate a non-boolean expression."
(EMonOp (type_exp $2, MOp_not, $2)) }
| MO_pre expr { EMonOp (type_exp $2, MOp_pre, $2) }
| MINUS expr
{ let t = type_exp $2 in
if t = FTBase TBool
then raise (MyParsingError ("You cannot take the opposite of a \
boolean expression.",
else EMonOp (t, MOp_minus, $2) }
{ monop_neg_condition $2 (FTBase TBool)
"You cannot take the opposite of a boolean expression."
(EMonOp (type_exp $2, MOp_minus, $2)) }
| PLUS expr
{ let t = type_exp $2 in
if t = FTBase TBool
then raise (MyParsingError ("You cannot take the plus of a boolean \
else $2 }
{ monop_neg_condition $2 (FTBase TBool)
"You cannot take the plus of a boolean expression." $2 }
/* Binary operators */
| expr PLUS expr
{ let e1 = $1 in let t1 = type_exp e1 in
let e2 = $3 in let t2 = type_exp e2 in
if t1 = t2 && t1 <> FTBase TBool
then EBinOp (t1, BOp_add, $1, $3)
else raise (MyParsingError ("You should know better; addition hates \
current_location())) }
{ make_binop_nonbool $1 $3 BOp_add
"You should know better; addition hates booleans" }
| expr MINUS expr
{ let e1 = $1 in let t1 = type_exp e1 in
let e2 = $3 in let t2 = type_exp e2 in
if t1 = t2 && t1 <> FTBase TBool
then EBinOp (t1, BOp_sub, $1, $3)
else raise (MyParsingError ("You should know better; subtraction \
hates booleans",
current_location())) }
{ make_binop_nonbool $1 $3 BOp_sub
"You should know better; subtraction hates booleans" }
| expr BO_mul expr
{ let e1 = $1 in let t1 = type_exp e1 in
let e2 = $3 in let t2 = type_exp e2 in
if t1 = t2 && t1 <> FTBase TBool
then EBinOp (t1, BOp_mul, $1, $3)
else raise (MyParsingError ("You should know better; multiplication \
hates booleans",
current_location())) }
{ make_binop_nonbool $1 $3 BOp_mul
"You should know better; multiplication hates booleans" }
| expr BO_div expr
{ let e1 = $1 in let t1 = type_exp e1 in
let e2 = $3 in let t2 = type_exp e2 in
if t1 = t2 && t1 <> FTBase TBool
then EBinOp (t1, BOp_div, $1, $3)
else raise (MyParsingError ("You should know better; division hates \
current_location())) }
{ make_binop_nonbool $1 $3 BOp_div
"You should know better; division hates booleans" }
| expr BO_mod expr
{ let e1 = $1 in let t1 = type_exp e1 in
let e2 = $3 in let t2 = type_exp e2 in
if t1 = t2 && t1 <> FTBase TBool
then EBinOp (t1, BOp_mod, $1, $3)
else raise (MyParsingError ("You should know better; modulo hates \
current_location())) }
{ make_binop_nonbool $1 $3 BOp_mod
"You should know better; modulo hates booleans" }
| expr BO_and expr
{ let e1 = $1 in let t1 = type_exp e1 in
let e2 = $3 in let t2 = type_exp e2 in
if t1 = t2 && t1 = FTBase TBool
then EBinOp (t1, BOp_and, $1, $3)
else raise (MyParsingError ("You should know better; conjunction \
hates numbers",
current_location())) }
{ make_binop_bool $1 $3 BOp_and
"You should know better; conjunction hates numbers" }
| expr BO_or expr
{ let e1 = $1 in let t1 = type_exp e1 in
let e2 = $3 in let t2 = type_exp e2 in
if t1 = t2 && t1 = FTBase TBool
then EBinOp (t1, BOp_or, $1, $3)
else raise (MyParsingError ("You should know better; disjunction \
hates numbers",
current_location())) }
{ make_binop_bool $1 $3 BOp_or
"You should know better; disjunction hates numbers" }
| expr BO_arrow expr
{ let e1 = $1 in let t1 = type_exp e1 in
let e2 = $3 in let t2 = type_exp e2 in
@ -302,72 +304,30 @@ expr:
/* Binary operators, syntactic sugar */
| expr BO_fby expr
{ (* e fby e' ==> e -> (pre e') *)
let e = $1 in let e' = $3 in
let te = type_exp e in
if te = type_exp e'
then EBinOp (te, BOp_arrow, e, (EMonOp (te, MOp_pre, e')))
let e1 = $1 in let t1 = type_exp e1 in
let e2 = $3 in let t2 = type_exp e2 in
if t1 = t2
then EBinOp (t1, BOp_arrow, e1, (EMonOp (t1, MOp_pre, e2)))
else raise (MyParsingError ("The fby does not type-check!",
current_location())) }
/* Comparison operators */
| expr EQUAL expr
{ let e1 = $1 in let t1 = type_exp e1 in
let e2 = $3 in let t2 = type_exp e2 in
if t1 = t2
then EComp (FTBase TBool, COp_eq, $1, $3)
else raise (MyParsingError ("The equality does not type-check!",
current_location())) }
{ make_comp $1 $3 COp_eq "The equality does not type-check!" }
| expr CMP_neq expr
{ let e1 = $1 in let t1 = type_exp e1 in
let e2 = $3 in let t2 = type_exp e2 in
if t1 = t2
then EComp (FTBase TBool, COp_neq, $1, $3)
else raise (MyParsingError ("The inequality does not type-check!",
current_location())) }
{ make_comp $1 $3 COp_neq "The inquality does not type-check!" }
| expr CMP_le expr
{ let e1 = $1 in let t1 = type_exp e1 in
let e2 = $3 in let t2 = type_exp e2 in
if t1 = t2 && t1 <> FTBase TBool
then EComp (FTBase TBool, COp_le, $1, $3)
else raise (MyParsingError ("The comparison does not type-check!",
current_location())) }
{ make_comp_nonbool $1 $3 COp_le "The comparison <= does not type-check!" }
| expr CMP_lt expr
{ let e1 = $1 in let t1 = type_exp e1 in
let e2 = $3 in let t2 = type_exp e2 in
if t1 = t2 && t1 <> FTBase TBool
then EComp (FTBase TBool, COp_lt, $1, $3)
else raise (MyParsingError ("The comparison does not type-check!",
current_location())) }
{ make_comp_nonbool $1 $3 COp_lt "The comparison < does not type-check!" }
| expr CMP_ge expr
{ let e1 = $1 in let t1 = type_exp e1 in
let e2 = $3 in let t2 = type_exp e2 in
if t1 = t2 && t1 <> FTBase TBool
then EComp (FTBase TBool, COp_ge, $1, $3)
else raise (MyParsingError ("The comparison does not type-check!",
current_location())) }
{ make_comp_nonbool $1 $3 COp_ge "The comparison >= does not type-check!" }
| expr CMP_gt expr
{ let e1 = $1 in let t1 = type_exp e1 in
let e2 = $3 in let t2 = type_exp e2 in
if t1 = t2 && t1 <> FTBase TBool
then EComp (FTBase TBool, COp_gt, $1, $3)
else raise (MyParsingError ("The comparison does not type-check!",
current_location())) }
{ make_comp_nonbool $1 $3 COp_gt "The comparison > does not type-check!" }
/* Tertiary operators */
| IF expr THEN expr ELSE expr
{ let e1 = $2 in let t1 = type_exp e1 in
let e2 = $4 in let t2 = type_exp e2 in
let e3 = $6 in let t3 = type_exp e3 in
if t2 = t3 && t1 = FTBase TBool
then ETriOp (t2, TOp_if, e1, e2, e3)
else raise (MyParsingError ("The if-then-else does not type-check!",
current_location())) }
{ make_tertiary $2 $4 $6 TOp_if "The if-then-else does not type-check!" }
| TO_merge expr expr expr
{ let e1 = $2 in let t1 = type_exp e1 in
let e2 = $3 in let t2 = type_exp e2 in
let e3 = $4 in let t3 = type_exp e3 in
if t2 = t3 && t1 = FTBase TBool
then ETriOp (t2, TOp_merge, e1, e2, e3)
else raise (MyParsingError ("The if-then-else does not type-check!",
current_location())) }
{ make_tertiary $2 $3 $4 TOp_merge "The merge does not type-check!" }
/* When is neither a binop (a * 'a -> 'a) or a comp ('a * 'a -> bool) */
| expr WHEN expr
{ let e1 = $1 in let t1 = type_exp e1 in
@ -33,13 +33,6 @@ let pp_expression =
| _ -> raise (MyTypeError "This exception should not have been raised.")
match expression with
| EFby (_, e1, e2) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "\t\t\t%sFBY\n%a\t\t\tFBY\n%a"
(pp_expression_aux (upd_prefix prefix)) e1
(pp_expression_aux (upd_prefix prefix)) e2
| EWhen (_, e1, e2) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "\t\t\t%sWHEN\n%a\t\t\tWHEN\n%a"
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