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af947dbf65 Add articles/Euclidean distance - Wikipedia/
Benjamin_Loison commented on issue Benjamin_Loison/Robust_image_source_identifica...#57 2024-04-27 14:57:43 +02:00
Use mean as denoiser

Does not seem as precise as bilateral denoiser.

Mean denoiser:


Bilateral denoiser:


5baabae99d Make mean initialization more general in iterativeMean
1ea1bde910 Leverage iterativeMean in extract_noise.py
674f87d480 Remove unnecessary iterativeMean parentheses and rename addElement to add
7af96d6bf6 Add iterativeMean to utils
7684e1408d Remove unused imports in split_and_compare_prnus_of_subgroups.py
Compare 32 commits »
Make split_and_compare_prnus_of_subgroups.py compatible with RAW images
Benjamin_Loison opened issue Benjamin_Loison/Pillow#5 2024-04-27 14:33:05 +02:00
Why making PIL.Image.getexif so complex?
Benjamin_Loison commented on issue Benjamin_Loison/Robust_image_source_identifica...#39 2024-04-27 00:02:22 +02:00
Download part of Dropbox folder

Above script seems limited to 500 entries. To download all Dropbox files can use:

Benjamin_Loison opened issue Benjamin_Loison/vpv#4 2024-04-24 16:21:29 +02:00
Snap legitimity?
Benjamin_Loison commented on issue Benjamin_Loison/Robust_image_source_identifica...#57 2024-04-24 14:20:08 +02:00
Use mean as denoiser

Current issue is that in theory extracting noise by substracting the average image removes the PRNU, but as shown above we still observe patterns looking like unique artifacts. To avoid removing…

a78dcd6f99 Clean extract_noise.py
Consider smartphone images
c65b3642d8 Precise multiple_colors.png file name
Use mean as denoiser
be9d4f8f4b Add denoiser mean possibility
a15b356e16 Add and use getImageNpArray
809aa7fb43 Correct Rafael images filtering
Track: Real time mean computation tool?
Use an enumeration for denoiser in extract_noise.py
e3bbb2c63d Precise possibilities for denoiser
fc0cc8808a Add the missing import numpy as np in merge_single_color_channel_images_according_to_bayer_filter.py