OOP (#10)
* Update wrapper.py * Update exceptions.py * Update __init__.py * test adjusted for new changes * Update wrapper.py
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,81 +3,86 @@ sys.path.append("..")
import waybackpy
import pytest
user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; rv:20.0) Gecko/20121202 Firefox/20.0"
def test_clean_url():
test_url = " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network security "
answer = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_security"
test_result = waybackpy.clean_url(test_url)
target = waybackpy.Url(test_url, user_agent)
test_result = target.clean_url()
assert answer == test_result
def test_url_check():
InvalidUrl = "http://wwwgooglecom/"
broken_url = "http://wwwgooglecom/"
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info:
waybackpy.Url(broken_url, user_agent)
def test_save():
# Test for urls that exist and can be archived.
archived_url1 = waybackpy.save(url1, UA=user_agent)
target = waybackpy.Url(url1, user_agent)
archived_url1 = target.save()
assert url1 in archived_url1
# Test for urls that are incorrect.
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info:
url2 = "ha ha ha ha"
waybackpy.save(url2, UA=user_agent)
waybackpy.Url(url2, user_agent)
# Test for urls not allowed to archive by robot.txt.
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info:
url3 = "http://www.archive.is/faq.html"
waybackpy.save(url3, UA=user_agent)
target = waybackpy.Url(url3, user_agent)
# Non existent urls, test
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info:
url4 = "https://githfgdhshajagjstgeths537agajaajgsagudadhuss8762346887adsiugujsdgahub.us"
archived_url4 = waybackpy.save(url4, UA=user_agent)
target = waybackpy.Url(url3, user_agent)
def test_near():
url = "google.com"
archive_near_year = waybackpy.near(url, year=2010, UA=user_agent)
target = waybackpy.Url(url, user_agent)
archive_near_year = target.near(year=2010)
assert "2010" in archive_near_year
archive_near_month_year = waybackpy.near(url, year=2015, month=2, UA=user_agent)
archive_near_month_year = target.near( year=2015, month=2)
assert ("201502" in archive_near_month_year) or ("201501" in archive_near_month_year) or ("201503" in archive_near_month_year)
archive_near_day_month_year = waybackpy.near(url, year=2006, month=11, day=15, UA=user_agent)
archive_near_day_month_year = target.near(year=2006, month=11, day=15)
assert ("20061114" in archive_near_day_month_year) or ("20061115" in archive_near_day_month_year) or ("2006116" in archive_near_day_month_year)
archive_near_hour_day_month_year = waybackpy.near("www.python.org", year=2008, month=5, day=9, hour=15, UA=user_agent)
target = waybackpy.Url("www.python.org", user_agent)
archive_near_hour_day_month_year = target.near(year=2008, month=5, day=9, hour=15)
assert ("2008050915" in archive_near_hour_day_month_year) or ("2008050914" in archive_near_hour_day_month_year) or ("2008050913" in archive_near_hour_day_month_year)
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info:
NeverArchivedUrl = "https://ee_3n.wrihkeipef4edia.org/rwti5r_ki/Nertr6w_rork_rse7c_urity"
waybackpy.near(NeverArchivedUrl, year=2010, UA=user_agent)
target = waybackpy.Url(NeverArchivedUrl, user_agent)
def test_oldest():
url = "github.com/akamhy/waybackpy"
archive_oldest = waybackpy.oldest(url, UA=user_agent)
assert "20200504141153" in archive_oldest
target = waybackpy.Url(url, user_agent)
assert "20200504141153" in target.oldest()
def test_newest():
url = "github.com/akamhy/waybackpy"
archive_newest = waybackpy.newest(url, UA=user_agent)
assert url in archive_newest
target = waybackpy.Url(url, user_agent)
assert url in target.newest()
def test_get():
oldest_google_archive = waybackpy.oldest("google.com", UA=user_agent)
oldest_google_page_text = waybackpy.get(oldest_google_archive, UA=user_agent)
assert "Welcome to Google" in oldest_google_page_text
target = waybackpy.Url("google.com", user_agent)
assert "Welcome to Google" in target.get(target.oldest())
def test_total_archives():
count1 = waybackpy.total_archives(" https://google.com ", UA=user_agent)
assert count1 > 500000
target = waybackpy.Url(" https://google.com ", user_agent)
assert target.total_archives() > 500000
count2 = waybackpy.total_archives("https://gaha.e4i3n.m5iai3kip6ied.cima/gahh2718gs/ahkst63t7gad8", UA=user_agent)
assert count2 == 0
target = waybackpy.Url(" https://gaha.e4i3n.m5iai3kip6ied.cima/gahh2718gs/ahkst63t7gad8 ", user_agent)
assert target.total_archives() == 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -96,3 +101,4 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -25,6 +25,6 @@ Full documentation @ <https://akamhy.github.io/waybackpy/>.
:license: MIT
from .wrapper import save, near, oldest, newest, get, clean_url, url_check, total_archives
from .wrapper import Url
from .__version__ import __title__, __description__, __url__, __version__
from .__version__ import __author__, __author_email__, __license__, __copyright__
@ -1,43 +1,6 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
class TooManyArchivingRequests(Exception):
"""Error when a single url reqeusted for archiving too many times in a short timespam.
Wayback machine doesn't supports archivng any url too many times in a short period of time.
class WaybackError(Exception):
class ArchivingNotAllowed(Exception):
"""Files like robots.txt are set to deny robot archiving.
Wayback machine respects these file, will not archive.
class PageNotSaved(Exception):
When unable to save a webpage.
class ArchiveNotFound(Exception):
When a page was never archived but client asks for old archive.
class UrlNotFound(Exception):
Raised when 404 UrlNotFound.
class BadGateWay(Exception):
Raised when 502 bad gateway.
class WaybackUnavailable(Exception):
Raised when 503 API Service Temporarily Unavailable.
class InvalidUrl(Exception):
Raised when url doesn't follow the standard url format.
Raised when API Service error.
@ -1,149 +1,160 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import sys
import json
from datetime import datetime
from waybackpy.exceptions import TooManyArchivingRequests, ArchivingNotAllowed, PageNotSaved, ArchiveNotFound, UrlNotFound, BadGateWay, InvalidUrl, WaybackUnavailable
from waybackpy.exceptions import WaybackError
version = (3, 0)
cur_version = sys.version_info
python_version = sys.version_info
if cur_version >= version: # If the python ver >= 3
if python_version >= version: # If the python ver >= 3
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
else: # For python2.x
from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, HTTPError, URLError
default_UA = "waybackpy python package ; ( https://github.com/akamhy/waybackpy )"
default_UA = "waybackpy python package - https://github.com/akamhy/waybackpy"
def url_check(url):
if "." not in url:
raise InvalidUrl("'%s' is not a vaild url." % url)
class Url():
def clean_url(url):
return str(url).strip().replace(" ","_")
def __init__(self, url, user_agent=default_UA):
self.url = url
self.user_agent = user_agent
def wayback_timestamp(**kwargs):
return (
self.url_check() # checks url validity on init.
def handle_HTTPError(e):
if e.code == 502:
raise BadGateWay(e)
elif e.code == 503:
raise WaybackUnavailable(e)
elif e.code == 429:
raise TooManyArchivingRequests(e)
elif e.code == 404:
raise UrlNotFound(e)
def __repr__(self):
return "waybackpy.Url(url=%s, user_agent=%s)" % (self.url, self.user_agent)
def save(url, UA=default_UA):
request_url = ("https://web.archive.org/save/" + clean_url(url))
def __str__(self):
return "%s" % self.clean_url()
hdr = { 'User-Agent' : '%s' % UA } #nosec
req = Request(request_url, headers=hdr) #nosec
def url_check(self):
if "." not in self.url:
raise URLError("'%s' is not a vaild url." % self.url)
return True
def clean_url(self):
return str(self.url).strip().replace(" ","_")
def wayback_timestamp(self, **kwargs):
return (
def handle_HTTPError(self, e):
if e.code >= 500:
raise WaybackError(e) from None
if e.code == 429:
raise WaybackError(e) from None
if e.code == 404:
raise HTTPError(e) from None
def save(self):
request_url = ("https://web.archive.org/save/" + self.clean_url())
hdr = { 'User-Agent' : '%s' % self.user_agent } #nosec
req = Request(request_url, headers=hdr) #nosec
response = urlopen(req) #nosec
except HTTPError as e:
if handle_HTTPError(e) is None:
raise PageNotSaved(e)
except URLError:
response = urlopen(req) #nosec
except URLError as e:
raise UrlNotFound(e)
except HTTPError as e:
if self.handle_HTTPError(e) is None:
raise WaybackError(e)
except URLError:
response = urlopen(req) #nosec
except URLError as e:
raise HTTPError(e)
header = response.headers
header = response.headers
if "exclusion.robots.policy" in str(header):
raise ArchivingNotAllowed("Can not archive %s. Disabled by site owner." % (url))
arch = re.search(r"rel=\"memento.*?web\.archive\.org(/web/[0-9]{14}/.*?)>", str(header)).group(1)
except KeyError as e:
raise WaybackError(e)
return "https://web.archive.org" + header['Content-Location']
return "https://web.archive.org" + arch
def get(url, encoding=None, UA=default_UA):
hdr = { 'User-Agent' : '%s' % UA }
req = Request(clean_url(url), headers=hdr) #nosec
def get(self, url=None, user_agent=None, encoding=None):
if not url:
url = self.clean_url()
if not user_agent:
user_agent = self.user_agent
hdr = { 'User-Agent' : '%s' % user_agent }
req = Request(url, headers=hdr) #nosec
resp=urlopen(req) #nosec
except URLError:
resp=urlopen(req) #nosec
except URLError as e:
raise UrlNotFound(e)
except URLError:
resp=urlopen(req) #nosec
except URLError as e:
raise HTTPError(e)
if not encoding:
encoding= resp.headers['content-type'].split('charset=')[-1]
except AttributeError:
encoding = "UTF-8"
return resp.read().decode(encoding.replace("text/html", "UTF-8", 1))
def near(self, **kwargs):
year=kwargs.get("year", datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y'))
month=kwargs.get("month", datetime.utcnow().strftime('%m'))
day=kwargs.get("day", datetime.utcnow().strftime('%d'))
hour=kwargs.get("hour", datetime.utcnow().strftime('%H'))
minute=kwargs.get("minute", datetime.utcnow().strftime('%M'))
timestamp = self.wayback_timestamp(year=year,month=month,day=day,hour=hour,minute=minute)
request_url = "https://archive.org/wayback/available?url=%s×tamp=%s" % (self.clean_url(), str(timestamp))
hdr = { 'User-Agent' : '%s' % self.user_agent }
req = Request(request_url, headers=hdr) # nosec
if encoding is None:
encoding= resp.headers['content-type'].split('charset=')[-1]
except AttributeError:
encoding = "UTF-8"
response = urlopen(req) #nosec
except HTTPError as e:
return resp.read().decode(encoding.replace("text/html", "UTF-8", 1))
data = json.loads(response.read().decode("UTF-8"))
if not data["archived_snapshots"]:
raise WaybackError("'%s' is not yet archived." % url)
def near(url, **kwargs):
archive_url = (data["archived_snapshots"]["closest"]["url"])
# wayback machine returns http sometimes, idk why? But they support https
archive_url = archive_url.replace("http://web.archive.org/web/","https://web.archive.org/web/",1)
return archive_url
url = kwargs["url"]
except KeyError:
url = url
def oldest(self, year=1994):
return self.near(year=year)
year=kwargs.get("year", datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y'))
month=kwargs.get("month", datetime.utcnow().strftime('%m'))
day=kwargs.get("day", datetime.utcnow().strftime('%d'))
hour=kwargs.get("hour", datetime.utcnow().strftime('%H'))
minute=kwargs.get("minute", datetime.utcnow().strftime('%M'))
UA=kwargs.get("UA", default_UA)
def newest(self):
return self.near()
timestamp = wayback_timestamp(year=year,month=month,day=day,hour=hour,minute=minute)
request_url = "https://archive.org/wayback/available?url=%s×tamp=%s" % (clean_url(url), str(timestamp))
hdr = { 'User-Agent' : '%s' % UA }
req = Request(request_url, headers=hdr) # nosec
def total_archives(self):
hdr = { 'User-Agent' : '%s' % self.user_agent }
request_url = "https://web.archive.org/cdx/search/cdx?url=%s&output=json&fl=statuscode" % self.clean_url()
req = Request(request_url, headers=hdr) # nosec
response = urlopen(req) #nosec
except HTTPError as e:
response = urlopen(req) #nosec
except HTTPError as e:
data = json.loads(response.read().decode("UTF-8"))
if not data["archived_snapshots"]:
raise ArchiveNotFound("'%s' is not yet archived." % url)
archive_url = (data["archived_snapshots"]["closest"]["url"])
# wayback machine returns http sometimes, idk why? But they support https
archive_url = archive_url.replace("http://web.archive.org/web/","https://web.archive.org/web/",1)
return archive_url
def oldest(url, UA=default_UA, year=1994):
return near(url, year=year, UA=UA)
def newest(url, UA=default_UA):
return near(url, UA=UA)
def total_archives(url, UA=default_UA):
hdr = { 'User-Agent' : '%s' % UA }
request_url = "https://web.archive.org/cdx/search/cdx?url=%s&output=json&fl=statuscode" % clean_url(url)
req = Request(request_url, headers=hdr) # nosec
response = urlopen(req) #nosec
except HTTPError as e:
return str(response.read()).count(",") # Most efficient method to count (yet)
return str(response.read()).count(",") # Most efficient method to count number of archives (yet)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user